Curbside Collection Advisory Committee summary 11/6/19

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Curbside Collection Advisory Committee

November 6, 2019

Members present:  Sophie Robinson, Tim Copeland, Rachel Jefferson, June Sawyer
Absent: Frank Swift, Karen Fuller
Town staff:  Town Administrator David Moore and Director of Public Works Nate Mears

Meeting opened at 6:00 p.m. 

The group reviewed the discussion from the previous meeting and shared individual options about the “big picture” discussion from that meeting and potential next steps.  The Committee felt strongly that more information was needed from the Community about their preference for recycling and curbside collection program in general and the automation program in particular.  The Committee also discussed the usefulness of providing an interim report to the Select Board communicating more information is needed about community preferences prior to advising them on moving forward with automation. A draft of the Interim report will be distributed.  They pointed out, that due to the lead time necessary to introduce an automated system, the earliest a new program would be deployed would be in the spring of 2020.

The Committee discussed draft goals for a survey product.  After discussion, the group articulated the following draft goals: 1. determine the depth of commitment of the community to a recycling program and attitudes to waste reduction. 2. assess the interest in implementing waste reduction strategies to mitigate costs to the Town in the future 3. introduce information various models for trash and recycling collection and determine interest in them. 4. determine what trash and recycling disposal methods the community prefers.

The Committee discussed draft survey questions as well as timelines for finalizing a survey and deploying a survey to the community and deliberating on the results and preparing its report back; a goal of working backwards from early February was set.

The Committee decided to meet on November 18th to review the survey instrument.