Special Edition - Town Meeting - Select Board Newsletter

Additional Information about Town Meeting


Dear Stratham Residents,

Earlier in the week, we provided a description of how our Town Meeting will be conducted when it is held at 9:00 a.m. Saturday July 11th at the Stratham Memorial School.  Gathering together in tented areas and the gym will certainly be a Meeting to remember.

At this time, we are writing to announce and explain our intention to introduce amendments to three Warrant Articles that reduce the proposed budget and result in a lower projected tax rate. 

Budgeting Mid-Year during a Pandemic

Beginning with the onset of the declared public health emergency in March, the Select Board, departments and Town staff immediately moved to respond to a number of uncertainties.  These include the uncertain timing of an eventual rescheduled Town Meeting (and therefore action on an appropriation level) as well as concerns about cash flows and reduced revenues resulting from the economic impacts of the pandemic.

As a result, work began on developing a spending plan with a goal of zero percent increase over last year’s Operating Budget.  As we advised the community in April, the Town has been operating under that spending plan and a freeze on all expenditures not required to continue existing services.  The Board is now recommending the Town Meeting legislate that spending plan via amendments to the originally posted Articles 9, 10 & 11.

What is the Big Picture for the Town’s Operating Budget?

The 2020 Operating Budget (as proposed to be amended) represents a .1% increase over 2019.  Articles 9, 10 and 11 are the primary drivers of the Town’s Tax Rate.  Collectively, these proposed amendments to the Articles as presented contribute to a projected 30 cent decrease in the Town’s tax rate from 2019, from $3.30 to $3.00. 

Where Can I Learn More?

We have prepared a new Supplemental Voter Information Guide for this Town Meeting to be held on July 11th.  In it, you can learn more about the specific proposed amendments and detailed explanations.  You can also use it to familiarize yourself with the other remaining articles to be acted upon.

Below are highlights of the Town’s new proposed Operating Budget reflected in the amendment for Article 9:

  • The proposed Operating Budget represents an increase of .1% increase or $9,765 more than last year’s budget.
  • This budget does not include any new positions (full or part-time).
  • This budget includes restructuring of two positions to meet current service demands and achieve efficiencies going forward.
  • It reduces the paving budget in Public Works
  • It reflects many other smaller savings through reduced training budgets and equipment purchases across various departments.
  • The budget reflects decreases in revenues, based on the best available information from the State and current receipts to date.

Residents may recall the original proposed budget included a new Police Officer position, additional monies for senior programming; and funding for a part-time coordinator of senior programming, which are no longer included in the revised budget.

Managing during these time requires flexibility and hard choices.  The Board’s directive to departments continues to require a freeze on all spending not directly needed to continue existing services.  In addition, the Board has taken the difficult step of reducing hours for several full-time and part-time hourly employees and not hired back seasonal workers. These steps are intended to control spending in the event revenues come in worse than projected in current estimates. 

List of Proposed Amendments

ARTICLE 9:  2020 Operating Budget

The Select Board recommends reducing the 2020 Operating Budget in the original Warrant Article #9 by $406,977.

ARTICLE 10:  Capital Improvements Program

The Select Board recommends reducing the appropriation for the Capital Improvement in the original Warrant Article #10 by $79,000.

ARTICLE 11:  Appropriate Funds to Several Capital Reserve Funds

The Select Board recommends reducing the appropriation for the Capital Reserve Funds in the original Warrant Article #11 by $42,000.

We look forward to seeing you at Town Meeting and once again we - the Board and Town staff - appreciate your patience and understanding as we have worked to manage through this uncertain time as a community.


The Stratham Select Board

Michael Houghton, Chair

Joseph Lovejoy, Vice Chair

Allison Knab, Select Board


Wiggin Memorial Library Can Help You Register and Sign Up for CodeRED Notifications!

Be ready with CodeRED notifications on your smartphone! Not sure how to set it up? Our librarians are on call to get you started. Follow the link on the Town’s website ( https://www.strathamnh.gov/home/news/code-red-sign) to sign up/register for Code Red notifications. If you’d like some guidance on installing the app or next steps, send the library an email (wigginml@comcast.net) or leave a message at 772-4346 and we’ll get right back to you.