Board of Trustees Minutes (5/20/2020)

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Wiggin Memorial Library Stratham, NH Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes Wednesday, May 20, 2020 Virtual Meeting Via Zoom

I. Call to Order - Kate called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Roll call attendance - Library Trustee and Secretary Susan Wilbur, Library Trustee and Treasurer Steve Simons, Library Trustee and Chair Kate Kim, Library Trustee Michael Hunter, Library Director Lesley Kimball, Library Trustee Joanne Ward

II. Welcome / Guests -

III. Review / Adoption of Minutes - The May 18, 2020 minutes will be reviewed at the June 15 meeting.

IV. Executive Session - Lesley requested an executive session. Steve made a motion to go into a nonpublic session based on reasons A and C listed in RSA 91-A:3; Susan seconded the motion. Via roll call vote, all voted in favor. Executive session began at 6:32pm. The public session resumed at 6:59pm. Steve moved to seal the minutes determining that failure to do so would render a proposed action ineffective; Joanne seconded the motion. Via roll call vote, all voted in favor.

V. Old Business -
A. Joanne mentioned maybe having our next meeting in person. Lesley shared that today, the town said they are encourage all boards and departments to continue to meet virtually.
B. Steve asked about the status of appointing the Alternates for the BOT. Lesley has the forms for the alternates and will get them scanned to the Select Board to see if they will have the time to review and accept them.

VI. New Business - None

VII. Next Meeting - Scheduled for Monday, June 15, 2020. 6:30pm.

VIII. Adjournment - Joanne moved to adjourn the meeting; Steve seconded the motion. Via roll call vote, all voted in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 7:02 pm.