Board of Trustees Minutes revised (09/17/2018)

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Meeting date: 
Monday, September 17, 2018

Wiggin Memorial Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting Minutes revised 10/3/2018
Monday September 17, 2018

Present: Library Director Lesley Kimball, Library Trustee and Chair Kate Kim, Library Trustee Joanne Ward, Library Trustee and Secretary Geri Denton, Library Trustee and Treasurer Steve Simons, Library Trustee Alternate Susan Wilbur, Guest Bruce Cotter

I. Kate Kim called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm. Guest Bruce Cotter expressed his gratitude for the concert honoring his wife Betsy.

II. Adopt August Minutes
Joanne Ward moved to accept the minutes. Steve Simons seconded. The minutes passed unanimously.

III. Kate Kim appointed Susan Wilbur to be a voting member for this meeting. Susan accepted.

IV. Old Business
Meeting and Display Policy: Lesley requested that we move this and the Review/Discussion – Technology Policy to the October meeting so we can have more time for the budget discussion.

Staff Appreciation / Longevity: Plans for the event were discussed and Geri was asked to reach out to caterer Leslie Blaney to firm up details.

V. New Business

Staff updates – Marsha MacCallum is back and working 3 mornings per week. Tricia is back and working a few 8 hour days (Mon, Wed, Fri). Judy Haskell is continuing to help with programming piece. Amanda will continue to help with inter-library loans and children’s room. Mary Ellen may not be coming back.

Budget – A discussion took place about upcoming budget. Due date was changed by the Selectmen to October 1. Lesley distributed a draft proposal and went over each line item.

VI. Reports
Master Steering Committee – Geri reported back on the committee’s progress. There is continued work on snapshots for master plan. First public session to solicit public opinion will be held October 16, 2018. Geri will forward the flyer to the Board to help promote the session.

Treasurer’s Report - Treasurer’s report was shared.
Joanne Ward moved to accept donations. Steve Simons seconded. The motion was passed unanimously.

Director’s Report - Lesley will send out a report when it is ready.

VII. Executive Session. Steve Simons moved to go into a non-public session at 8:22 pm for personnel reasons. Joanne Ward seconded the motion. Executive session was approved unanimously.
Geri Denton moved that we come out of closed session at 8:34 pm. Steve Simons seconded the motion. Approved unanimously.
Joanne Ward moved to take the Board member discussion out of executive session. Steve seconded the motion. Approved unanimously.

Lesley reported that a board member requested a leave of absence from the Board position and it was recommended that Kate reach out to ask if the member needs a leave of absence or would like to resign the position. She will report back.

Remaining discussion stayed in Executive Session.

VIII. Next Meeting: October 15, 2018

IX. Adjournment – Kate moved to adjourn at 8:37 pm.