Pedestrian & Cyclist Advocacy Committee Minutes 3/22/19

Meeting date: 
Friday, March 22, 2019

Pedestrian and Cyclist Advocacy Ad-hoc Committee
Meeting Minutes from 3/22/19
Municipal Center
10 Bunker Hill Ave.
Stratham, NH

In Attendance: Bettina Kersten (Committee Member, Co-chair), Stephanie Bergeron (Committee Member, Secretary), Pamela Hollasch (Committee Member, community), Seth Hickey (Parks & Rec), and Allis Knab (Stratham Conservation Commission)

Minutes below follow posted agenda numbering

  1. Approval of minutes from 02/22/19 meeting
    • Bettina made motion to accept, Seth seconded the motion, minutes accepted
  2. Update on Safe Routes to School
    • SRTS Travel Plan was presented by Scott Bogle (Rockingham planning Commission) and Rick Fryeberg (TEC) to the Planning Board on March 6th. After brief discussion the PB endorsed the Travel Plan. It will now be moved to the Select board for discussion and approval. Date TBA
    • Summary of discussion points: focus on proposed HAWK signal road crossing at Depot Rd. across from Stratham Hill Park (SHP) – same design as one in Epping, crossing from rail trail – in that instance Cumberland Farms paid for it, snowmobile traffic was driver of that crossing.
    • Epping also has impact fees that Stratham does not[RG1] 
    • Scott discussed where the funds can come from: Federal transportation Alternative Program (TAP) is one option. Towns are also allowed to charge a supplemental vehicle registration fee of up to $5 under RSA 261:153, known as the “Local Option”. It can generate funding for local transportation needs like sidewalks, public transportation for elderly, intersection improvements and more. 25k to start chipping away at trails project. Further discussion in needed
    • Bike to school day – May 10th, Friday
      • Bettina concerned about road safety, about onus coming back on organizers, talk to Kate Belanger, acting highway dept. chief, Officer Amanda. 
      • Seth offered to meet with Bettina and Kate. Pamela – could this be a good tie in for training crossing guards.  Bettina, the money to get the training is in the grant. Does anyone know volunteers that might be interested?
    • Signs for bike to school day, they are specific for a certain date – lets redesign them so they are not date
    • Bike to Work day Friday, 5/17/19 Recreation Department and PCAC will organize a breakfast for commuting bicyclist and walkers at SHP
  3. Update on Master Plan Steering Committee
    • Pamela – meetings took a halt, last meeting cancelled. Plan is in an editing phase, there have been many revisions, current version will be passed along.
      • This version more succinct, shorter
      • Master Plan website not updated at this point
      • Were meeting 2nd Monday of the month
  1. Update on new planning board projects
  2. Update on trail master plan/prioritizing first trail project. Discussion of logistics and funding.

Seth working with an Eagle Scout who wants to work on Robinson trail project, will be a short trail, may connect to CMS in future.  Needs to talk to David Moore about it, what the project would look like, longer term concern would be maintenance of trail.

  • Property by Sculler’s Club that abuts Scammann’s that goes down to river – town owns it – should it be better developed for access?
  1. Future Stratham Magazine article (Melissa not in attendance but will work on sign article)
  2. Other
    • Lindt/LEGO project
      • Lindt & Sprungli planning am extension of facility and a four floor parking garage. Truck and commuter traffic will be expected to increase. This impacts the safety of walkers and bicyclists on town roads due to drivers taking short cuts (Gunea Rd/ Stratham Heigts). One way is to counterbalance car traffic with convenient public transportation. Bettina reached out to DOT and learned that the Town needs to reach out to LEGO and ask for adjustments for active and public transportation. Information from COAST revealed that they cannot approach Lindt, since Coast is not serving Stratham. Stratham canceled contract and stopped paying for public transportation a few years ago.
        • LEGO will talk to DOT and probably conduct a traffic study on Marin Way/ RT 27 intersection. Bettina will find out more about ride share option.
    • Question is if PCAC will be able to take on public transportation or other committee is a better fit for it?
      • Maybe TAC – a regional transportation group that Tavis attends but it is also open to the public
        • Perhaps contact Tavis and Scott Bogle about attending TAC meeting

       Public comment

Pamela motioned to adjourn at 9:45am, seconded by Bettina, meeting adjourned.

Next meeting will be on 4/19/19 for PCAC at 8:30am

 [RG1]I am not sure about that. Did I refer to it or Seth?

 [RG2]Did youme