Rt 108 Corridor Study Committee Agenda 1/10/19

Meeting date: 
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Rte. 108 Corridor Study Committee Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2019
Municipal Center, Selectmen’s Meeting Room

10 Bunker Hill Avenue

Lucy Cushman, Joe Lovejoy (Chairman, Selectman’s Representative), Nathan Merrill, Richard Swett, Michael Dane

Maria Stowell

David Moore (Town Administrator)
Tavis Austin (Town Planner)         


Lovejoy called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM

Merrill moved and Cushman seconded a motion to accept the minutes of December 20, 2018.
Passed by unanimous vote.

Schedule of Events/Needs for TIF to proceed to Town Meeting 2019 prepared by Austin.
Recent copies of approved Route 108 Corridor Study Committee meeting minutes have not been posted on the Town website.
David Moore said that he would check on the status of the Committee’s minutes. Approved Committee minutes will be posted.

Status of survey to Gateway landowners
     Lovejoy has a meeting scheduled in early February to meet with Roger Groux (Honda Barn) and Andy Crews (Auto Fair)
     To assist Lovejoy in his efforts to contact Phase A1 landowners, Swett prepared a detailed memo providing contact names and telephone numbers.

Status of Gateway Survey completed by Town Residents
     Dane asked for the status of the Committee’s commitment to publish the results of the Gateway Survey completed by Town residents in the fall. Austin will get the survey data information and have the survey results distributed on social media and as an email attachment to the email addresses maintained by the Town Administrative Offices.

     Merrill moved and Cushman seconded a motion that Austin and Dane will have the authority to publish the Gateway Survey results in the manner deemed appropriate by Austin and Dane.

     Passed by unanimous vote.

Discussion of Hand Out
     Austin Reviewed the Schedule of Events that required completion

  1. Property Owner Survey
  2. CIBOR survey – waiting for member comments on survey questions prior to survey distribution
  3. Finalization of Weston and Sampson engineering report.
  4. Final report from Applied Economic Research
  5. Status of Jack Dugan’s review of the TIF documents to be presented at the March 15, 2019 Town Meeting

Lovejoy stated the need for more community involvement than presently exists.
Lovejoy suggested that the Committee consider deferring the TIF warrant article until the items enumerated above were completed.
There was a discussion of holding a special Town Meeting to present the TIF warrant article. The Committee discussed the idea but concluded that the TIF warrant article should be on the March 15, 2019 Town Meeting Agenda.

Discussion on Committee Actions to take before the March 15 Town Meeting
     Moore will contact Paul Deschaine to determine if Dugan was contacted and if Dugan was willing to be the Town’s TIF review consultant.
    The drop dead date for a consultant to review the TIF document is January 22, 2019.
    Dane and Austin will have the Gateway Survey Distributed
     Lovejoy will brief Selectman on Committee’s plans to present the TIF warrant article at the Town Meeting.
    Moore will follow up on the Status of the CIBOR survey.
     Lovejoy will contact the top 5 Phase A1 landowners to obtain responses to the Survey Questionnaire prepared for GCBD Property Owners.
    Moore will contact Russ Thibeault of Applied Economic Research for a commitment date for the delivery of the AER final report.
    Austin will confirm that Weston & Sampson’s Gateway Utility Cost Table submitted to John Boisvert and Russ Thibeault completes their Route 108 Committee assignment.
Dane moved and Cushman seconded a motion to have Moore contact a qualified TIF consultant to complete a review and to address any defects in the existing TIF document to be ready by January 22, 2019 for consideration by the Board of Selectman. Dane moved and Merrill seconded an amendment to the motion to empower Moore and Austin to address any TIF document issues with the TIF consultant.

The amended motion was passed by unanimous vote.

Merrill moved and Cushman seconded a motion that the CIBOR survey as presented to the Committee at a prior meeting be accepted by the Committee.

The motion was passed by unanimous vote.

January 17, 2017.     7:00 PM

Merrill moved and Cushman seconded a motion.
Passed by unanimous vote at 9:05 PM

Submitted by
Richard W. Swett, Acting Secretary