BOS Minutes 10/2/17

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Meeting date: 
Monday, October 2, 2017


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Bruno Federico, Michael Houghton, Joe Lovejoy and Town Administrator Paul Deschaine.

At 7:32 pm Chairman Federico opened the general meeting of the Board of Selectmen.


Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to approve the 9/25/17 minutes as amended.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


Mr. Deschaine indicated that the current general fund balance was $6,790,317.08.


Director of Public Works Colin Laverty reported that paving and reconstruction on all roads, with the exception of River Road, is complete.  Paving at the Highway Garage is almost complete.  Pavement markings, center yellow lines, should be complete in two weeks.  Park work is complete and on budget.  Invoices have been sent. 

Mr. Laverty would like to gather more information before presenting a proposal for truck and equipment replacement.

Mr. Deschaine asked if he had spoken to Police Chief John Scippa regarding the radio replacements.  Mr. Laverty didn’t think the Highway Dept. qualified for the replacement program and went on to explain that although the radios they use have not been produced in 5 years, Motorola will service them for 8 years.  At Mr. Deschaine’s suggestion, Mr. Laverty said he would double check with Chief Scippa to see if they qualified or not.

Mr. Laverty reported that all the Highway Dept. trucks have been inspected.  Truck 6 needed more work than anticipated but it did pass.

The Library Staff Room exterior door will be replaced within the next 2 weeks at a cost of $3,200.  Exeter Glass will be replacing the glass in the door as well as a couple of windows at the Bartlett-Cushman house for $280. 

Landscape construction in front of the Municipal Building has begun and should be complete at the end of two weeks. 

Mr. Houghton noted that Mr. Laverty cancelled the contract with the uniform company and asked why.  Mr. Laverty said that the service has not been great and their costs keep going up.  He reasoned that it would be less costly to allocate money to each Highway employee to purchase, maintain and clean their own uniforms.  Mr. Deschaine said that he needs to be aware of certain IRS tax codes.  Details of the IRS regulations were discussed.  Mr. Houghton made suggestions as to uniform requirements.  Mr. Laverty agreed to take all recommendations into consideration.  


Mr. Federico reviewed the meetings of the next two weeks.  Mr. Lovejoy said that he thought the Route 108 Corridor Study Committee might be postponed.  He said that he would be attending the Family Fun Day and may have questionnaires regarding the Gateway to distribute at the event.  Mr. Lovejoy reported that at the Conservation Commission meeting there was some consternation about the amount of trees that were cut at Stratham Hill Park but Mr. Laverty did a good job of explaining the forest management plan to ease some of their concerns.  Mr. Deschaine reported some progress in obtaining funds to obtain the conservation easement for the Barker Farm.   Mr. Federico reviewed the meetings of the past week.  Mr. Lovejoy reported on the presentation that Arnett made to the Rt 108 Committee.  He said a large part of the meeting was spent trying to understand the regulations and restrictions in creating a TIF district.  Mr. Federico inquired as to how the first Pedestrian and Cyclist Advocacy Committee meeting went.  Mr. Deschaine said that he reviewed policy with them.  Their immediate goal is to apply for funding from the Safe Routes to Schools program. 


The National MS Society has requested use of the Front Pavilion for their annual NH Seacoast Escape Charity Ride on 8/25/18.  Mr. Federico motioned to approve the request and waive the fee.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


Mr. Deschaine talked to town counsel regarding the tax deeded property.  There is an issue with a lienholder which is being investigated.

Mr. Deschaine said that the GACIT hearing is on the 12th, while he is on vacation, but he may attend anyway.  He urged one of the Selectmen to attend to speak in favor of the project.  The lights at the intersection of Bunker Hill Ave and Route 108 have been in the planning process for years; it is time to move the project forward. 

Mr. Deschaine told the Board that he met with John Boisvert, Newmarket Town Administrator Steve Fournier, Wastewater Treatment Superintendent Sean Greig to revisit the Wright-Pierce report.  Their original projections were off and now they believe they do have capacity available.  Although the average daily treatment amounts they suggested were less than our ideal, it is a reasonable amount.  It would be beneficial to also work with Newfields.  Mr. Deschaine gave a history of the previous discussions.  Possible future scenarios were discussed.

Mr. Deschaine said that Executive Assistant Karen Richard is requesting $1,800 to spend on the employee holiday party.  Mr. Lovejoy motioned to approve the request.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Deschaine talked about Senate Bill 121 regarding the delegated authority on the NIFTI’s permits from the EPA, delegating it to DES.  New Hampshire is one of only two states not participating.  He recommends the Town support the Bill.  The Selectmen were in favor.  Mr. Deschaine said he would draft a letter of support.


The Parks & Recreation Dept. is requesting approval of a Fireworks Permit for Family Fun Day, October 14, 2017.  Mr. Federico motioned to approve the permit.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 


Mr. Houghton asked the status of the real estate agencies interested in listing the Bartlett-Cushman House.  Mr. Deschaine said that Keller Williams is making arrangements to see the interior and will be submitting a proposal.  Nothing has been heard from the Bean Group. 

At 8:49 pm Mr. Federico motioned to adjourn.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Richard
Recording Secretary