BOS Minutes 12/11/17

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Meeting date: 
Monday, December 11, 2017


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Bruno Federico, Michael Houghton, Joe Lovejoy and Town Administrator Paul Deschaine.

At 7:35 pm Chairman Federico opened the general meeting of the Board of Selectmen.


Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to approve the 12/4/17 minutes.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


Town Administrator Paul Deschaine stated that the General Fund balance is $10,543,161.71.

In addition, the Tax Collector deposited an additional $1,000,000.00 which was not reflected in that number.  The final amount for taxes due today, $376,439 was deposited later this afternoon.  As of close of business today, of the $12.6 million warrant, only $921,013 remains to be collected.


Fire Chief Matt Larrabee reported 707 calls for the year.  Chief Larrabee said that he wrote off the uncollected ambulance balances for the years 2012 – 2015 for residents and hardship cases.  He is investigating collection procedures for the remainder.  After much research, the Ambulance Committee has determined that the 16 year old A1 ambulance needs to be replaced.  They are in the process of getting quotes.  Chief Larrabee said that at the budget meeting he will be requesting replacement of the air packs, as they are at the end of their life expectancy. 

Chief Larrabee is working with the Building Dept. on the 110 Grill and on a special request to use the barn at 2 Emery Lane for an event.  Mr. Deschaine noted that the requests to use the barn at 2 Emery Lane have been increasing in frequency.  Chief Larrabee said he will notify the Board regarding fire code issues.  Police Chief John Scippa said that the people holding the event have already contacted them and taken the necessary steps. 

Chief Larrabee said that the Fire Dept. has implemented 10 hour shifts.  The exact hours are open to adjustment, but for now they are 7:00 am– 5:00 pm. 

In his budget for 2018, Chief Larrabee will be including funds for firefighting 1 class.  The cost of approximately $800 per person is typically split between the State and the Town.  He has five individuals who have been in the Dept. for six months and would like to take the class. 

Chief Larrabee hopes to meet with Mr. Lovejoy regarding the CIP to better coordinate the needs of the Fire and Highway departments.  He questioned where the funding for building maintenance would come from.  Mr. Deschaine responded that the Fire Dept. has Capital Reserves for equipment and building maintenance would be a CIP item.  Mr. Federico requested that Chief Larrabee and Public Works Director Colin Laverty come before the Board before budget meetings begin. 

Parks & Recreation Director Seth Hickey reported that residents have come to him requesting a skate park.  There have been several well attended meetings, culminating in a presentation tonight by a resident, Michael Tallone.  Mr. Tallone reported researching designs for the park, which he hopes to build at Stevens Park.  He reviewed the benefits of a skate park, such as providing a safe place for children to get exercise outdoors.  He proposed two phases.  Phase I is 5,000 sq. ft. with a cost of $225,000.  Phase II is 10,000 sq. ft. with a cost of $440,000.  He showed examples of how it could look, explaining that it would look architectural, not like a concrete jungle.  Another resident, Kerri Vivathana, voiced her support for the skate park saying it promotes etiquette (waiting for your turn, being aware of others) and perseverance (continually trying to master new skills).  It would give children of all ages a place to socialize and get physical activity.  Another resident, Josh Monty, spoke in favor of the park, detailing how he envisions it and reiterating what Ms. Vivathana said about skating in harmony and supporting each other. 

Mr. Lovejoy asked how the group intends to pay for the skate park.   Mr. Tallone didn’t think they’d be able to raise a significant amount of funds through fundraising.  Stacy Dresser, resident, wondered if it could be made smaller and built in one phase so that they only need to ask for money once.  Mr. Tallone responded that it would take approximately a month and a half to get this built as shown.  Mr. Houghton asked how other towns have financed their skate parks.  Mr. Tallone said that it varies.  In Hampton it was a warrant article.  Public Works Director Colin Laverty pointed out that in parts of the area, there are drainage issues.  The Highway trucks need access to maintain the area.  He is also concerned about the lack of parking at Stevens Park.  It has caused issues in the past and he hopes, that if this goes forward, it will be addressed.  In addition, Mr. Laverty mentioned that there may be stumps buried which would raise the costs of building the park.  He said that he supports the space as a recreational area and will help out where he can.  Police Chief John Scippa spoke in favor of the skate park.  His one caveat was that there be no visual impediment to officers checking the area.  He suggested implementing a Town Ordinance regarding use of the park.  He also said the parking issues need to be considered.  Rachael Jefferson, resident, had questions on the life expectancy of the park, the cost of maintenance over time and liability of the town.  Mr. Hickey and Mr. Deschaine said that, according to the statutes, as long as we don’t charge fees and continue to maintain the park, the Town would not be held liable.  Mr. Tallone said that the life expectancy is approximately 20 years.  Mr. Federico counseled the group as to the steps they would need to take before bringing this to Town Meeting.  Mr. Houghton advised the group to form a committee, including a broad cross section of the community, to do further research and to address the concerns raised this evening.  The Board felt they didn’t have enough information at this time to give their support for a warrant article.  They encouraged the group to take their suggestions into consideration, move forward and look into options for funding the project.  Mr. Deschaine noted that, in addition to the people present, he had received at least six emails in support of the project.

Mr. Hickey continued his department report noting that work is continuing on the ice rink.  He reported that he gave Mr. Deschaine a revised task list for all the positions within his department.  As a consequence, he is further revising the list.  Basketball is underway.  The community trip went well.  Mr. Hickey said that he would like to reimburse the tenants at the Ranger House for use of their internet.  We had been using theirs while we integrate our wireless networks at the park.  Mr. Lovejoy motioned to authorize Parks & Recreation to reimburse the tenants in the Ranger House $180 for tapping into their internet over the course of 2017.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Deschaine requested a non-public session.  At 9:03 pm Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to go into a non-public session to discuss a personnel issue.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  At 9:59 pm Mr. Houghton made a motion to come out of the non-public session and seal the minutes.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.    


Police Chief John Scippa wanted to make the Board aware that the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Greater Boston Chapter, has contacted him regarding their annual event at Stratham Hill Park being held August 25, 2018.  This event is held at the park annually and has never had any issues.

In his previous department report, Chief Scippa discussed the need to replace the department’s  Tasers.  During a recent training event, one of them completely failed, and four others had less than the minimum 20% battery.  According to the manufacturer, the life span of the Tasers is five years; ours are ten years old.  The cost per unit is $1,583.29 and will escalate yearly.   A five year contract would cost $1,476 for the first year.  For years 2 – 5, the cost would be $2,376 annually. A contract would include replacing all nine Tasers the first year.  Chief Scippa feels strongly that these are essential devices.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to allow Chief Scippa to acquire the nine Tasers under the five year arrangement that he has outlined.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Chief Scippa is requesting that he either be paid for his unused vacation time or he be allowed to carry it over, not to exceed 280 hours.  He explained that in order to maximize his retirement income, he would have to retire in the month of December, which, he feels, isn’t a responsible time to do so because it is when the budget is planned for the coming year.  Granting his request would allow him to retire when it is best for him and the Town.  Mr. Federico made a motion to accept Chief Scippa’s offer of paying him for 80 hours and allowing him to carry over 160 hours and accrue no more than 280 hours for 2018.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion.  Mr. Houghton opposed the motion.  Lieutenant David Pierce requested he also be paid for unused vacation.  Mr. Federico made a motion to allow Lieutenant Pierce to carry over 80 hours and that we pay him the remaining 144 unused vacation hours.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion.  Mr. Houghton opposed the motion.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to pay Mr. Deschaine for the additional 23 hours above the 80 that would otherwise be paid.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion.  Mr. Houghton opposed.  Mr. Federico motioned that Al Williams and Public Works Director Colin Laverty be paid for their unused vacation time in excess of the 80 hours to be carried over.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


The New Hampshire State Police requested use of the Morgera Room on Monday, December 18, 2017 for their annual holiday brunch.  Mr. Federico made a motion to allow the request.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

The Boy Scouts requested use of the Morgera Room on February 10 – 11 for a sleepover.  Mr. Federico motioned to allow the request and waive the fee.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


As discussed in the previous Board meeting, Mr. Deschaine contacted Keller Williams requesting a response to the Board’s counterproposal regarding the Bartlett Cushman house.  He has not heard back from them yet.  Upon being contacted by Colleen Lake, Mr. Lovejoy did further research on Brick & Barn and found them to be more favorable.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to engage Brick & Barn to represent us in the lease or potential sale of the Bartlett Cushman house.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion.  Mr. Houghton opposed the motion.  He then asked if the Heritage Commission was aware of the choices before the Board.  Mr. Deschaine said that their objectives had been incorporated in the original proposal.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to amend the previous motion to make the contract conditional upon the missing terms being satisfactorily resolved.

Mr. Deschaine presented to the Board the final Breslin Farms Performance Agreement.  The Board signed.  He then presented the second Performance Agreement relative to 110 Grill landscaping which the Board signed. 

Mr. Deschaine said that in order for the Fire Dept. to obtain 2 iPads thru a government contract, he needs to be authorized to fully execute the authorized user agreement.  Mr. Houghton motioned to authorize Mr. Deschaine to execute the agreement.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

The last item of business is awarding the Town Report bid.  Mr. Deschaine said that Select Print Solutions was the low bidder.  Although they did have an error in the printing last year, they made good on their mistake by reprinting 500 additional corrected copies.  Mr. Federico made a motion to award the contract to Select Print Solution.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

At 10:52 pm Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Richard
Recording Secretary