BOS Minutes 3/5/18

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 5, 2018


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Bruno Federico, Joe Lovejoy, Mike Houghton and Town Administrator Paul Deschaine. 

At 7:37 pm Chairman Federico opened the general meeting of the Board of Selectmen.


Mr. Houghton made a motion to approve the minutes of 2/26/18 as submitted.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


Town Treasurer Deb Bronson stated the general fund balance is $7,334,883.79.


Colleen Lake real estate agent for Brick and Barn Real Estate introduced Joyce Fontaine who has an interest in the Bartlett-Cushman House.  Ms. Fontaine has a love of history, experience renovating historic buildings and has owned and successfully operated antique stores.  Ms. Fontaine is submitting a Letter of Intent and a budget from an expert in historic renovation.  She has $40,000 in cash and plans to sell her current home and use some of the proceeds towards renovating the Bartlett-Cushman house.  Upon inspection, there are some issues she’s asking the Town to resolve before she will proceed with the lease.  Mr. Federico said that they can only sign a 5 year lease; anything longer will need to go to a Town Meeting vote.  This concerns Ms. Fontaine, as she doesn’t want to invest her money in renovating the property and then have it taken away from her.  Although the Board’s initial reaction was favorable, they decided to review the terms further with legal counsel and among themselves.  Ms. Lake wanted it to be clear that Ms. Fontaine’s use of the property would be for retail.  Dave Canada noted that it would be a long process, but the Selectmen could begin to move forward.  He is hopeful that they will proceed in a manner as to facilitate this partnership.  Mr. Houghton inquired about parking.  Ms. Lake said a site plan and a survey would be done but there appears to be ample parking.  Ms. Fontaine addressed the Board sharing her interest in the property. 

John Greene, Eversource Energy, is requesting access to a right of way to the Squamscott Scullers property off of Boat Club Drive to allow them to avoid temporary wetland impact.  He’s met with the Conservation Commission and Southeast Land Trust who have no objections.  Mr. Deschaine mentioned a few nearby residents that might be impacted.  Mr. Greene stated that the project was to reduce power outages due to storms.  He described the phases of the project and the work.  Mr. Houghton clarified that this project protects existing wetlands and asked for an agreement to sign.  Mr. Deschaine noted there was one wetland crossing consisting of undersized culverts and expressed concern that the vehicles might damage it.  Mr. Greene assured the Board that they hope to avoid doing damage, but if it occurs, they will restore it.  Mr. Houghton made a motion to authorize Eversource to access town easements to make repairs to their power lines and harden them through the work that has been proposed and, further, to authorize the Town Administrator to finalize the details of an agreement and sign it.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Library Director Lesley Kimball announced that the Wiggin Memorial Library is a finalist for the IMLS National Medal of Honor.  It is the highest honor for a library or museum in our country.  It is a tremendous honor for the Library and for Stratham.  Ms. Kimball would like to display a banner to make people aware of the honor.  She then detailed the selection process.  Some of the key issues they are focusing on this year are STEM, technology opportunities for girls, military and veterans and community outreach.  It’s a very competitive contest; we’re up against libraries such as Los Angeles and Sacramento.  We are the only library in New England to make it as a finalist.  Mr. Kimball said it is a credit to the Town to have given them support.  Everyone has worked together to create something of value that is recognized from outside our community.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to allow the Library to hang a banner.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Ms. Kimball noted that Information Night will be videotaped and made available on the web. 

Mr. Lovejoy excused himself from the meeting.


Police Chief John Scippa requesting the closure of roads to facilitate the Chief Maloney Unity 10K Run being held April 29th at 11:00 am.  They make the residents aware of the closure by using message boards, sending letters and putting it on the website.  Mr. Federico made a motion to allow Chief Scippa to close the stipulated roads for the Maloney 10K Run and to authorize him to sign the State Parade Permit.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Chief Scippa is requesting to spend $30,562 from the Police Revolving Detail Account to purchase a police car.  Mr. Federico made a motion to allow the purchase.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Lastly, Chief Scippa is requesting no more than $9,930 to outfit the new police car.  Mr. Federico made a motion to allow the expenditure.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Chief Scippa explained that, typically, they would turn in the oldest vehicle, but it is still very useful to them and wants to keep it in service.  Mr. Deschaine asked if   the carbon monoxide problem had been addressed.  Chief Scippa replied that the CO2 alarms have been installed; none have been set off.

Mr. Federico asked about the electrical system at the Police Station.  Mr. Deschaine replied that there were some small technical issues, but it was almost complete.  Mr. Federico’s asked about the snow on the solar panels, Chief Scippa said a snow fence had been installed.  


Mr. Federico reviewed the meetings of the coming week and the past week.  Mr. Deschaine reported that Town Planner Tavis Austin attended the Seacoast Stormwater Coalition meeting on Feb. 28th and that they are pursuing their RFP for filling out the Notice of Intent for the MS4.   Mr. Deschaine said that the Smyk Committee seems to be leaning towards finding a use for the home on the property, but they are still discussing the options and will report their recommendation to the Board next week.  


Mr. Deschaine reported that Stephanie Marshall from Exeter organized the petition for Article 23 and wants to hand out flyers at Town Meeting.  Mr. Deschaine explained that the petition is to ask the governor to ask the federal government to start a task force to study wind power within the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.  The governor is attempting to gauge the interest of the cities and towns.  Mr. Houghton made a motion to approve Ms. Marshall to hand out flyers at Town Meeting.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Deschaine brought forth two applications:  Brian Dekoning for the Recreation Commission and Deidre Lawrence to be an alternate on the Planning Board.  Mr. Houghton made a motion to appoint Brian Dekoning, to the Recreation Commission as an alternate.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  The Board could not act on the Planning Board position as the term doesn’t expire until after town meeting.

Mr. Deschaine presented a Land Use Change Tax Warrant for 8 Oxbow Farm Road.  They sent one check for $30,000 which is close to what the Assessor thought it would be, but they didn’t include the registry recording fee of $16.49.  To simplify the matter, we are deducting the recording fee from the check they sent.  Mr. Federico made a motion to accept the Land Use Change Tax in the amount of $29,983.51.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  The Selectmen signed the document.

Mr. Federico expressed concern regarding the trees being cut on the lot next to the old town hall and asked if Ms. Lewy had had a chance to investigate.  Mr. Deschaine will follow up with Ms. Lewy.

Mr. Deschaine reported that Code Enforcement Officer/Building Inspector Mark Morong had a meeting with the people that had put up the antique dealer banner and explained the permitting process and the codes they must adhere to.

Mr. Deschaine reviewed some of the slides he is working on for town meeting.  The Board gave him feedback.  Discussion continued regarding the CIP purchase of the truck versus the Operating budget lease.  Discussion ensued regarding Keno.  Mr. Federico feels it is hypocritical to accept the funds from Keno if we do not allow the game to be played in town.  Mr. Houghton feels the voters should decide. 

At 9:06 Mr. Federico made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Richard
Recording Secretary