BOS Minutes 6/11/18

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 11, 2018


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Bob O’Sullivan, Joe Lovejoy, Mike Houghton and Town Administrator Paul Deschaine. 

At 6:40 the Board opened the general meeting of the Board of Selectmen.  At 6:41 pm Mr. Houghton motioned to go into a non-public session to discuss the acquisition of property that would put the Town at a disadvantage if disclosed.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  At 7:00 pm Mr. Houghton motioned to come out of the non-public session and seal the minutes.  Mr. O’Sullivan seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  At 7:03 pm the Board reconvened its public session.

Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to approve the minutes of June 4, 2018.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Town Treasurer Deb Bronson stated that the General Fund balance is $4,810,951.35.  When asked about taking on the role of Treasurer for the Park Association, Ms. Bronson said she has not yet met with the current Treasurer, Cantrece Forest, to determine what roles and responsibilities the position entails.

Mr. Houghton discussed a Memorandum of Understanding from Perlowski Properties with respect to the old Town Hall property which lays out the structure for finalizing a Purchase & Sale Agreement.  Mr. Lovejoy motioned to accept and execute the MoU as presented.  Mr. O’Sullivan seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to authorize the $82,550 withdrawal from the Heritage Commission funds for various items associated with the building.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Chief of Police John Scippa presented his May dashboard highlighting the fact that overtime was down by 21% year to date over last year.  Vehicle maintenance and Operations had initial increases year to date over last year but are expected to decrease over time.  Summons, arrests, and accidents have decreased.  Mr. Houghton would like to see Safety as a Key Performance Indicator.  Chief Scippa talked about upcoming training courses for his department.  He noted that working with the EMS/Fire Department for the Active Shooter training proved to be an excellent collaboration and they plan to do more of it.  Mr. Deschaine requested that, in addition to the schools, they include the Municipal Center and Library in their active shooter trainings.  Chief Scippa reported on a tabletop exercise he is organizing with the Emergency Management Director David Barr and with Dept. of Homeland Security, stakeholders from Fair Committee, and with Fire Chief Matt Larrabee. 

Among other items in Chief Scippa’s report:  He is working with Public Works Director Colin Laverty regarding the Police Dept. sign repair.  His department is excited to work with the Parks & Recreation department on three upcoming Bike Rodeos.  He reported ongoing IT issues.  Mr. O’Sullivan would like to see those issues addressed as soon as possible.

Chief Scippa raised the issue of using the town credit card vs the department card.  Discussion ensued regarding issues with reconciling the credit card statements.  Various ways to handle the matter were discussed.  The Selectmen advocated each department have their own credit card, which would necessitate raising the credit limits.  Mr. Deschaine will detail a report regarding the problem and possible solutions.   

Chief Scippa reported that he may have a possible retirement in his department and is therefore anticipating an open position.  Hiring an officer is a lengthy process.

The second part of the video system upgrade is being scheduled. 

Lieutenant Pierce is working with Public Works Director Colin Laverty on testing an electronic roadside message board.  Lt. Pierce is applying for a grant for the project.

Mr. O’Sullivan asked what Chief Scippa’s ideal number of staff would be.  Chief Scippa responded 14-15.  He continued that currently, they can adequately do the job, but they are thin. 

Chief Scippa detailed an issue that is representative of several issues they have that have been put on the back burner because of the lack of staff.  Mr. Houghton encouraged him to document what has changed over the years that have led to the need for increased staffing. 

Chief Scippa reported that he has been elected President of the Rockingham County Chiefs Association.  The Selectmen congratulated him.   

Chief Scippa said that he had to reschedule the Police Officer’s Recognition event from this evening to another, undetermined, time.

Kirby Shirk has requested a fireworks permit.  Recalling the discussion from the previous meeting regarding whom should issue fireworks permits, Mr. Deschaine explained the State gives authority to the Police Chief or governing body.  The Town Ordinance states the Board of Selectmen have authority.  Mr. Lovejoy noted that, ultimately, it is the Fire Chief’s decision as to whether the fireworks will be permitted on that day or not.  Mr. Houghton called for a discussion with Fire Chief Matt Larrabee, Police Chief Scippa, Mr. Deschaine and the Board to determine if the ordinance needs to be redrafted.  Mr. O’Sullivan motioned to approve the fireworks permit request for Kirby Shirk of Barker Road.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Deschaine presented a request from the US Military Veterans Motorcycle group for the Front Pavilion for July 29, 2018.  Mr. Houghton motioned to approve the request and waive the fee.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Deschaine reported that the pending tax deed is still being worked out with the resident.


Mr. Houghton reviewed the upcoming meetings.  Mr. Houghton felt strongly that Town Planner Tavis Austin should attend the Rockingham Planning Commission meeting.  Mr. Lovejoy reported the Rt. 108 Study Committee will be working on a vision statement and a survey that will be sent to the residents.  In reviewing upcoming meetings, the Master Plan Steering Committee will be having their second meeting.  The Board will be having an All Employee meeting with the Fire Dept. on Tuesday, as they did with the Municipal Center employees.  Mr. Houghton will meet with Chief Larrabee prior to the meeting to be sure the topics are of interest and value to his department.  Mr. Deschaine reported a poor turnout at the Safe Routes to Schools meeting.  They discussed the topics of the Planning Board meeting:  the Sullivan subdivision, condo on Union Rd and the incomplete application from the Audi Dealership.  They wish to modify the site plan and invoke their vesting.   

Mr. Deschaine reported that social media concerns were discussed at the Department Head meeting.  Residents are using unofficial sources to obtain information which is inaccurate, and then spreading the inaccurate information.  Of particular note was the inaccurate information disseminated regarding absentee ballots during the last snowstorm voting day.  Mr. Deschaine thought a Communications Committee could be formed to not only improve communications, but also to deal with sites that are proliferating inaccurate information.  The matter was discussed, but the Board didn’t think it was possible to monitor every source.  They advocated promoting the Town website, as that should be the source people go to for correct information.  

In an effort to promote dialog, Mr. Houghton asked Mr. Deschaine to identify town staff who have a high level of engagement in this social media committee, bring them together to identify their purpose and what their deliverable would be and submit that to the Board.

Mr. Deschaine is working with the Building and Planning Departments to establish a cash box.  Currently, they are reviewing the fee schedule.  They will be presenting a request soon.  Mr. Houghton supports not accepting cash.  They discussed the current practice the town clerk’s office uses.  Mr. Deschaine cited the risks with installing a credit card machine at the Building and Planning Dept. 

A motion made at last week’s meeting about the effective date for Assessing Assistant Jim Joseph’s wage increase needed clarification and possible revision.  It was decided the effective date would be when we received the letter.  To avoid this confusion in the future, Mr. Houghton wants the Department heads to document in writing exactly what qualifies for an increase and when it will be effective.

Andrea Benson, co-Chair of the Pedestrian & Cyclists Advocacy Committee, submitted her resignation.  Mr. Lovejoy motioned to accept Ms. Benson’s resignation.  Mr. O’Sullivan seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Deschaine, Mr. Lovejoy and Town Planner Tavis Austin met with representatives from Casella to discuss the recycling market, which is currently very low.  He reviewed the budget with them and upcoming challenges.  No one anticipated this negative revenue.  It is a simple matter of too much supply and not enough demand.  Glass poses the greatest recycling challenge because the only processor in New England has closed.  In general the trend is going downward, but it is still too soon to take action.  The Board discussed possible future actions and will continue to monitor the situation. 

Mr. Deschaine reported that 255 dog owners have not registered their dogs.  Mr. Houghton made a motion to endorse and execute the 2018 warrant for unlicensed dogs.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Mr. Deschaine noted that the reason behind licensing a dog is to ensure that dog has the required rabies vaccination in order to ensure public safety.

The Selectmen signed the agreement with the Federal Surplus Property Program.

Mr. O’Sullivan would like to institute purchasing policy requirements and presented the bidding requirements the schools use as an example.  Mr. Deschaine also had some examples.  Mr. Houghton asked Mr. Deschaine to consolidate the requirements and circulate it for review.

Mr. Houghton asked about the status of the Maintenance Foreman and Truck Driver positions.  Mr. Deschaine said that the closing date is Friday, June 15 and to date the response has been light.  For the IT position, Mr. Deschaine said that the service contract is missing three exhibits.  The selectmen urged him to move that forward as quickly as possible.

The Selectmen discussed attending an upcoming community event.  

Regarding real estate matters, the Bartlett-Cushman property will be surveyed in the next couple of weeks.  The document the attorney for the Trustees prepared for the Smyk property didn’t include all of the Selectmen’s suggestions.  Once they are incorporated, a public hearing will be held.

The reporter that was in attendance asked several questions about Police Chief Scippa’s report.  

At 9:22 pm Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to go into a non-public session to discuss matters of personnel.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  At 10:08 pm Mr. Houghton motioned to come out of a non-public session and seal the minutes.  Mr. O’Sullivan seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

At 10:09 Mr. Houghton made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Respectfully submitted,
Karen Richard
Recording Secretary