BOS Minutes 6/4/18

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 4, 2018


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Bob O’Sullivan, Joe Lovejoy, Mike Houghton and Town Administrator Paul Deschaine. 

At 6:52 pm Mr. O’Sullivan motioned to go into a non-public session to discuss a matter that would affect the reputation of another who is not a member of the board.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  At 7:18 pm Mr. O’Sullivan motioned to come out of the non-public session and seal the minutes.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

At 7:20 pm Chairman Houghton opened the general meeting of the Board of Selectmen.

Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to approve the May 21, 2018 minutes with the amendments from Mr. Deschaine.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to approve the minutes from the All Employee Meeting held on May 24, 2018.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Town Treasurer Deb Bronson stated that the General Fund balance is $2,790,924.27.  The school June assessments are included in that amount. 

Mr. O’Sullivan asked Ms. Bronson if she would be willing to be the treasurer for the Stratham Hill Park Association.  Ms. Bronson might be willing to take on the additional responsibility, but would need to determine how many hours would be required.

Town Assessor Andrea Lewy presented a Land Use Change Tax Abatement filed by Joseph Massidda’s attorney and recommends denying the request based on an earlier non-public discussion.  Mr. O’Sullivan motioned to deny the request.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Next, Ms. Lewy recommended approving a Solar Exemption because it meets all the requirements.  Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to accept the application for solar exemption for Apex Realty Trust at 5 Williams Circle.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Mr. O’Sullivan suggested increasing the amount of the abatement in order to encourage people to use solar power.

Ms. Lewy said Assessing Assistant Jim Joseph passed his certifications and is requesting his salary be increased to reflect that.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to adjust Mr. Joseph’s compensation to take into consideration his obtainment of the certification effective June 4, 2018.  Mr. O’Sullivan seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Ms. Lewy presented four abatements.  One is a Board of Tax & Land Appeals case, 71 Portsmouth Ave., which is BMW who feels their assessment is too high.  The other one is Fairpoint.  Their contention is that towns are assessing them differently, although Ms. Lewy was of the understanding that they do not have a particular issue with Stratham.  Mr. Deschaine noted their complaint is that their poles are taxed by properties, but other utility poles are not.  We have joined a consortion.  For the first time, Unitil is also requesting an abatement.  Ms. Lewy uses the lowest value but they think it should still be lower.  Ms. Lewy continued her report, discussing different properties throughout town that are requesting abatements, and the circumstances surrounding her reasons for the assessment that was given.

Mr. O’Sullivan asked if Ms. Lewy has used aerial mapping to compare differences in structures from one year to the next.  He will give her information on his research. She mentioned she was interested in laser measuring, as it is faster and more accurate than a tape or wheel measure. 

SAU16 is requesting the Scamman Pavilion for a cross country meet on October 10, 2018.  They are expecting approximately 500 people.  Parks & Recreation Director Seth Hickey is aware of the event and feels it is manageable.  Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to accept the SAU16 cross country request for October 10th.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. O’Sullivan would like to give responsibility for events, such as this, that have been done routinely in the past, to Mr. Hickey.  Mr. Houghton agreed that, with standards, that would be acceptable. 

Loree Sullivan, Union Road resident, requested a fireworks permit for July 7, 2018.  Mr. Houghton and Mr. O’Sullivan spoke in favor of giving the Fire Department responsibility for approving fireworks permit requests going forward.  Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to grant Ms. Sullivan’s request.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Mr. O’Sullivan, agreeing with Mr. Houghton, wants to eliminate the selectmen’s involvement in approving fireworks permits, giving responsibility to the Fire Dept.  He asked Mr. Deschaine to take the steps to make that happen.

Mr. Deschaine reported that although one tax deed was pending, it is in the process of being resolved.

Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to accept Amber Dagata application to be a member of the Board of Adjustment.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Deschaine presented the closing balances from the 2017 audit regarding Special CIP items that can be carried forward into the coming fiscal year.  Mr. O’Sullivan had questions about the 2013 balances which were lapsing.  After discussion and assurance that nothing was “left on the table”, Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to approve the closing balances.  Mr. O’Sullivan seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Deschaine made the Board aware that in October and December, because of holidays, the meeting schedule will be altered.

Mr. Deschaine said that it is time to request proposals for HVAC and mechanical services.  They will be looking for a five year contract with a fixed fee for services, plus parts.  Mr. O’Sullivan would like to institute a policy for a minimum of three bids for all proposals over a certain amount. 

Mr. Deschaine reported that, regarding the refunding of the bond, Wells Fargo is requiring additional paperwork.  Mr. Deschaine said the documents should be ready to be signed next week. 

Mr. Houghton asked about the IT position.  Mr. Deschaine replied that he is reviewing the service agreement from the candidate.  All references were supportive of him. 

Mr. Houghton asked about the maintenance position.  Mr. Deschaine said that it is being advertised, along with the truck driver position, and will remain open until June 15th.

Mr. O’Sullivan asked about the part-time HR position and if we could partner with another community.  Mr. Deschaine said he hasn’t molded the position yet but has a couple of people in mind.  

Mr. Houghton asked Mr. Deschaine for his dashboard report in order to clarify roles and responsibilities, among other things.  They discussed the possibility that items, such as the RFP for HVAC, might fall under the Public Works Director’s responsibilities, as opposed to the Town Administrator’s.  In an effort to work towards organizational efficiency and effectiveness, Mr. Houghton wants to identify impediments and delegate responsibilities. 

Mr. Lovejoy has been approached by a group wanting to hold an event at the Decker Barn.  He recalled there was much discussion previously regarding the event that was held there this past weekend.  The number of events held at the barn and the type (private, not-for-profit, etc.) were discussed.  The selectmen considered issues regarding safety, town liability and whether or not the barn should be categorized as private or commercial.  Mr. Lovejoy believes these requests will continue, so they should have a plan to respond.  Mr. O’Sullivan was concerned with safety issues and suggested the Police, Fire and Zoning Departments devise a procedure to handle these requests. 

Mr. Lovejoy reported on the activities of the Route 108 Corridor Study Committee.  He said Michael Dane is creating a survey to send to the residents to gauge interest.  They talked about how a TIF District would work. 

At 8:37pm Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. O’Sullivan seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Karen Richard
Recording Secretary