Conservation Commission Minutes 10/25/17

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Meeting date: 
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Conservation Commission Public Minutes

Present: Bob Keating, Joe Lovejoy, Bill McCarthy, Pat Elwell, Allison Knab, Brad Jones
Town Administrator Paul Deschaine

7:02 P.m. meeting called to order


A letter was received from DES awarding a Shoreland Impact Permit for 85 College Rd. This has still not been reviewed by the town ZBA.


The CC discussed the location of the cement storage block barrier at Stratham Hill Park. The CC is concerned that the location of materials is unsightly in the natural setting and, more importantly, that the CC seems to be more and more often being cut out of discussion and we are "surprised" to learn about work being done. Paul stated that previously the CC seemed to feel comfortable with letting department heads make the decisions. Joe felt that this was a good location for putting materials to maintain trails. Allison and the Commission would like to have a better relationship with Colin and Seth. They are doing a very good job at handling the work necessary, but Commission members feel that we are always talking about thing after the fact, instead of having the CC be part of the conversation/decisions before work is done. Our past relationships with the departments have been very good. Paul explained that they come before the Selectmen and work with the Park Commission when working on changes to the Park and that they come before the CC when there is a "bright line." Bob stated that as the town forest is an "abutter" to the park, when things are done on or adjacent to the forest borders it would be helpful to have information shared in advance. Allison felt that they would not necessarily come before Commission for every item, but sharing an email would be appreciated. Bill will come up with a draft of a guideline for the CC to review that would help Paul share what the CC would define as the "bright line" for when we would want to be considered.


Paul shared that the PB is still considering development on Whitaker Rd. No decisions have been made.

There was a preliminary consultation for a lot consolidation and re-subdivision on Stratham Lane.

Betty Lane construction, next to Emery Lane, has begun. This new development will add another road coming onto Route 108. There was a meeting with a DOT committee earlier this month that included discussion regarding the possibility of adding a signal light to Bunker Hill Ave. The town's Facebook page offers an address that residents can write to before November in support of a light there.

Construction work has begun on Barbara Lane off of Stratham Heights Rd.

On advice of council, the PB determined that the Auto Fair/Nissan property at the corner of River Rd. the site plan is vested even though no building has been built.

Bill moved into non-public session to discuss land acquisition. Bob seconded. Motion passed.


Bob moved coming out of non-public session and sealing the minutes, Bill seconded. Motion passed.

Per Bill the PCAC will be discussing federal grant money available for safe routes to school.

Bill moved, Pat seconded, cancelling the 11/23 meeting due to the Thanksgiving holiday and lack of quorum. Motion passed.

No minutes were available to review.

Bill moved to adjourn at 8:00, Bob seconded. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Pat Elwell