Conservation Commission Minutes 8/23/17

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Meeting date: 
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Conservation Commission Public Minutes

Present: Bob Keating, Joe Lovejoy, Bill McCarthy, Pat Elwell, Ana Egana, Tim Copeland, Allison Knab, Dan McAullife
Town Administrator Paul Deschaine

7:07 P.m. meeting called to order

Received an easement monitoring/stewardship report for the Sanderson Property. No Action is required. Paul will file the report.

Allison received and email from David O'Hearn, member of the Exeter Conservation Commission. He has a new company "field of dreams" that deals with field reclamation. The information will be passed onto Colin Laverty.

Ad Hoc Committee Formed: Stratham Pedestrian Cyclist Advocacy Committee
This group has been formed in Stratham and was approved recently by the BOS. Several of the members have spoken before the CC to discuss their hope to increase bike and walk ability in Stratham. They would like a member of the CC to sit on their committee. Bill volunteered to sit on this committee. Tim moved, Bob seconded appointing Bill McCarthy to the committee. Motion passed.

Rollins Hill Development
Bob asked about the Rollins Hill development and the removal of gravel. He also noted that the permeable pavement has already been destroyed by large equipment. Paul said that the town is monitoring the development.

Allison received photos from Rob Roseen regarding the fence that was installed around one of the vernal pool. The photos show that the attempt at a fence was lacking in good construction. As soon as a one tree fell, it took down a portion of the fence. They want a visual barrier, the Conservation Commission wants a physical barrier and this is what was agreed to during development discussion. The CC will suggest that the shoddy fence be repaired or create a more durable physical barrier such as boulders. If they choose the latter, they would need to come before the commission to discuss changes. Allison will be sending an email to communicate this to Rob.

14 Pinewood Drive
The CC received a copy of a letter to the NH DES Wetlands Bureau from Gove Environmental stating that there does not appear to have any inappropriate wetlands impact on the property.

Barker Farm
Allison went on the site walk with SELT and LCHIP. SELT has requested $200,000 grant from LCHIP.

SELT also received a letter of tentative selection for the ALE program and they are expecting to sign a tentative agreement to receive

SELT also applied to the 1772 Foundation for funds to be for several of SELT current farmland projects.

SELT also will roll out a public solicitation effort both at the farm and through requests to try to raise additional funds.

Municipal Updates
Cutting for forestry project at Stratham Hill Park has started.

Historically the upper ball field has had sink holes as it was created with fill. An excavator will be brought in this week to do test pits to investigate what is exactly there and how to address the problem.

The town has received 24 applications for Park Ranger. The BOS is working on the selection process now.

The PB had a work session to brainstorm about what issues they may want to address in the upcoming year. Stormwater issues were addressed as was the waiver permit for the zoning amendment that the CC opposed last year. They will meet again on the first Wed of next month to discuss further.

The CC reviewed the Social Media Policy. Pat asked for clarification of when posts cross into promoting a particular position. Paul stated that the information should be "factual" not "advocacy" i.e. The CC cannot encourage voters to vote one way or the other. We can state what was voted upon and can include the information that was used to make the decision. Pat will be the FB coordinator/social media and completed paperwork for Paul.

No minutes were available to review.

Bill moved to adjourn at 7:56, Bob seconded. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Elwell