Select Board Minutes 2/25/19

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Meeting date: 
Monday, February 25, 2019


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Mike Houghton, Joe Lovejoy and Town Administrator David Moore. 

At 7:02 pm Mr. Houghton opened the public meeting of the Select Board.  The purpose of tonight’s meeting is to review the logistics and prepare for the Town Meeting.  Mr. Lovejoy also wanted to address plans for Voter Information night to be hosted by the Wiggin Memorial Library on March 5th.  Mr. Moore advised the Board he planned to have basic introductory information available for the warrant articles at the Information night.  This included the request for the Fire Dept. vehicles, the automated curbside collection program, the elderly exemption and the change in polling hours.  Town Planner Tavis Austin will be there to address the zoning issues, and in particular the solar question and the Barker petition.  Mr. Lovejoy would like to have both sizes of totes at the meeting as well as a poster of the collection truck.  In the past, there hasn’t been a presentation of the warrant articles, but residents are free to ask questions about the articles.  Usually a Select Board member is present at the meeting and can answer questions.  The Town Planner and Town Assessor will be there to answer questions.  Library Director Lesley Kimball who is hosting the Information Night has requested information on the Warrant Articles.  Mr. Moore will work with her to ensure the materials are prepared.

Mr. Moore will be meeting with moderators Dave Emanuel and Beth Dupell on Tuesday of this week to prepare for Town Meeting.  Mr. Moore also has a meeting scheduled with the new Stratham Memorial School principal to review the room set-up and logistics.  Mr. Lovejoy described how it has been set up in the past. 

They briefly discussed protocols for running the meeting including those related to having non-residents speak and present.  They deliberated on who should read the dedications.  Discussion continued about which Board member will speak to each article.  The proper process regarding the citizen’s petition for the skate park was unclear.  Mr. Houghton wanted to take time at the end of the meeting to recognize Bob O’Sullivan’s service to the Town. 

Mr. Moore was then recognized to provide updates on a number of open items.

Mr. Moore is working on the FAQ sheet for the Automated Curbside Collection Program to be given to the residents. 

Mr. Moore confirmed Stratham will be participating in the Household Hazardous Waste Day later this year. 

Mr. Moore confirmed Stratham will be participating in the Household Hazardous Waste Day later this year. 

In a further update, Mr. Moore advised that presently a total of three poles are currently out of service in in Town Center; two (damaged last year in separate incidents) should be up by mid-March.  The third pole was the result of a vehicle accident in the last week.  

Mr. Moore received an inquiry from a resident as to why the sidewalk is not plowed along Route 108 from Stratham Heights Road through to the underpass and to the Town line.  He advised that it is not plowed because it is under the State’s jurisdiction, not the Town.  Other sections of the sidewalk are maintained because they are on private property or because of an agreement in place with the State to maintain them (such as the Town Center).

A number of laptops will be replaced in the Police Department.  Mr. Moore is moving that process forward along with the Acting Police Chief and police personnel and the IT contractor.

Mr. Moore will be meeting with AER, Russ Thibeault, next week.

The Cemetery Trustees are moving forward with the tree removal work. 

Mr. Moore presented the CDBG contract, as approved last year and discussed a various previous meetings, for Mr. Houghton’s signature.

At 7:24 Mr. Houghton made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Karen Richard
Recording Secretary