Select Board Minutes 2/3/2020

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Meeting date: 
Monday, February 3, 2020


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Chair Mike Houghton, Vice Chair Joe Lovejoy, Board member Allison Knab were in attendance along with Town Administrator David Moore.

The Board Chair opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Lovejoy voted to enter nonpublic session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II (a); Ms. Knab seconded the motion all voted in favor.

Following the non-public session Ms. Knab motioned to seal the minutes noting that failure to do so would render a proposed action ineffective.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion and all voted in favor.

At 7:00 p.m. Mr. Houghton called the meeting back to order in the Hutton Room.

Mr. Lovejoy motioned to approve the minutes of 1/21/2020 as amended.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

In the absence of the Town Treasurer, Mr. Moore reported a general fund balance of $12,548,163.71.

Mr. Houghton recognized Town Clerk / Tax Collector Joyce Charbonneau.  Ms. Charbonneau updated the Board on Election Day preparations.  She described the coordination taking place between the various departments; noting that new this year is the dismantling of the senior room.  She described security as it pertains to the election as well as the bake sales during the election.

The Friends of the Library submitted a raffle permit request.  After a brief discussion regarding where the tickets will be sold, Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to approve the request.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Parks and Recreation Director Seth Hickey reviewed his department report which had been previously submitted to the Board.  He has been working with Mr. Moore and Finance Administrator Dawna Duhamel on revisions to the Revolving Fund policy in an attempt to clarify the fund’s purpose and procedures.

Mr. Hickey has been reviewing the reservation requirements of town parks and facilities, including such issues as insurance, event signage, commercial usage, dogs, etc.  He’s been working with Ms. Duhamel on accepting credit cards.  They discussed the security of the transactions.

Mr. Hickey continued his report by giving an update on the programs:  Softball has been reorganized and restructured; summer camp sold out in 4 hours.  The program is growing.  He’s been working with the 76ers on getting the word out to the seniors regarding the new meeting space and programs.  The Skate Park Committee is preparing a citizen’s petition for the upcoming Town Meeting.  Trail races will continue this summer.  The PCAC has undergone leadership changes.  They are looking for new members.  The Conservation Commission and Park Association hope to engage a forester to develop a trail management plan.  This will identify wildlife in the area, enabling us to make good decisions going forward.  Mr. Moore noted that there are many policy decisions to be made in the Park and that discussions about governance procedures will likely need to be revisited.  The Board drew attention to the correspondence items and invited comment from Mr. Hickey.  That correspondence included a bicycle fundraiser through town, a petition to reconsider the leaf blowing on the trails and providing accessible playground equipment at the parks.  Ms. Knab wanted it noted that logging on the Barker land was done prior to it being taken as an easement.  The group was supportive of the accessible equipment on the playgrounds. 

The Chair recognized a resident in the room for public comment.  Scott Warwell, one Whittaker Drive, asked how he could stay informed going forward.  Mr. Hickey advised he sign up for the agendas and minutes for committees such as Conservation Commission, Park Association.  Mr. Moore made note of the Select Board newsletter and took his e-mail address.

Ms. Knab made a motion to appoint Kate Davis to the PCAC.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Houghton made a motion to open the public hearing to discuss the acceptance of a donation of replacement tactical turnout gear for active shooter events to the Police Department.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Mr. Moore described the donation.  Mr. Warwell asked if the budget would be cut as a result of the donation.  Mr. Moore replied no; the donation is a replacement of existing equipment.  Upon hearing no further questions or comments, Mr. Houghton made a motion to close the public hearing.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion.  Ms. Knab made a motion to accept the donation to the police department.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Moore reported out on a communication from NHMA Government Affairs Counsel requesting Stratham join NHMA in opposing SB458, which refers to short term rentals.  The Board voiced opposition to the bill, as it doesn’t serve the interests of Stratham and would take away the Town’s ability to regulation short-term rentals through zoning in the future. They gave Mr. Moore authorization to respond to Mr. Johnston with the Board’s support as requested.

The Moderator has requested to Mr. Moore that we bring back babysitting at Town Meeting.  Mr. Moore had a conversation with Library Director Lesley Kimball, who has been involved in this activity in the past.  The Board wanted to be supportive of removing impediments to residents attending Town Meeting, but questioned the effectiveness of providing babysitting services.  Given the difficulty with logistics and not knowing what was done in the past, the Board decided to address the issue next year.

Mr. Moore reported that the consideration of the TIF District was on track for all the procedural steps required for adoption.  Mr. Moore noted that the Town will be hosting an event on Thursday.  Two New Hampshire towns will be presenting their TIF experiences.  The Board noted that without development of the TIF District we don’t have a sustainable growth strategy for managing the cost burden for local government services.  There will be a public hearing on February 20th to address the TIF.  After the meeting on the 6th, Mr. Moore will put together a Frequently Asked Questions sheet.  They continued to discuss the presentation.  He encouraged the Board to attend Committee and Commission meetings to promote the TIF.  School and County officials have been invited to attend the Board’s meeting on February 18th.

Mr. Moore updated the Board on the progress of the Town Report. 

The Chair then moved on to the Warrant and Budget.  The Public Hearing notice for the 10th has been posted.  Mr. Moore reviewed some potential warrant articles.

Mr. Moore has been working with staff to finalize the budget, incorporating various cuts proposed by the Budget Advisory Committee.  The Board also reviewed the other recommendations of the Committee.  He presented budget documents to the Board and described the differences, how BAC input was incorporated and the adjustments and analysis related to impacts of warrant article petitions and other articles such as the veterans credit adjustment.  They discussed what was appropriated last year and compared it to the amounts this year.  The Board asked many questions to clearly understand and support the items that will be voted on at Town Meeting.  After speaking with staff, Mr. Moore suggested potential ways forward for addressing a la carte items and funding some of the new senior activity expenses from the Recreation Revolving Fund.  The veteran’s credit doesn’t affect the operating budget, just the revenues.  Drivers in the Operating budget include positions not filled last year, rising health insurance costs, and an increase in cost to disposal of trash, among others.   Mr. Lovejoy felt strongly in favor of funding an additional police officer as requested in extensive documentation presented during the process by the Police Chief.  Board discussion ensued, which focused on meeting the service level needs of the community with balancing financial constraints.  Given any new Police Officer added by Town could not be filled until at least July and that this is a new position; the Board agreed to fund the position at 50% this year as a way of helping to manage the increase.  They continued the budget discussion regarding the new Fire Dept. model.  The Board noted the current draft 2020 budget includes an increase for the Fire Department due to annualizing the recently piloted “standby” coverage model.  The Board felt it appropriate to give the new model piloted in 2019 more time to work prior to making an additional adjustment.  Ms. Knab was supportive of the addition of a part-time senior services coordinator.  Various line item reductions were reviewed and seen as appropriate, generally, the Board decided to maintain training programs. 

Mr. Moore presented two reservation requests with requests to waive the fee due to their non-profit status.  Mr. Lovejoy motioned to approve the requests.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

At 10:10 pm Mr. Lovejoy motioned to adjourn.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Richard, Recording Secretary