Select Board Minutes 3/20/19 Special Meeting Amended

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 20, 2019


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Mike Houghton, Joe Lovejoy, Allison Knab and Town Administrator David Moore. 

At 6:01 pm Mr. Houghton opened the special meeting of the Select Board held as a result of the guidance provided at Town Meeting from the Moderator that a recount of the ballots for Article 18 would be held.  Mr. Houghton turned the meeting over to the Moderator, David Emanuel who welcomed those in attendance and provided a brief summary of how the recount would progress; he then recognized the Town Clerk.  Town Clerk Joyce Charbonneau said that the ballot box had come from Stratham Memorial School directly to the safe in her office on Friday night.  It remained locked in the safe until now.  Mr. Emanuel said there was a $50 bill in the ballot box.

Ms. Charbonneau counted the ballots aloud.  Deputy Town Clerk Deborah Bakie tallied the ballots.  Final count was 98 yes – 101 no and 3 abstentions for Article 18.  The Town clerk noted the tally was the same as the results announced at the Town Meeting.  The audience viewed the empty ballot box. 

Mr. Houghton said that this completes the effort to recount the ballots as laid out at Town Meeting regarding Article 18.

Resident Rob Roseen was recognized from the audience for a question he had about protocol at Town Meeting.  Mr. Houghton responded that this meeting’s purpose is to address the recount as directed by the Moderator.  The Chair and the Moderator recognized receipt of a letter from Mr. Roseen addressing the same concern and the Moderator committed to following up on the concern raised separately. 

At 6:40 p.m. Mr. Houghton made a motion to close the meeting.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Richard
Recording Secretary