Select Board Minutes 4/6/20

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Meeting date: 
Monday, April 6, 2020


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Member Chair Mike Houghton, Vice Chair Joe Lovejoy and Town Administrator David Moore were present.  Board member Allison Knab and Finance Administrator Dawna Duhamel via the phone.

The Board Chair opened the meeting at 7:10 p.m. 

Mr. Moore addressed budget considerations in light of the lack of a Town meeting and other uncertainty given the public health emergency and its impacts on revenues and cash flow.  Discretionary spending has been suspended.  Mr. Moore briefly discussed preparing a way forward based on certain assumptions so that the Town operations could continue in the absence of a formal appropriation and with an eye towards financial effects of the pandemic as we move forward.

Finance Administrator Dawna Duhamel gave an update on the status of the budget.  In developing her summary, she reviewed a proposed default budget, projected revenues and expenses.  Included in her forecast were three different scenarios:  best, likely and worst.  Something of this nature has never occurred before, which makes it difficult to predict the numbers.  She noted revenues from motor vehicles and building permits had held steady through the end of March.  Lindt was also moving forward with their permitted work; adding that building permit revenue is significant for the town.  Ms. Duhamel described the three scenarios.  She then applied the revenue estimates to default expenditures to determine the estimated tax impact.  The three different scenarios were applied to the Warrant Articles including the Operating Budget, CIP, and Veteran’s Credits.  She described how each would be effected.  She questioned if the Welfare budget would be sufficient.  Mr. Lovejoy and Mr. Houghton raised the issue of the payments from the Town to the SAU.  There was discussion over cash requirements and potential flexibility.  Ms. Duhamel spoke with school representatives who said they are reviewing the town’s funding requests, recognizing budgets constraints every town is facing at this time.   She has looked into the possibility of doing Tax Anticipation Notes.   

Mr. Moore reported that Senator Sherman has requested a meeting with our Chair and the Chairs of surrounding communities on Thursday morning.  Mr. Houghton would like Senator Sherman to address what the state is doing to provide relief to the towns regarding school payments.

Discussion continued regarding the budget.  Mr. Houghton speculated that the Town Meeting may have to be postponed until June.  He was in favor of restructuring the budget and felt that all extraneous spending (paving, additional staffing) should be eliminated and other expenses (veterans credits) be deferred. He noted there are some expenses (healthcare) that cannot be changed.  Mr. Moore indicated a spending plan for the Town could be created as a default reflecting the staff recommendations and Board input to date.  Ms. Duhamel was supportive of revising the budget, which could be used to guide department heads.  The Board was in favor of this approach.

At 8:06 pm Mr. Houghton motioned to go into a non-public session to discuss personnel matters (RSA 91-A:3 II (a)).  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Following the non-public session, the public session resumed at 8:51 p.m.  Mr. Lovejoy moved to seal the minutes noting that failure to do so would render a proposed action ineffective.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion and all voted in favor.

Ms. Duhamel explained that she would like to implement ACH payments.  Initially, she would set up the utility payments.  If it goes well, she would add other accounts.   She believes it is a safer way to transact financial business.  Direct deposit among the staff has also been encouraged. 

Mr. Moore reported that there are seven employees taking part in the teleworking program.  It appears to be successful so far and he has had check-in meetings with department heads.  He referred to a submittal of weekly reports he compiled for the Board and distributed to the board on April 3rd. 

Mr. Moore has engaged Mel McGrail on a project of cleaning and organizing the old files in his office, ensuring retention of historic and required documents in accordance with State RSAs.

Karen Richard has begun the process of consolidating office supplies in order to more efficiently manage them.

In preparation for Town Meeting, Mr. Moore reported looking at residents’ TIF (Tax Increment Financing) questions in online forums in an effort to gather information and inform future communications about the proposed policy.  Mr. Moore is consulting with Town counsel to ensure that - with the delayed adoption of the plan with the postponed Town Meeting - there aren’t any advisable procedural actions related to dates in the Plan the Town should follow-up on.

Mr. Moore had previously distributed a memo detailing the State’s guidance to Boards and Committees for holding telemeetings.  Mr. Lovejoy motioned to adopt the notification.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Mr. Moore said he would distribute it to the Chairs tomorrow.

Mr. Moore said that the contract with Dragon Mosquito is about to take place.  At a previous meeting, the Board had shown interest in switching to organic spraying.  However, given the current economic conditions, they felt it best not to spend the additional $5,000 for the organic product at this time.  Mr. Houghton motioned to continue with the current treatment with Dragon Mosquito.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

A note from Parks & Recreation Director Seth Hickey had been distributed earlier in the day in which Mr. Hickey proposes closing Stratham Hill Park on the weekends.  Having been to the park earlier in the day, Mr. Lovejoy expressed grave concern over the lack of social distancing he witnessed.  In addition, he noted several out of state vehicles in the parking lot and did not think we should be encouraging this as a destination point.  Mr. Lovejoy motioned to close the park lots and parking areas for accessing the Park immediately until further notice.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Mr. Moore emphasized that, with this action - that only the parking lot was proposed to be closed, not the park.  He noted that although there might be public outcry, this is a temporary emergency measure being done to safeguard the community.  The objective to closing the parking lots, as opposed to the park, is to promote less density. 

Mr. Moore presented a permit request for the annual Reach the Beach relay race being held in September.  Mr. Lovejoy motioned to approve the request.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Moore reported that we are waiting to hear from DES regarding our PFAS submittal.  In contemplating cuts for the CIP, he is requesting the money allocated to that not be touched. 

The Town Clerks notices of liens are going forward, although tax deeding is at a halt. 

At a previous meeting with the Cemetery Trustees, maintenance was discussed.  There was expectation that certain projects would be complete by Memorial Day.  The Board supported moving forward with the project.

Mr. Houghton suggested a follow-up meeting be held next week to discuss the budget update and CIP items.  Mr. Moore indicated he will structure notice of the meeting to reflect the guidance from the State AG on recent executive orders and RSA 91-A for telemeetings.  For example, will organize and post the call-in number should any residents wish to join the call. 

9:38 p.m.  Mr. Houghton made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Richard
Recording Secretary