Select Board Minutes 6/1/2020

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Meeting date: 
Monday, June 1, 2020


MEMBERS PARTICIPATING:  Board Members Chair Mike Houghton, Vice Chair Joe Lovejoy, along with Town Administrator David Moore and Director of Public Works Nate Mears were present at the Municipal Center.     

Participating via conference call:  Board member Allison Knab and Code Enforcement/Building Inspector Shanti Wolph.

One member of the public, Joe Anderson, was also on the call.

The Board Chair opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and gave an introduction to the all remote meeting.  He indicated all members of the Select Board have the ability to communicate contemporaneously during this meeting through this platform, and the public has access to contemporaneously listen and, if necessary, participate in this meeting through dialing the following phone # (877) 205 7349 and passcode 2254.

Mr. Lovejoy motioned to approve the minutes of 5/18/2020.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion. Via roll call vote, all voted in favor.

Director of Public Works Nate Mears presented his department report.  He began by reviewing the roadway projects that have been completed.  Mr. Lovejoy commended the work of Maintenance Supervisor Jason Pond who has been assigned to pick up trash along the road.  Mr. Mears is working with Fire Chief Larrabee on fire inspections.  He is also working with Town Planner Tavis Austin to come to a resolution on the NH 111 and Marin Way project.  Mr. Mears described the issue with the turn lanes on Rt 111 at the industrial park. 

Next, Mr. Mears reviewed the results of the Curbside Collection Advisory Committee’s survey.  623 residents responded with an overwhelming majority supporting recycling.  Results will be publicized June 15th.  The CCAC will hold a telemeeting on June 9th to discuss the results and next steps.  Meanwhile, Mr. Mears is working with Mr. Moore on an RFP to determine our options.  They discussed the cost of recycling and possible ways to reduce the expense.  He noted there was extensive community support for continuing recycling as a matter of policy.  Likewise, there is a high degree of support for curbside pick-up as opposed to relying on centralized collection only.  He indicated the RFP process will provide more detailed pricing for the automation program and the Town can take the survey feedback and the information from the RFP and adjust its solid waste management program accordingly.

Mr. Mears reported on various additional projects:  Maple Lane Cemetery plantings were done before Memorial Day; they’ve increased cleaning at the Municipal Center; tempered glass has been ordered and will be installed at the Town Clerk’s counter on June 10th. 

Mr. Mears continued noting that temporary plexiglass will be installed at Library in anticipation of resuming activities there at some point in the future.  Spring clean-up has been done.  Seasonal maintenance is ongoing.  Trail maintenance is being done weekly.  A scoreboard will be installed at Stratham Hill Park in June.  In addition to these projects, he is working on a revised map of SHP utilities, tracing water lines, electrical and septic.  Mr. Mears hopes to install turf in the planting median along the Town Center corridor.  Currently, it is overgrown with weeds and unable to be managed effectively.

Long-term goals include working with the Director of Parks & Recreation and Town Administrator on the re-organization of the DPW and Parks & Recreation Departments.  In addition, Mr. Mears wants to create Standard Operating Procedures for the cemetery and for winter operations. He’d also like to implement a Surety Worksheet which will track development projects.  This will allow all departments to have access to the status of the projects.  Lastly, Mr. Mears spoke about developing an RFP and bid processes for CIP improvements.  As soon as funding allows, the roofs at the Municipal Center and DPW salt shed need work. 

Mr. Houghton directed attention to re-opening the Town offices.  Health Officer Shanti Wolph summarized a four phase plan based on guidance from numerous sources.  Phase I would begin the week of June 8, with a limited number of people being allowed in the building for business with the Town Clerks.  Phase II would follow the week after, with town employees reporting to the office for work.  Phase III, at a time to be announced, would allow for committees to meet at the Municipal Center while observing social distancing.  Phase IV is the complete re-opening of all services, dependent on further guidance from the State.

Mr. Houghton addressed another agenda item:  Town Meeting and TIF.  Mr. Moore requested guidance on the budget Warrant Article.  All agreed that they could not endorse the budget as proposed in the 2020 Warrant Article.  Currently, we are operating under the 2019 budget.  However, unavoidable costs, such as healthcare, must be accounted for in the proposed budget.  Generally, it was thought that using the 2019 budget and including some increased costs would be the best approach.  Mr. Moore indicated he would follow-up in preparation for further discussion at the next meeting.

Next, they discussed Articles 10–Capital Improvement Program and 11–Capital Reserve Funds and whether there should be any adjustments made, though some reductions were seen as appropriate.  It was felt that these articles should remain mostly untouched, as they serve the future needs of the town.  Those needs will not go away; we must prepare for them.

Although Articles 17 and 18 (Modifications of Elderly Exemption from Property Tax and Modification to Veterans Tax Credit) would have a direct impact on revenue, it was thought they were important to support.

Articles 14 and 15 – TIF, next steps – Mr. Moore outlined his strategy for re-engaging the community in the discussion.  Ms. Knab expressed some reservations about bringing these articles forward given the current economic environment.  Mr. Lovejoy and Mr. Houghton acknowledged her concerns but felt strongly that it is in the community’s best interest to move forward.  Mr. Lovejoy noted that they are not asking the taxpayers for money at this time.  Reminders about the warrant articles have been in the Select Board Newsletter but they have not received any feedback from the residents on any of the issues.  In response to Ms. Knab question about guidance from the State regarding large gatherings, Mr. Moore said he doesn’t believe the ban on large gatherings applies and has not received more clarity.  Mr. Moore will move forward with preparing further outreach plans for TIF.  They discussed utilizing social media to engage more people.

Mr. Moore presented an application from the NHSPCA to hold a raffle.  Mr. Houghton made a motion to approve the raffle permit application.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion.  Via roll call vote, all voted in favor. 

Mr. Moore brought to the Board’s attention a memo from Town Planner Tavis Austin regarding 5G.  The Planning Board will be reviewing it this week.  Mr. Houghton wants to be pro-active on the issue.    

Mr. Moore asked for clarification on the Marin Way project.  Mr. Houghton stated that it is the property owners that are increasing intensity of the road and it is a state maintained road.  He wants to proceed cautiously prior to committing to expending funding on improvements given there are other entities with responsibility.

A Public Hearing will likely be scheduled for June 15th for 82 Portsmouth Ave. regarding their 79E application.

Parks & Recreation Director Seth Hickey joined the meeting via conference call.

Although they have had to cancel many of their programs, Mr. Hickey would like to offer summer baseball, Thursday Night Pizza in the Park, drive in movies, tennis lessons, mountain bike camp and Ultimate Frisbee.  The contracted camps will not be able to meet the qualifications set forth by the governor so we will not be able to offer those programs this year. 

The group discussed and decided against renting the fields to outside organizations.  Pavilion rentals for June and July will be cancelled.  They will monitor the situation and decide on the August and September pavilion rentals at a later date.  Attention was given to the baseball and mountain biking programs.  Mr. Hickey addressed safety protocols that would be in place.     

Re-opening the parking lot at Stratham Hill Park will be discussed at the next meeting.  This decision will be based on orders from the Governor as well as the status of other public recreational openings.

Mr. Moore raised the topic of the upcoming elections.  The Board agreed they would like to discuss the issue with Town Clerk Joyce Charbonneau at their next meeting.  A great deal of logistics and planning will need to take place before the elections in the fall.  They questioned what requirements the state would mandate and discussed how some municipal elections laws are being considered for change through the legislative process and guidance form the Secretary of State.

Mr. Moore reported on receiving guidance from the NH Municipal Association regarding Town Meetings.  He also received an offer from Comcast to extend their contract with us for another year.  Given the current situation, there is not much time to negotiate, he said he would bring this back to the Board. 

Mr. Moore requested a non-public session in accordance RSA 91, A:3, II(a) and II(c).  At 9:17pm Mr. Houghton made a motion to go into a non-public session.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion.  Via roll call vote, all voted in favor. 

The public session reconvened at 9:59 p.m. Mr. Lovejoy moved to seal the minutes, finding that, failure to do so would render the proposed actions ineffective.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion and all voted in favor.

Respectfully submitted,
Karen Richard
Recording Secretary