Select Board Minutes 6/17/19

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 17, 2019


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Mike Houghton, Joe Lovejoy, Allison Knab and Town Administrator David Moore. 

At 7:00 p.m. Mr. Houghton opened the public meeting of the Select Board.

Ms. Knab made a motion to approve the minutes of 6/3/19.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Town Treasurer Deb Bronson reported that the General Fund balance is $4,140,557.18.

Mr. Moore indicated there are two fireworks applications, one raffle permit application and one request to waive the fee for a pavilion rental for a non-profit organization.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to waive the fee for the American Legion Post for their use of the 4-H Pavilion on August 24th.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  The Cottontail 4-H Club is requesting to hold a raffle at the Stratham Fair.  Mr. Moore will confirm with Fair Director Francisco Marin the Committee is approving of this activity during the Fair and report back.  Both fireworks applications have been sent to the Police and Fire Chiefs for their input.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to authorize the fireworks permits under the condition that, as recommended by staff, the applicant contact the Fire Department regarding fire dangers the day preceding the event.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

The Chair recognized Roger Thompson of the Port City Amateur Radio Club.  Mr. Thompson is requesting use of the top of the hill at Stratham Hill Park for the weekend.  This club has been doing this for 47 years.  He invited them to attend.  Mr. Moore clarified this application should have also have been highlighted by him for fee waiver approval based on the non-profit status. Mr. Houghton made a motion to grant the request and waive the fee.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Moore introduced Jim Ricker of Wilcox & Barton (WB).  WB has been engaged to perform the focused site investigation of the PFAS issues at the Fire Station in Town Center.  Mr. Ricker gave a brief background of PFOA investigations, who noted it is a widespread issue around the globe.  PFOA (one in the family of PFAS compounds) is found in anything that repels water or grease (inside of popcorn bags, Scotch Guard fabrics, Teflon), and also in Class B firefighting foams.  Because of the connection to firefighting, DES looks closely at areas surrounding Fire Stations.  DES established ground water standards.  NH DES’s standards are the same as the EPA advisory of 70 parts per trillion for PFOS and PFOA combined.  DES has enforceable standards that they must maintain.  Ten years ago no one knew this would be an issue he said.  Mr. Ricker gave a history of the use of the chemicals acknowledging that there hasn’t been a lot of human testing.  Remediation methods include treating at the point of entry.  They discussed the radius of effected properties in Stratham.  Mr. Ricker described the process, the number and the location for the monitoring wells.  He has reviewed the plan with DES.  Stratham’s current Fire Station hasn’t used fluorine chemicals for 10 years. In addition, they have a closed water collection system.  Among collections of groundwater and drinking water samples, the investigation will also include the operational history of the facility.  They discussed the possibility of other contributing sites of contamination.  This is a DES program, therefore DES will reach out to residents to have their water tested.  Mr. Lovejoy requested they be continually apprised of the investigation, which Mr. Moore committed to doing.

Board Chair Houghton then recognized Town Planner Tavis Austin for his quarterly report to the Board.  Mr. Austin began with the Master Plan.  He stressed the importance of resident feedback and will do everything possible to make them aware of upcoming meetings.  The plan includes objectives and a future land use plan.  There are still elements to be incorporated, making resident feedback essential.  If the Planning Board and Master Plan Steering Committee are in agreement, the plan will be condensed, collated and available online.  The Heritage Commission has recently given their input.  Mr. Moore reported that department heads are reviewing it and formulating their suggestions.  Mr. Moore noted that action items need to be identified, with particular attention to such issues as open space and natural resources.  Next steps must be considered.  Mr. Houghton suggested holding an all boards meeting, led by the Planning Board, to gather the most input as possible from each of the committees and boards.  Mr. Austin speculated on when the most updated draft version might be ready to present to the committees and boards for their review and suggestions.  They talked about filming the meeting and a possible date of July 17th.  The purpose of the Master Plan is only to provide a direction.  Incorporating a balance of input from each of the boards and committees is important.  The group discussed the format of the All Boards and Committee meeting and how to keep it focused.  It was noted that incorporation of the ideas generated from the meeting will push the timetable.  With it being mid-summer, they were concerned about attendance.  It will be a workshop, not a forum.  The importance of finalizing the document by September is because that is when zoning amendments must be worked on.  Zoning amendments are aligned with the direction of the Master Plan.  Mr. Austin reviewed some of the zoning ordinances that he feels need clarification and may potentially need to be re-examined.  Priority should be given to connectivity and complete streets modifications.  Regarding the area north of the circle, there hasn’t been enough input as to what people want it to look like.  They continued to talk about zoning issues and the many complexities involved.  It is clear many discussions need to take place.  The goal of the All Boards and Committee meeting will be to find a general consensus as to how the Master Plan should look.

Mr. Austin presented two modified job descriptions for the two positions in the land use office and authority to advertise for the one vacancy.  He explained how he would like to see the department reduce paper documentation in favor of online documents.  Currently, the obstacle to that is our payment system.  He would like to see the new person build the operating systems behind the scenes.  Therefore, someone who is computer savvy is essential.  They discussed how the change clarifies the positions and gives more focused responsibilities.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to approve Mr. Austin’s request to modify the job descriptions and to advertise for the vacancy.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  There will be no impact on the financial budget.

Mr. Austin pasted on a recommendation for a new proposed road name, Treat Farm Road, for the proposed subdivision at 90 Winnicutt Rd.  There will be 18 homes off of that road.  Ms. Knab approved the new road name, Treat Farm Road.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Austin briefly brought up vacancies on the Planning Board.  He then went on to mention that RPC is facilitating a meeting with us and Greenland regarding the Route 33 Corridor.  

Mr. Austin presented a Performance and Bond Agreement for Starbucks which has been reviewed and approved by Town Counsel.  Ms. Knab made a motion to accept the Performance and Bond Agreement for $162,750.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Austin reported that as of June 3, our Building Permits are up by 20%; building inspections are also up.  Forms have been updated with the new fees.  Continuing his report, Mr. Austin noted issues with Job Lot and stated Code Enforcement Officer Shanti Wolph was handling them.  Lastly, Mr. Austin reported that 4 Jason Drive is finally in compliance with Town Ordinances.

The Board thanked Mr. Austin for his presentation and preparation of action items.

Mr. Moore advised that interviews for the Truck Driver/Laborer position would be taking place soon.  Regarding, Town Center Mr. Moore reported he had brought the new Director of Public Works Nate Mears up on the issue regarding pole replacments and strategies going forward.

The Select Board chose a date for the All Employee Meeting – Tuesday, July 9th.  Town offices will be closed that morning.  Mr. Moore presented a tentative agenda.  Some items to discuss would be accomplishments since the last meeting, items still to be worked on, IT and communication projects and other issues.  Mr. Moore advised he had solicited department head input on the agenda; the department heads encouraged the agenda to include updates on Town projects.  Mr. Moore believes it would be a good chance to present the Master Plan.  He’d also like to cover the PFAS issue, curbside collection, the Final Rte. 108 Committee report and the Smyk property/senior concerns.  The importance of having all employees be informed was agreed upon.  Mr. Moore will further refine the agenda and report back.

As discussed the June 3rd Select Board meeting, a member of the public, Mr. Eric von Achwege, discovered an old farm cart in the Town Forest and is requesting permission to refurbish it.  Mr. Moore reported back on the conversation with the Heritage Commission concerning the issue and their recommendation the artifact remain on the Town property. Mr. Moore summarized this feedback for the Board as well as that received from the Conservation Commission and Park Association.  The Board members discussed the proposal and noted this particular implement/artifact was not accessible to the public and generally thought if something could be made from it that was useful that was a positive outcome.  Ms. Knab made a motion to allow Eric von Achwege to take possession of the farm cart to use for historical purposes and suggest that he, if possible, share his work with Stratham at some future point.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Moore reported that Mr. Mears is off to a strong start.  Mr. Moore is setting up a meeting with Bettina Kersten of the PCAC and Mr. Mears regarding upcoming projects.  Barker closing is set for Wednesday.    Mr. Moore brought the Board’s attention to the Assessing article in Stratham Magazine.  He briefly updated them on the reval progress. 

Next, Mr. Moore stated that Police Chief King submitted information earlier in the week regarding the process for law enforcement accreditation Mr. Moore said there would be a cost for the enrollment, the assessment, and a maintenance fee, totaling approximately $12,000.  Mr. Houghton noted one initial question he would have would be about the impact of accreditation on recruiting and retaining officers in the future.

Mr. Moore referred to the Board’s last discussion regarding concerns of the senior community and advised he had continued conversations with staff.  He reported on significant interest on behalf of the staff to engage with the seniors to determine needs and how best to meet them.  He advised that many programs and services are being offered, but they can be expanded upon and built-out with partners within and outside of the organization. He also advised that staff believe sharing the information of what is currently going on will be helpful. He indicated some initial ideas are being acted on and he will continue to work on this with the staff and Board.  He also advised that Recreation and Library would like to move forward with focus groups to get more information from the seniors and the Board was supportive of this approach. 

Mr. Moore reported the Town’s contract with Comcast expires in September.  We receive a franchise fee of $180,000 each year and currently share the public access network with Exeter.  There is no alternative service provider however, the Town can adjust the terms of the agreement.  It was decided to request a one year extension to the contract. 

Mr. Moore is meeting with the Skate Park Committee and Parks & Recreation Director Seth Hickey.  The Board wanted to ensure the results of the Parks & Recreation survey were shared with the Skate Park Committee, as there were many comments both for and against the project. 

Mr. Moore is suggesting he, Mr. Hickey and the Select Board meet to discuss the Parks & Recreation department and programs.  He feels recent discussions have been constructive.  Because there are many subjects to discuss, the Select Board felt a separate meeting during the day would be beneficial.  They expressed support and appreciation for the great work Mr. Hickey’s been doing.

At 10:08 p.m. Ms. Knab made a motion to go into a non-public session in accordance with RSA 91 A:3, III (c).  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  At 10:32 p.m., Ms. Knab made a motion to come out of the non-public session and seal the minutes noting that failure to do so would render a proposed action ineffective.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

At 10: 32 p.m. Ms. Knab moved to adjourn.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Karen Richard, Recording Secretary