Select Board Minutes 6/3/19

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 3, 2019


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Mike Houghton, Joe Lovejoy, Allison Knab and Town Administrator David Moore. 

At 7:00 p.m. Mr. Houghton opened the public meeting of the Select Board.

Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to approve the minutes of 5/20/19.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Moore read the General Fund balance as provided to him by Town Treasurer Deb Bronson.  The balance is $2,419,095.36. 

The Chair recognized Public Works Foreman Al Williams and asked him what the priorities and challenges are in the department.  Mr. Williams noted they are short-staffed.  It was noted that a new Director will start on June 10th and a recently vacated position has been advertised (laborer/truck driver).  He answers every resident call that comes in.  Currently, they are focusing on mulching, mowing and transfer station duties.  He enumerated the many reasons the Transfer Station needs an assistant to Transfer Station Attendant.  Roadside mowing will begin in June.  Paving begins after school gets out.  A section of pipe needs to be replaced on Union Road before it is paved.  They discussed ways in which workload has been managed in light of short-staffing and potential strategies for the future.  The weather has caused some delays in getting work done but also narrowed opportunities for getting certain work completed.  He described work to be done and they discussed traditional summer work hours (4 days at 10 hours) and how they were not implemented this year due to the pending transition.  The Select Board thanked Mr. Williams for his work in supervising the Department and managing the Department’s affairs in the absence of a Director.   Mr. Moore similarly thanked Mr. Williams for his work and how well he did it.   

The Chair inquired about Committee vacancies.  Mr. Moore responded that there is a School Board vacancy, Planning Board and land use vacancies.  Jameson Paine has resigned.  Mr. Houghton made a motion to accept his resignation from the Planning Board.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Mr. Moore summarized the discussions he has been having with Department heads who are connected to or staff the various boards and commissions.  He advised he is working with staff to clarify roles and responsibilities for ensuring the compliance of the Boards and Commissions with 91A and posting of agendas and minutes; the need to ensure volunteers are oriented and trained; that they work with he and the Select Board on ensuring vacancies are filled; and stewarding applications along through the appointment process.

Mr. Moore reported on the Town’s open employment opportunity (Truck Driver/Laborer).

He is awaiting a new schedule for the completion Town Center repairs (one outstanding).  The Master Plan timeline is in place.  The agreement with the shared Bunker Hill Driveway is moving forward.

The Select Board signed the appointment paperwork for Sean Burke and Sean Kotkowski.  Mr. Moore reviewed the procedure. 

Mr. Moore reported that there were many requests for rooms and pavilions but only three were requesting the fee to be waived.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to approve the requests and waive the fee for the three.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Moore also received a raffle permit application from the CMS Music Boosters.  Ms. Knab made a motion to approve the raffle permit application.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Moore presented a Memorandum of Agreement requested by the Fire Dept. This agreement with the Dept. of Safety mandates that the Town will use a dedicated signal range during emergency events.  This agreement makes us eligible for future grants.  No money is involved.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to approve the agreement between the Fire Dept. and the State of NH concerning the radio signal.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

The Conservation Commission received a letter from someone requesting an old farm cart that he came across while walking in the Town forest.  He hopes to restore the cart to its original state.  Mr. Moore will discuss the issue with the Conservation Commission, Heritage Commission and Park Association and report back with a recommendation.  Mr. Lovejoy expressed regret that the opportunity to refurbish the cart into something useful may be lost.  In order to expedite the process, Mr. Houghton suggested the Heritage Commission be sent the letter prior to their June 12th meeting.  

Mr. Moore reported that both Deputy Emergency Management Directors will be stepping down and therefore suggests actively recruiting for the positions.

Mr. Moore has been working to form a Curbside Collection Advisory Committee. He hopes to finalize the committee by June 19th.  After meetings discussing and researching the issue, Mr. Moore sees a public forum where the committee can present their findings to the general public.  He reviewed the charge previously discussed and some edits were made.  The Select Board asked the make-up include various perspectives and segments.  The Select Board wants to ensure anything that is done is thoroughly investigated and done in the proper manner.  They discussed extending the existing collection and recycling contract with Casella in order to give the Town time to do the research and make the best decision.  The Board wants to look at other models of waste collection to determine what the best path forward is.  They talked at length about the timetable, the recycling market and steps forward. 

Mr. Moore will discuss the next All Employee Meeting with the department heads at their monthly meeting.

Mr. Moore provided follow up on the Route 108 Committee recommendations, highlighting next steps from the report.  Mr. Houghton feels strongly that the implementation of water and sewer is strategically imperative.  One of the cornerstones of the Master Plan is the need for infrastructure to develop a commercial business district.  That is what the Rt 108 committee has advocated.  The Board discussed the importance of the water/sewer project and the implications of doing nothing.  Additionally, Stratham has an aging population, which will need more services.  The Town won’t be able to provide the services without the supporting infrastructure.  They talked about the expense of living on the Seacoast.  The economic direction has been positive the past few years, but we will inevitably see a change.  Strategically, water/sewer is the right thing to do.  The Board feels that the residents didn’t have all the information to make a knowledgeable decision the last time it was brought to Town Meeting.  The first step to move this project forward is to reconstitute a committee.  Mr. Houghton suggested going into a non-public session.  Mr. Moore noted that the purpose for the non-public would be RSA 91-A:3 (a), (b) and (c).  He also wanted it noted that they will be discussing the firm that will be selected for the PFAS site investigation in Town Center and preparing for the next step required by DES.

At 8:45 pm Ms. Knab made a motion to go into a non-public session for reasons in RSA 91-A:3 (a), (b) and (c).  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

At 10:11 Mr. Houghton made a motion to come out of the non-public session and seal the minutes noting that failure to do so would render a proposed action ineffective.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

After coming out of the non-public session, the Board discussed the steps involved in implementing a TIF district.  Mr. Lovejoy noted pending legislature that they may have to consider in the future.

At 10:20 p.m. Ms. Knab made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Karen Richard
Recording Secretary