Select Board Minutes 8/5/19

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Meeting date: 
Monday, August 5, 2019


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Mike Houghton, Allison Knab, Joe Lovejoy and Town Administrator David Moore. 

At 7:03 p.m. Mr. Houghton opened the public meeting of the Select Board.

Ms. Knab made a motion to approve the minutes of 7/15/19 and 7/25/19.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

In the absence of the Treasurer due to vacation, Town Administrator David Moore reported the General Fund balance is $9,323,818.48.

The Chair recognized Carol Granfield, a representative of Municipal Resources Inc. a consultancy to NH municipalities in a range of areas.  Mr. Moore invited Ms. Granfield to tonight’s meeting to discuss the employee compensation system.  After examining our current process, she noted several areas of concern and provided suggestions on various strategies with which MRI could assist.  MRI will be able to identify priorities and provide structure, such as by providing a range of compensation levels within established grades.  This will facilitate communication by giving the employees a clear understanding how determinations regarding compensation are made.  All agreed on the importance of communicating the process with employees.  The Select Board was supportive, but decided to deliberate further with the Town Administrator.

Police Chief Anthony King briefly reviewed his quarterly report, which he had previously distributed.  Chief King reported that the SPD is in the process of doing background checks on two promising applicants to be added to the department as part-time officers.  He was happy to report the evidence room has been fully renovated.  Several new evidence policies, have been created in conjunction with the new room.  The quote to renovate the upstairs hallway, landings and patrol room is well under budget. 

Chief King reported the SPD is switching to Rockingham County for its computer servers which will give increased safety to the officers as well as improve speed and efficiency.  In addition, the maintenance fee will be cut in half. 

Chief King continued his report saying that he’s been working with the schools on revising the active shooter policy.  He is working with Two Way Communications regarding the radio communication system issues.

Chief King reminded the Board about Stratham’s First National Night Out being held August 6th.  He anticipates a big turnout.  They discussed parking for the event.

Chief King has applied for three grants.  He will keep the Town Administrator updated as to their progress. 

As of today, there are only four families with unlicensed dogs.  All should be in compliance by Aug. 31st.  This is a State requirement and a public safety issue.  Chief King sought initial feedback as to possibly hiring an Animal Control officer, even if only part-time.  In 2018, there were 240 animal related calls for service.  As of July 29, 2019, there have been 155 calls.  Handling wild animals takes specialized training.  They discussed if the position was created, how it would work, if it could be shared with a neighboring town and the cost.  Mr. Houghton would like to see a staffing plan based on the measureable needs of the department. 

There is almost $8,000 in a DARE account that was set up in 1996 for which no record of acceptance has been found.  After discussions with the Town Prosecutor and the Town auditors, they suggested spending it or putting it in a Trust where they could accept donations.  Chief King would like to utilize the funds for community education and outreach programs.  The Board expressed support for the proposal in general and suggested a specific description of the areas of proposed spending be provided at a following meeting in order to formally approve.

Chief King previously distributed a draft SPD Donation Policy that he created to establish a framework for the Police Department and their ability to accept donations from the community.  The Board felt it was comprehensive and supported its implementation.  National Night Out has spurred interest in donations. 

Chief King reminded the Board he is researching and planning to propose pursuing accreditation through CALEA.  He previously discussed how accreditation would elevate the department and ensure the highest level of service to the community.  In response to a question about the impact of CALEA on hiring, the Chief noted higher, more uniform standards would make the SPD more attractive in terms of recruitment, training and retention. 

Chief King, along with Public Works Director Nate Mears, met with a representative from Revision Energy, the installers of the solar panels at the Police Station to discuss the concern about snow slide of the building.  He noted various strategies discussed to mitigate the concern.  In coordination with the Town Administrator, Chief King had spoken with Town Attorney regarding the situation and they are both coordinating with the Energy Commission.

The Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce is requesting to hold a Google class in Room A at the Municipal Center.  Because they plan to charge for the class, the Board considered it a commercial venture, which, according to Room Policy, is not allowed.

Next, Mr. Moore said there was a request to close Crestview Terrace for a neighborhood block party.  The applicant has received approval from the Police and Fire Departments.  The Board would like to institute a policy for future requests.  Ms. Knab made a motion to approve the road closure for Crestview Terrace during the time requested.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Moore presented Cemetery Deeds which the Board signed.

Mr. Moore noted the great response from the community to fill the open positions on the boards & committees.  Drew Pierce and Richard Goulet have come forward to offer service on the Zoning Board of Adjustment.  Mr. Houghton made a motion to appoint Mr. Pierce to serve as a regular member of the ZBA.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Mr. Houghton made a motion to appoint Mr. Goulet to serve as an alternate on the ZBA.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Ms. Knab made a motion to re-appoint Nate Merrill to the Exeter-Squamscott River Local Advisory Committee.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Moore requested a motion to accept a check from Primex for the police cruiser accident.  The Town will be applying these insurance proceeds to offset costs to the Town for a replacement cruiser, which is needed.  Previously the Board approved the plan to fund the balance of the cost from the Police Detail Fund.  Ms. Knab made a motion to accept the check.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Moore reported that Parks & Recreation Director Seth Hickey developed a draft policy regarding naming Town Facilities.  Next steps would be to notify the residents of the new policy via the e-newsletter and then put the policy on a future Select Board agenda.  Ms. Knab expressed some concern about lack of control over the design of proposed new signs.  Mr. Lovejoy was concerned about future maintenance responsibility.  It was decided that an approval process would be required.  Mr. Moore suggested he look further into whether this should be a Town ordinance as opposed to a policy. 

Mr. Moore presented a Memorandum of Understanding between Starbucks and the Town.  He explained the Town is being asked to agree to plow and maintain a 10 foot section of sidewalk between a property line at Starbucks and the State’s right way.  After some discussion, Ms. Knab made a motion to accept the Memorandum of Understanding.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion.  Mr. Houghton abstained as he had not read the MOU.

Mr. Moore briefly reviewed agendas for upcoming meetings – Energy Commission will be updated on the SPD solar panels, the RPC is moving forward with the RPC aggregation process for energy, which will come back to the Board, the Curbside Collection Committee will be holding its second meeting, the Zoning Board will be reviewing an application from Lindt, the Planning Board will be reviewing a 3 lot subdivision for Tansy Avenue.     

Mr. Moore would like to refer residents that request road signs to a clear process.  The current process is inefficient and not consistent from request to request.  He feels input from several staff voices from public safety and transportation are needed to appropriately consider requests.  They discussed the departments that might be involved and what criteria might be used.  Mr. Moore will gather the relevant people and draft a procedure for the Board’s review. 

Mr. Moore and Public Works Director Nate Mears attended the GACIT meeting in order to learn more about the State’s Yen Year planning process and to follow the progress of the planned State investment in the intersection of Bunker Hill and NH Route 108.  The meeting was not open to public comment, but several public hearings are planned throughout the State.  Mr. Moore will continue to follow.

The Department of Public Works is moving forward with the preparations for annual repaving and road reconstruction.  The Town will be restriping Guinea Road and introducing bike lanes.  This project is in response to community input in the form of the Safe Routes to School Plan and is also consistent with the draft Master Plan and the work of the Pedestrian Cyclists Advocacy Committee.  The process of making determinations about roadway widths will be documented to inform future decision making and record the considerations taken into account for the specific dimensional details associated with this improvement in this location.

Previous Town Administrator Paul Deschaine set up an approval process for the CDBG grant program that addressed the conflict associated with his role as a Board Member of the REDC.  Mr. Moore reported that the key foundational contracts have been signed with the State as well as the Town’s contract with the sub-consultant funded with the CDBG funds.  The REDC is currently processing the individual grants; and the Town acts as a pass through to disburse the funds.  Mr. Moore requested he be authorized to execute the paper work to facilitate processing these individual awards made by the REDC.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to revisit the Board’s 9/20/18 vote to authorize the Board Chair sign the CDBG contract and related documentation by adding the Town Administrator as also authorized to execute documentation related to processing individual awards made by the REDC.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Moore noted that the first Monday of the month is Labor Day.  The Board will be meeting on September 9th and 23rd.  Mr. Houghton noted he will not be in attendance on the 9th

The Board briefly discussed and acknowledged the weather impacts to the Stratham Fair and likely input to the bottom line. Mr. Moore reported he had heard from the Committee concerning this year’s Fair and he expects to receive additional information from the Fair about this year’s financial end result shortly (in addition - and prior to - the required end of year financial report established in Fair protocols). 

Ms. Knab noted she observed items left behind from the Fair.  Mr. Moore will look into the matter. 

Mr. Moore reported the Skate Board Park Committee has continued to meet to address the site issues previously voiced by the Board.  They following the Planning Board process and working with the Town.  He understands the group is also working on fundraising for the project. 

As the Library liaison, Ms. Knab, raised the question of Library Director Lesley Kimball attending Select Board meetings.  The Board was supportive; Mr. Moore will include her on the schedule going forward.

At  9:40 p.m. Ms. Knab made a motion to go into a non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II(b) to hiring of a person a as a public employee.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  At 10:20 p.m. Ms. Knab moved to come out of the non-public session and seal the minutes noting that failure to do so would render a proposed action ineffective.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

At 10:21 pm Ms. Knab moved to adjourn.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Richard, Recording Secretary