Select Board Minutes 9/9/19

Meeting date: 
Monday, September 9, 2019


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Vice Chair Joe Lovejoy and Allison Knab were in attendance along with Town Administrator David Moore.  Chair Michael Houghton was not in attendance.

At 7:02 p.m. Mr. Lovejoy opened the meeting of the Select Board.

Ms. Knab made a motion to approve the minutes of 8/19/19 as amended.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Town Treasurer Deb Bronson indicated the General Fund balance is $8,364,968.66.  School payments have already been made. 

Vice Chair Lovejoy recognized Town Planner Tavis Austin for his regular departmental report.  He spoke about the status of the Master Plan, its implementation, and what it means for the Town.  In addition to land use in the future, it will have an effect on such items as budget and CIP development.  The plan has provisions for historic and farm preservation, complete streets, trails, and open space. 

Next, Mr. Austin is continuing to work with his staff to define optimal roles in the Building and Planning Departments.  Additionally, he is researching online permitting tools which would allow paperwork to be reduced and fewer mistakes will occur.  Pricing needs to be discussed; perhaps it will be a CIP item.  The program will present a more professional image to the public. 

Mr. Austin has been working with Tim Roache, Rockingham Planning Commission, on a corridor study of Route 108 thru Greenland.  The project is reflected in Master Plan and is being done in coordination with DOT.  It may alleviate traffic on that roadway.  He feels a joint effort will push the project forward in the DOT’s 10 year plan.

Mr. Austin presented the Annual Report for the MS 4.  This document is a consolidated effort of the Town’s cooperating through the Seacoast Storm water Coalition.  Stratham doesn’t have a lot of MS 4 impact.  It mostly concerns municipal owned infrastructure as it relates to storm water.  The Notice of Intent that was submitted noted that the Town doesn’t have the infrastructure referenced in the permit but we will comply with the information outreach portion.  They discussed scenarios that would necessitate the Town’s involvement.  Mr. Austin discussed who should sign the document.  He explained that MS 4 is designated by a certain population density.  The Planning Board had previously adopted the appropriate storm water regulations so we will be ready whenever development occurs.  In the next year we will need to work on the elements in the plan. 

The Planning Board is eager to start implementing the Master Plan.  Public Hearings for Zoning Amendments will begin in November. 

Mr. Austin is working with Library Director Lesley Kimball to put Action Sheets from the Planning Board meetings on the website.  This will allow for more timely sharing of actions taken by the Board at their meetings. 

Mr. Austin presented two bond release requests.  Ms. Knab made a motion to authorize full release of the bond and authorize the Finance Office to release the full amount of the fund for 110 Grill, aka 19 Portsmouth Ave.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Next, Mr. Austin reported that the development at Rollins Hill is requesting 90% release of the bond for Phase III of the project.  He described the details of that phase of the project, noting it went beyond town requirements and further he noted the Town’s receipt of a third-party engineering review of the improvements confirming they are built to plan.  Ms. Knab made a motion to accept the recommendation to reduce the performance bond for Phase III of the Rollins Hill development as provided in the memo from the Town Planner on Sept. 9th.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Last year the entire Planning Board attended a NH Municipal Association training.  Because there has been some turnover in the Planning Board, Mr. Austin would like to organize another training session.  He would like to organize training for the Zoning Board too.

Mr. Moore presented three requests from non-profits for pavilion reservations that are also requesting the fee be waived.  Ms. Knab made a motion to approve the requests and waive the fees.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Moore stated that Boards and Commission seats have been filled with the exception of the ESRLAC where we are invited to have 3 representatives.  We have someone who has expressed interest in the third seat.  The Town also has an appointment to make on the Southeast Watershed Alliance and staff is working toward this as well.

Mr. Moore said he is in the process of scheduling interviews for the two open positions.  The Board members discussed their scheduling availability for final interviews.

Mr. Moore reported that Town Center repairs has been delayed because of a backlog for delivery from the manufacturer.  He confirmed a spare pole is also on order to help ensure future needs are met in a more timely manner.

Mr. Moore announced that tomorrow night the Town will host a PFAS Information presentation for the residents.  Arrangements are being confirmed to video record the meeting.                   

Mr. Lovejoy move to the action item for establishing the “trick or treat” hours for Halloween.  Ms. Knab requested consideration of extending the hours until 7:30pm.  Ms. Knab made a motion that, with the endorsement of the public safety officials, we have Halloween hours from 5:00 to 7:30 pm on Oct. 30th.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Moore advised the Board the State is requesting a representative from Stratham to be on a commission on drinking water.  The Town’s appointee would be joining other appointees from several communities and many other designees as set forth in HB 495.  Mr. Moore reviewed the topic areas to be covered by the Commission which are enumerated in HB 495 and extensive.  He noted there will be an interim report and a final report by November 1, 2029.  The Board questioned what qualifications the ideal volunteer should have.  They would like to have someone represent the Town but requested Mr. Moore find out more details, especially about the meeting schedule.

The Police Department was successful in obtaining two grants.  Mr. Moore presented the grants for signature.  One was for $5,000 for traffic safety implementation and the other was a radio programming grant in the amount of $5,300.  This one also requires a departmental match which can be covered under the department operating budget.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to accept and expend the Department of Safety Radio Programming grant and Highway Safety Grant as presented.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Moore reviewed a list of upcoming Boards & Commissions and other meetings related to Town business.  Tomorrow night the Rockingham Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting to discuss hazard mitigation.  This past week Mr. Moore met with David Barr, Chair of the Emergency Management Committee, to discuss the hazard mitigation plan for the town.  A grant was awarded last year which will result in department heads meeting with a consultant who specializes in these types of plans. 

On Wednesday night there will be a GACIT meeting which Mr. Moore plans to attend.  The Heritage Commission will begin meeting again on Wednesday after their summer break.  Mr. Moore briefly reviewed their agenda.  Mr. Moore previously updated the Board on the Cemetery Trustees meeting last week.  He reviewed the other upcoming meetings. 

Referring to a letter received from the Seacoast Mental Health Center, Mr. Lovejoy reviewed what he believed to be the process for service provider requests.  Mr. Moore said he will review the process to determine what the process is for these annual grants and report back with a summary.

Mr. Lovejoy drew attention to the draft letter sent from the State’s Bureau of Economic Affairs concerning the Economic Revitalization Zones and tax credits available to businesses within the zones.  Stratham currently has two established zones, the Industrial Park and the former Vo-Tech property.  Using the suggested letter content from the State Mr. Moore will plan to distribute word to these businesses of the ERZ areas.  The Board briefly discussed the potential for adding a third zone along the 108 corridor to coincide with the proposed TIF district.

Mr. Moore presented a raffle permit request from the Stratham Volunteer Fire Dept. Association Boy Scout Troop 185.  Ms. Knab made a motion to approve the request to hold a raffle at the Sept. 29th event.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Moore presented two cemetery deeds which the Board signed.

Mr. Moore noted that at the June 17, 2019 Select Board meeting, the Board agreed to request a one year extension to the Comcast contract.  He presented the extension for signature.

The Board signed the appointment paperwork for Amber Dagata and Drew Pierce.  Each had been appointed to the Zoning Board at a previous meeting.

Mr. Moore said that a Select Board representative is needed on the Hazard Mitigation team.  They will discuss at a later date who will be on the committee.

Mr. Moore reminded the Board of the upcoming retirement of Accounting Supervisor Valerie Kemp on October 4th

Mr. Moore has been in discussion with Fair Treasurer Shelly Blood; he noted he is waiting for more information, including a financial summary, of this year’s fair from the Committee.

Mr. Moore and Ms. Knab met with a resident who expressed an interest in discussing the communication strategy for the Town, which had been raised in many settings during the Master Plan work.  Mr. Moore plans to work with Library Director Lesley Kimball, the resident and Ms. Knab and follow-up at a subsequent meeting.

Mr. Moore noted that since he’s started working here, a number of people have come forward offering to sell their property to the Town.  He and Ms. Knab are meeting with a property owner to discuss a property adjacent to Stratham Hill Park and on whose land we already have trails.  Mr. Moore suggested the need for a process such as referring requests or certain requests to the Conservation Commission (for example) as they have historically been involved in the acquisition of land.  They discussed the location of the piece of property.    Mr. Moore will keep the Board updated. 

Next, the Board discussed the procedure for release of surety bonds for development projects.  Mr. Moore said he receives a monthly report on the cash balances for those projects approved by the Planning Board and for which the surety is in the form of cash held by the Town. However, he noted there are other surety instruments tracked by the Planning Department.  Mr. Lovejoy noted the Select Board has received updates more regularly on these surety instruments in the past. Mr. Moore indicated he would follow-up by ensuring distribution of an updated accounting and summary of the various sureties held by the Town for development projects. 

At 8:35 pm Ms. Knab made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Karen Richard, Recording Secretary