Select Board Special Meeting Minutes 7/25/19

Meeting date: 
Thursday, July 25, 2019


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Mike Houghton, Allison Knab, and Joe Lovejoy

Also present: Town Administrator David Moore, State Representatives Patricia Lovejoy, Debra Altschiller and Pat Abrami. 

The Chair opened the meeting at 3:01 p.m. and thanked Representatives Lovejoy, Abrami, and Altschiller for their attendance.  He then recognized Town Administrator David Moore who advised the group that Senator Sherman was invited but could not attend due to a scheduled vacation.  Mr. Moore then provided a summary about the PFAS issue at the Fire Station.  He described the timeline of events leading to a directive from NHDES to the Town to conduct a focused site investigation at the Fire Station.  He described the scope of work and timeline for the work, which is to end in September. 

He provided information about test results the State had shared with the Town and its consultant as part of their initial assessment work, which is ongoing.  Discussion took place potential results of the investigation and the nature of mitigation work if the Fire Station was found to be the cause of the PFAS contamination.  In the event further expenditures are required on the part of the Town there was discussion about potential financial assistance available in the form of State grants and trusts.  Recently filed litigation by the State to recoup costs to the State for this work was also discussed briefly. 

The Town representatives requested assistance in ensuring the particulars of the Stratham Fire Station case are considered in the course of rulemaking for future funding, which may be available.  The Select Board and Town Administrator advised the delegation they would keep them updated about the issue in the coming weeks and months.

No actions were taken at the meeting.

Ms. Knab made a motion to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Lovejoy.  The motion passed unanimously and the Chair adjourned the meeting at 4:05 p.m.