BOS Minutes 4/9/18

Meeting date: 
Monday, April 9, 2018


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Bob O’Sullivan, Joe Lovejoy, Mike Houghton and Town Administrator Paul Deschaine. 

At 7:30 pm Chairman Houghton opened the general meeting of the Board of Selectmen.

Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to define a quorum as being two members in attendance at a Selectmen’s meeting.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 


Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to approve the minutes of 3/26/18 as submitted.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion.  Mr. Lovejoy abstained.  Motion passed.


Town Treasurer Deb Bronson stated the general fund balance is $5,505,829.61.


At 7:34 pm Mr. Houghton opened the public hearing on the bond reissuance.  Mr. Deschaine read the Public Hearing Notice as previously posted.  Ms. Bronson explained how it would save the Town money and detailed the process.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to close the public hearing at 7:37 pm.  Mr. O’Sullivan seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Deschaine read the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Refunding Bonds as previously posted.  Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to issue refinancing bonds that emanated from the original bond issue in 2007 and adopt this resolution.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to authorize the Chair to sign the documents.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Deschaine reviewed the lease agreement as it pertains to the Highway Dept. dump truck.  Everything looks in order.  After asking Public Works Director Colin Laverty about the sander, Mr. Deschaine said Exhibit A didn’t include it so it should be amended.  He talked about who would best be the authorizing signatures then read the resolution to enter into a Master lease Purchase Agreement with Tax-Exempt Leasing Corp.  Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to enter into the $200,000 lease for the Western Star single axel plow truck with the caveat that the description will be amended to include the sanding equipment and that the two town personnel responsible for accepting this truck and any details be Paul Deschaine and Colin Laverty and, further, to adopt the resolution as read and authorize the Chair to sign such.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


Public Works Director Colin Laverty requested to expend $202,996.75 from the Highway Vehicle Capital Reserve Fund.  This number is based on an $11,000 trade-in of Truck No. 7.  Based on his research, this is a fair trade.  The Board recommended trying to sell the truck before trading it in.  Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion on the Western Star acquisition to authorize a withdrawal from the Highway Vehicle Capital Reserve Fund not to exceed $215,000.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Laverty intends to move the radio from the truck that is being sold/traded in to the new truck ($591 for install).  The other new truck would require a new radio (approximately $2,900).  The front end loader’s radio has worn out and needs to be replaced (slightly over $3,000).  The Bobcat loader needs a noise cancelling headset ($1,178).  Mr. Laverty is requesting to expend $7,896.47 from the Radio Capital Reserve Fund.  He distributed and explained the agreement between Motorola and Two Way Radio.  Mr. Houghton advised communicating with the Fire and Police Departments to ensure everyone’s radio requirements were covered.  Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to purchase and authorize the withdrawal not to exceed $9,000 from the Radio Capital Reserve Fund.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Laverty reported that he has been collaborating with the Fire and Police Departments on requesting an additional town radio frequency from the FCC.  The cost is approximately $800 - $1,000.  Using the one town channel becomes difficult when each department is handling a different emergency situation.  He has only done preliminary research and will get back to the selectmen with more information at a later date.

Mr. Laverty asked if the Eric Flaim banner being displayed in the Town Center was to remain up or be taken down.  The Selectmen recalled originally discussing when the banner was to be put up but nothing was ever mentioned as to how long it would be displayed.  Mr. Laverty’s crew took the banner down while taking down the Christmas decorations.  It was decided to leave the banner down and display it at a later time.


Martin Wool supported Mr. Laverty’s need for another radio channel, citing the difficulties in the past that they encountered when he was plowing.

Mr. Wool expressed his disappointment that it was not mentioned at Town Meeting that Mr. Lovejoy was absent because of health reasons.

Mr. Wool noted that there was no notice posted on the building that the selectmen’s meeting last week was cancelled. 

Mr. Wool asked about the status of the installation of another flagpole at the park.  He was of the understanding that there would be another one added as part of an Eagle Scout project.  Mr. Laverty’s recollection was that Eagle Scout Tyler Blood was doing some fundraising for the materials to build the patio setting which was to be done some time after the 50th Anniversary of the Stratham Fair.

Mr. Wool asked if a more detailed expenditure report from each of the departments could be included in the Town Report.  Mr. Deschaine explained that what Mr. Wool is requesting is the Capital Reserve Funds which is part of the Trustees of the Trust Funds report.  Mr. Wool asked about the DARE money that the Police Dept. holds.  Much of the money was donated to the DARE program, therefore the money can only be spent on the DARE program.  Police Chief Scippa is working with the Town Prosecutor to authorize the release of the funds to another program such as a police schooling project.

Mr. Wool reminisced that many local organizations haven’t been participating in the Stratham Fair as they have in the past.  His son, Jake Bourne, wanted to hold a baseball tournament and use the snack shack to sell food during the fair.  When he approached the Fair Committee, they told him he would need to charge fees and the proceeds would go to the Fire Dept.  Mr. Wool is opposed to this practice.  The Selectmen appoint the Fair Committee, so he hopes they would be more aware and get involved to a greater extent.  He feels the focus of the fair has shifted from having a fun community event to a making it a profitable money making business.  The Selectmen thanked Mr. Wool for coming in and bringing these issues to their attention.  They continued to discuss the financial reports in the Town Report.

HIGHWAY (continued)

Mr. Houghton asked Mr. Laverty about the status of the open Building Maintenance position.  Mr. Laverty said he’s reviewed the job description, made some changes and did comparisons of pay rates and job descriptions.  He hopes to meet with Mr. Deschaine this week and post the position.


Jay Diener requesting use of the Front Pavilion on October 27, 2018 for the Great Bay 5K Road Race and to waive the fee.  Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to allow the use and waive the fee.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Deschaine requested a non-public session to discuss the IT position because it may affect the reputation of another. 


Forest Barker has requested to be on the Heritage Commission.  Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to appoint Forest Barker to the Heritage Commission as an alternate.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

All members of the Technical Review Committee who’s terms are expiring are willing to be reappointed.  Mr. Houghton made a motion to re-appoint Lucy Cushman, Tom House and Joe Johnson to the Technical Review Committee.  Mr. O’Sullivan seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Jameson Paine’s term on the Planning Board is also expiring.  Mr. Houghton made a motion to re-appoint Mr. Paine to the Planning Board.  Mr. O’Sullivan seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. O’Sullivan made a motion to re-appoint William McCarthy and Ana Egana to the Conservation Commission.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Houghton made a motion to appoint Michael Dane to the Route 108 Corridor Study Committee.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


Mr. Deschaine reintroduced the performance and escrow agreement for Betty Lane.  There was a misunderstanding between Chinburg Builders and the Owners of the property.  The Owners have requested that they be responsible for completion of the road and have placed an escrow with the Town.  The agreement has been revised to reflect that and includes a due date.  Mr. Houghton made a motion to approve and execute the performance and escrow agreement for John Rice, 16 Emery Lane, Stratham for Betty Lane.  Mr. O’Sullivan seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

The Wiggin Memorial Library requested a Raffle Permit to be sold at the library book sale.  Mr. Houghton motioned to authorize the request.  Mr. O’Sullivan seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Houghton reported that the Board has executed the annual wage rate adjustment sheet.  Mr. Deschaine said it would be implemented in the next payroll.

Mr. Deschaine presented the draft of the organizational chart.  They discussed some adjustments that need to be made.  It is a work in progress and further refinements will be made. 

Mr. Houghton asked about the status of the REDC grant.  Mr. Deschaine said that he is meeting with the Executive Director on Thursday to discuss. 

Mr. Houghton asked when Mr. Deschaine would be giving the auditors the account balances.  Mr. Deschaine said he goes through all the capital accounts to determine which accounts have expired, which need to have their balances brought forward, and which ones we can let lapse.  He then will bring it to the Board for their approval.

Mr. Houghton asked for feedback on the solar panels at the Police Station and the snow.  ReVision has sent three different options.  Mr. Deschaine still needs to discuss with Police Chief John Scippa.


Mr. Houghton reviewed the upcoming meetings for the week.  In review of the meetings this past week, Mr. Houghton reported that the EOC graded exercise went well. 

Jeremy Reicks, Doe Run Lane, questioned the need for another flagpole with unnecessary lights at the park. 

He asked about the status of the lighting of the bridge to Newmarket as was previously proposed and discussed at prior meetings.  Mr. Houghton said that the resident that proposed it has not followed up. 

Mr. Reicks asked why the lights in the Town Center are left on all night.  Regarding the Municipal Center lights, he urged the Selectmen to hire a certified lighting engineer to look into re-aiming or shielding the lights or turning them off or putting them on a sensor.  He believes it would save the Town money.  Mr. Reicks also asked where the Town owned antennae is for the radio channel.  He questioned that if we get another radio frequency, would it be beneficial to relocate them to Stratham Hill Park.  Mr. Deschaine responded that the Fire Station is the main location.  It’s a local channel and not meant to have coverage town-wide.  It’s been evaluated in the past; what we have was determined to be best.  Further analysis will be done, if needed, if a second channel is added. 

Mark Ralabate offered his help in getting the word out to residents regarding the Town’s request for volunteers for various town committees.  He intends to communicate the request through the SMS PTO email list.  The Board noted several committees that are in need of volunteers.  Mr. Deschaine will compile a list of open positions and send it to Mr. Ralabate.  The Board expressed appreciation for his assistance.  Mr. Ralabate said that there was going to be a Safety Forum in which the SAU16 Central Office, SMS and the Stratham Police Dept. would be participating.  Mr. Ralabate asked about publicizing it on the bulletin boards. 

At 9:28 pm Mr. Houghton made a motion to go into a non-public session.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  At 9:46 pm Mr. Houghton made a motion to come out of the non-public session and seal the minutes.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

At 9:48 Mr. Houghton made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. O’Sullivan seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Richard
Recording Secretary