BOS Minutes 11/20/17

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Meeting date: 
Monday, November 20, 2017


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Bruno Federico, Michael Houghton, Joe Lovejoy and Town Administrator Paul Deschaine.

At 7:34 pm Chairman Federico opened the general meeting of the Board of Selectmen.


Mr. Houghton made a motion to approve the 11/13/17 minutes as amended.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


Town Treasurer Deb Bronson indicated that the current general fund balance was $4,167,386.43


Code Enforcement/Building Inspector Mark Morong discussed a zoning complaint from a resident on Stratham Heights Road regarding solar panels and setbacks.  Although the zoning ordinance was followed, the resident feels it doesn’t serve the intent and purpose of what we, as a Town, envision for our community.  Mr. Deschaine told the Board that he had advised the resident of the proper steps to take to revise the zoning ordinance.

Mr. Federico said that he received a call from the head of the Condo Association of Stratham Plaza who said that they don’t have the funds to do the required elevation drawings.  Town Planner Tavis Austin said that the elevation drawings are in the file.  However, the building was not built according to the drawings.  Mr. Austin advises obtaining the drawings that were approved, taking a picture of what was actually built, note what the Association would like to do, then going before the Planning Board for a decision.  Mr. Federico will notify the Association of the steps they need to take.

Mr. Deschaine discussed the sign violation on Stratham Heights Rd.  Mr. Morong said that posting a sign on a utility pole violates the state statute and our town ordinance.  There was a general discussion about sign ordinances. 

Mr. Morong asked if there was a decision regarding the special inspector position that was proposed last month.  The Board responded that they hadn’t discussed it, and then asked some questions regarding insurance liability coverage. Mr. Houghton made a motion to put it on the agenda for next Monday’s meeting.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  They continued to discuss details of the potential position.

Mr. Deschaine commented that they received the ISO certification report which indicated that our fire rating had gone down.  Mr. Morong speculated on the reasons behind the good news.

Mr. Federico noted a mistake with the address on Grill 110’s liquor license application. 


Town Planner Tavis Austin discussed the subdivision on Whittaker Dr.  They will present to the Planning Board their proposal to have the roads connect between Hillcrest and Whittaker on December 6th.  The Conservation Commission will, most likely, be receiving a wetlands fill permit review.

Mr. Austin reported that the Planning Board continues to work on revising the zoning amendments.  A complete rewrite of the telecommunications facilities ordinance (cell towers) generated public comments and led to discussions at the Nov. 15th meeting which will be continued at a special meeting on Nov. 29th at 6pm. 

Public Works Commission is talking to neighboring towns about how they handle water and sewer and gathering information to see what options we have.

Heritage Commission is waiting to hear the results of the Technical Review Committee meeting before sending a letter to the DOT regarding the 149/ 151 Portsmouth Ave. project.  Mr. Deschaine noted that DOT needs to consider the Town’s objectives before imposing their own. 

The discussion continued on to the gateway design project.  The TRC proposed a photo simulation to show people how it could look.  Mr. Austin, considering the cost involved, debated the benefits of the proposal. 

Mr. Austin reported that he hopes to meet with Public Works Director Colin Laverty soon to discuss bonds that can be released.  Items not in his report were Audi (58 Portsmouth Ave.) which is going through its final review.  Discussion ensued about the challenges they are having.

Mr. Austin is waiting on landscaping bond for Kennebunk Savings Bank.  Mr. Deschaine questioned if the generator is in compliance with site plan regulations. 

Mr. Austin reported that Grill 110 is nearing completion. 

Mr. Austin reported that three applicants will be interviewed for the Land Use position. 

Mr. Deschaine asked about the status of permits at Golf Club of New England.  Mr. Austin responded that no new construction permits will be issued until they topcoat the road or post a new surety bond based on 2018 prices.  The Board reviewed what it considers new construction and which permits would be acceptable.  It was agreed that the Town needs to send a letter notifying the Association of this decision.  Mr. Federico felt the homeowners should be held responsible for completing the road work and, therefore, be subject to permit restrictions.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion that the prohibition on permits would only be applicable to construction of new homes on undeveloped lots, along with any permits part of Golf Club of New England, and not to the existing homeowners.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion.  Mr. Federico opposed.  The motion passed.

Mr. Austin reported that, as part of the Seacoast Stormwater Coalition RFP to map stormwater infrastructure, they are assisting communities that do not yet have digital mapping to obtain it.  After the DOT’s presentation at a SSC meeting, Mr. Austin attempted to follow up with the DOT, but has not yet gotten a response.  Mr. Austin said that we could pay the RPC to participate in a program to digitize the infrastructure, specific to the MS4, but it would only be for part of the town, therefore only part of the infrastructure.  Mr. Deschaine expressed frustration that, due to lack of response from others, we are at year end and no progress has been made to digitize mapping. 

Mr. Austin explained that our GIS software is very old and outdated.  He wants to update it and will find out the cost involved with that.  In combination with that, he wants to obtain GPS units which will give him and Mr. Laverty a more accurate picture of the infrastructure.  It will aid Mr. Laverty in planning his department’s projects and it will allow Mr. Austin to participate in the Seacoast Stormwater Coalition’s RFP.  It would cost approximately $350.  Mr. Deschaine suggested an account from which to pay for it.  Mr. Lovejoy motioned to allow Mr. Austin to explore updating the GIS software and obtaining a GPS unit and use the funds from the Lindt Off Site Improvement Fund not to exceed $2,592.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Houghton asked about the status of the Master Plan.  Mr. Austin said he is hoping to get the RFP out so that he will be able to formulate a more accurate budget.  Mr. Houghton expressed the importance of it and requested to have it out by the end of the year.  Mr. Austin anticipates it costing between $60,000 and $90,000.  Mr. Houghton said that updating the master plan has been raised as a priority for the 10 years he has been on the planning board.  Last year money went into the CIP to have a third party develop a Master Plan.  Many of the issues the town is dealing with revolve around the Master Plan and he is concerned that it hasn’t been sent yet.  Mr. Austin committed to sending it out no later than year end.     


Mr. Federico noted that most of the meetings this week will be cancelled because of Thanksgiving.  Only the TRC is scheduled to meet.  He then reviewed the meetings of the past week.  Mr. Deschaine reported that the PCAC met and worked on the Safe Routes to Schools application.  The Energy Commission met and expects to be doing the solar panel installation at the Police Station in January.  He attended the NH Municipal Association meeting along with many of our department heads.  Mr. Houghton reported that at the Planning Board’s meeting topics included the Whittaker subdivision, the Millbrook Office Park and the telecommunications zoning ordinance.  Mr. Deschaine said that at the Recreation Commission meeting he instructed the group about the process and proper procedure.  Mr. Deschaine said the Chamber of Commerce meeting focused on holiday happenings.


Rockingham Nutrition Meals on Wheels requested use of the Morgera Room on December 6, 2017.  Mr. Federico motioned to approve the request and waive the fee.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Geri Denton requested use of Room A at the Municipal Center for the Boy Scouts on December 3, 2017.  Mr. Federico motioned to approve the request and waive the fee.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


Mr. Deschaine submitted paperwork for the Board to sign regarding the tax deeded property. 

Mr. Deschaine gave the Board proposals for marketing the Bartlett Cushman property and summarized the details on a spreadsheet.  Mr. Deschaine pointed out the differences between the proposals.  He reviewed the proposed lease agreements, the lease amounts, additional expenses, lease periods, lessor obligations and other terms, and professional fees.  The Board questioned the up-front fees for developing a marketing plan.  The responsibilities of the Town as landlord were discussed.  The Board decided to continue the discussion in a non-public session, as it might affect the reputation of another.   

Mr. Deschaine would like to have a budget submission date of Dec. 4th.  Mr. Federico stated he’d like to have a goal of level funding for each department’s Operating Budget.  Mr. Lovejoy disagreed, trusting that each department head would be prudent in devising their budget.  He prefers to allow the department heads to request what they feel they need to properly manage their department.  Mr. Houghton asked for details on the timing of the fiscal year and wage calculations.  Past budgeting practices were reviewed.  Mr. Federico reviewed possible expenditures he felt each department would be requesting.  Mr. Lovejoy expressed concern with maintaining level funding noting that perhaps other ways of constructing a budget could be considered.  Mr. Deschaine added that we have a surplus this year mainly because the department heads have spent prudently.  It was decided to have department head start with their 2017 budget and submit a separate document proposing adjustments, up or down.  They continued to talk about tax rates in Stratham vs Exeter and the effects of commercial vs residential valuations on the tax rate. 

On behalf of the Pedestrian & Cyclist Advocacy Committee, Mr. Deschaine presented and explained to the Selectmen the Safe Routes to Schools grant application. 

Mr. Deschaine presented the request on behalf of the Fire Department’s Lights for Lives effort, to raffle off a Town gift basket totaling approximately $22.  Mr. Lovejoy suggested each Selectman personally donate to the basket so that money will not be coming out of Town funds. 

Mr. Deschaine explained that Hartmann Oil notified us that the oil in the tank at the Smyk property had been pumped out due to unpaid invoices, thereby leaving the property subject to damage due to freezing pipes.  A plumbing contractor will winterize the house.  Mr. Deschaine explained that the attorneys are continuing to investigate the legality of the Trustees accepting and managing property and the many issues involved.  Mr. Federico expressed concern regarding the costs involved and restrictions on what can and cannot be done with the property.  Mr. Houghton suggested forming a study committee which would, hopefully, include input from the community.  Mr. Deschaine asked the Selectmen to give him suggestions this coming week as to whom they would like to see on the committee.     

At 10:25 pm Mr. Federico made a motion to go into a non-public session to discuss personnel issues and other contractual discussions.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

At 10:59 pm Mr. Houghton made a motion to come out of the non-public session and seal the minutes.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

At 11:00 pm Mr. Lovejoy motioned to adjourn. Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Richard
Recording Secretary