BOS Minutes 11/6/17

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Meeting date: 
Monday, November 6, 2017


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members Bruno Federico, Joe Lovejoy and Town Administrator Paul Deschaine.  Selectman Mike Houghton was absent.

At 7:36 Chairman Federico opened the general meeting of the Board of Selectmen.

MINUTES:  Mr. Lovejoy moved to approve the 10/30/17 minutes as amended.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Town Treasurer Deb Bronson indicated that the current fund balance was $3,489,816.46.


Mr. Deschaine reported that the tax rate went down $0.10 to $20.30 per thousand.  Tax bills will go out tomorrow.


Mr. Federico opened the Public Hearing on Proposed Community Development Block Grant/Regional Economic Development Center Economic Development Project at 7:43 pm.  Community Development Block Grant consultant Donna Lane and Laurel Adams of the Regional Economic Development Center came before the Board.  Informational packets were available.

Community Development Block Grant funds are available to municipalities through the NH Community Development Finance Authority.  Up to $500,000 annually is available on a competitive basis for public facility and housing projects, up to $500,000 for economic development projects and up to $350,000 for emergency activities.  All projects must directly benefit low and moderate income persons. Up to $12,000 per study is available for Planning Grants.

A proposed application to the Community Development Finance Authority for up to $500,000 in Community Development Block Grant Economic Development funds.  The town will retain some of the CDBG funds to cover administrative expenses and sub-grant $475,000 to Regional Economic Development Center (REDC).  REDC will use the funds for a Loan Loss Reserve Fund for their lending and technical assistance programs.  The funds will be used to guarantee loans to support small businesses as they grow and will predominately go to guaranteeing working capital loans that support small and emerging businesses that cannot get some, or all, of their financing from traditional sources.  The project will create jobs for a minimum of 60% low and moderate income persons.  As a part of this project, Davis Care of Stratham is creating a minimum of 25 jobs.

This project conforms with Stratham’s Housing and Community Development Plan’s Goal of:  Encourage economic development activities to increase quality industrial and commercial development.  Encourage the expansion and retention of employment opportunities for residents. (Short-term and Long-term goal).

PUBLIC COMMENTS - the public was asked for comments.  No comments were received.

The Selectmen closed the Public Hearing.

Selectmen Open Public Hearing on Housing and Community Development Plan

Ms. Lane and Ms. Adams discussed the proposed Housing and Community Development Plan that outlines short and long term goals for the Town.


The Town of Stratham commits to the following goals to meet its Housing and Community Development needs:

Goal: Encourage a varied stock of safe, sanitary, decent and affordable housing for persons of all age and income groups. (Short-term and Long-term goal).

Goal: Encourage economic development activities to increase quality industrial and commercial development.  Encourage the expansion and retention of employment opportunities for residents. (Short-term and Long-term goal).

Goal: Encourage municipal and private water and wastewater systems that are safe, sanitary and that meet DES regulations. (Short-term and Long-term goal).

Goal: Preserve and promote the town’s historically and culturally significant structures. (Short-term and Long-term goal).

Goal: Promote activities that protect the health and safety of residents and visitors. (Short-term and Long-term goal).

As a matter of policy, Stratham will minimize the involuntary displacement of households from their neighborhoods.

These goals are consistent with the Town of Stratham’s Master Plan and local ordinances.

Any federal CDBG grant funds awarded to address any of these goals shall be expended consistent with national objectives and shall, at a minimum, provide improved housing in accordance with Section 8 standards, be used for public facility projects, employment opportunities, or feasibility studies.  All CDBG funded projects, shall primarily benefit low and moderate income persons or households, and shall not benefit moderate income persons or households to the exclusion of low income persons or households.

PUBLIC COMMENTS - the public was asked for comments.  No comments were received.

The Selectmen closed the Public Hearing.

Selectmen Open Public Hearing on Residential Antidisplacement and Relocation Assistance Plan

This plan outlines measures, under the Uniform Relocation Act, required for CDBG projects that involve any displacement or relocation of persons (or businesses), if the Town were to undertake a CDBG project which involved displacement or relocation they would follow this plan.  The plan outlines the measures they would take to find comparable, suitable housing for persons (or businesses) displaced or relocated.

This project involves no displacement or relocation, but the plan must be adopted with each CDBG application.

PUBLIC COMMENTS - the public was asked for comments.  No comments were received.

The Selectmen closed the Public Hearing.


Mr. Lovejoy voted to adopt the Housing and Community Development Plan.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Lovejoy voted to adopt the Antidisplacement and Relocation Assistance Plan.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Lovejoy voted to approve the submittal of the application and vote to authorize the Town Administrator to sign and submit the application, and upon approval of the CDBG application, authorize the Town Administrator to execute any documents which may be necessary to effectuate the CDBG contract and any amendments thereto.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Federico signed the environmental documentation. 


Public Works Director Colin Laverty reported that Lasting Impressions painters are finishing sanding and painting the shutters for the Bartlett-Cushman house.  They will be installed by the end of the year. 

Mr. Laverty said the lanyard on the flagpole was damaged in the storm.  He discussed the logistics of getting to the top of the pole to replace it. 

Mr. Deschaine discussed the hardware for the shutters for the Bartlett-Cushman house.  Mr. Laverty said that they will make every effort to make them as functional as possible. 

Mr. Laverty thought that his labor budget for the Highway and Cemetery Departments might be tight because over the past few months, a couple members of his staff were on light duty because of injuries.  In addition, they had some unexpected projects that required overtime.  He has other monies to offset the deficit if need be.

Lastly, Mr. Laverty described the damage done to the Municipal Center sign as a result of the storm.  The point of failure were the posts.  Mark Soucy from Vinyl Tech Graphics believes he can refurbish the sign for a cost of $1,500.  Mr. Laverty also priced granite posts for a cost of $3,800 for the two.  Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to rehabilitate the existing sign at the approximate cost of $1,500 and authorize the purchase of two 12x12x16 feet long granite side posts to hold the sign.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Deschaine asked about lighting for the sign at the Police Station.  Mr. Laverty can replace the interior lighting at a cost of $1,100 and approximately $850 for low voltage LED lighting.  He is waiting for Chief Scippa to approve.  Mr. Federico motioned to authorize the installation of LED lighting for the Police Department’s sign at a cost of $850.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Laverty said that the Highway Dept. is using the state block surplus funding to reconstruct River Road.  Work is underway.  Over the next year or two they hope to do the whole development. 

Mr. Deschaine said that we should be seeing a road deed and bond release for Market Street and Bittersweet soon.  There was an issue with mailboxes being set too far back.  The developer has arranged for the mailboxes to be relocated. 

Mr. Laverty said he is working with Town Planner Tavis Austin on road bonds.  The Chisholm Farm and Market Street projects are nearing completion.

Mr. Laverty said that he contacted Dowling regarding the catch basin near 154 Portsmouth Ave.  It is DOT maintained.  It appears that the loam is collapsing and should be an easy repair. 

Mr. Deschaine wanted to make the Board aware that there is an issue with the sidewalk at 9 Portsmouth Avenue, Kennebunk Savings.  Mark Stevens, the developer, said the sidewalk is deficient and approached the State offering to replace it at no cost to them.  The State wants Stratham to accept responsibility for maintenance.  Mr. Deschaine disagrees that the Town should be responsible.  He fears if the Town takes responsibility it will leave us open to lawsuits.  Mr. Lovejoy reasoned that a concrete sidewalk should be free from maintenance for quite some time and asked about snow removal. Mr. Lovejoy and Mr. Federico agreed with Mr. Deschaine, that it should remain maintained by the State, even though it may remain in disrepair.  The Board declined to take action.

Mr. Deschaine gave Mr. Laverty a new Mileage Reimbursement form noting that the Selectmen decided to increase the mileage reimbursement to .53.5 cents per mile.  Town vehicles must be utilized first, but, if unavailable, a department head may authorize use of a personal vehicle. Mr. Deschaine further explained the sections of the form. 

MEETINGS:  Mr. Federico reviewed the meetings of the coming week and past week.  Mr. Lovejoy will be filling in in Mr. Houghton’s absence at the Heritage Commission meeting.  It was noted that the Veteran’s Day ceremony will be on Saturday, November 11th.  Mr. Deschaine attended the Nitro Septic Systems at Great Bay where he learned about a promising new technology of reducing nitrogen in the groundwater.  Mr. Deschaine attended the Planning Board meeting where there was discussion regarding procedure for handling postponements/non submission of materials and the consequences of that.  Mr. Deschaine said that the PCAC/Safe Routes to School taskforce met with Scott Bogle who is doing the grant for pedestrian/cyclist plans around the two schools.  

RESERVATIONS:  Girls On the Run is requesting use of Room A at the Municipal Center on February 18, 2018.  Mr. Lovejoy motioned to approve the request and waive the fee.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 


Mr. Deschaine reported that the taxes on the tax deeded property had to be recalculated because of the new tax rate.  Also, the Dept. of Revenue required a recalculation based on the full market value of the house, which changed the numbers significantly. 

Mr. Federico made a motion to allow Mr. Deschaine to represent the Town of Stratham at the Municipal Association Conference Annual Meeting.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Deschaine said he had a request from YMCA Camp Lincoln to continue to use Stratham Hill Park as a bus stop for their summer camp.  Mr. Lovejoy motioned to continue to authorize the YMCA to utilize Stratham Hill Park to pick up and drop off children attending their programs and authorize Mr. Deschaine to sign the paperwork.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Federico asked if they were waiting for Mr. Emanuel to put together the Budget Advisory team.  Mr. Deschaine said that he would contact him to find out what the status is. 

At 9:03 Mr. Lovejoy motioned to adjourn.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Richard
Recording Secretary