BOS Minutes 7/10/17

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Meeting date: 
Monday, July 10, 2017


MEMBER’S PRESENT:  Board Members, Joe Lovejoy and Bruno Federico and Town Administrator Paul Deschaine.  Mike Houghton is on vacation.

At 7:37 pm Chairman Federico opened the general meeting of the Board of Selectmen.


Town Treasurer Deb Bronson indicated that the current fund balance was $10,408,639.04.


Director of Public Works Colin Laverty updated the Board on road paving and gravel shoulder work stating that it was nearly done.  They are on schedule and on budget.  He has been coordinating with the contractor doing the Daley subdivision and working with the Town of Greenland on their portion of Willowbrook.  Mr. Laverty announced that line striping is coming up next week, pending the weather.  Mr. Deschaine added that, regarding the paving discussion, Bill 38 added $30 million to highway funds for new municipal projects.  We will be notified by DOT what our allotment will be.  Mr. Deschaine said that as soon as we know the numbers, we will have a public hearing to accept the funds.

Mr. Laverty said that the old Truck 101 has been replaced.  He requested direction as to what to do with the old truck and gave a range of prices that it might bring if put out to bid.  Mr. Federico made a motion for a minimum reserve bid of $20,402 with a 3 week timeframe.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

The Highway Dept. is working with the Recreation Dept. to extend the walking path by the Municipal Center.  It is a partial loop now; they plan to make it a complete loop.

Mr. Laverty said that the Highway Dept. is assisting with Fair activities, such as set up, erecting no parking signs, setting up barricades.

Mr. Laverty said that they hope to reconstruct the wood chip ramp at end of summer.  The base of the ramp has been deteriorating and must be fixed to avoid accident or injury.  In conjunction with that project, they plan to install a small composting bin at the Park to keep the compost contained; now it is just a large dumping area.  The materials would be brought back to the Highway facility where they would screen the loam and use the compost for the Town.

Mr. Laverty said he has been coordinating with Parks and Recreation Director Seth Hickey and tree removal/pruning companies for work to be done at the Park starting around August 1, with a goal to complete the work in two weeks.  The Highway Dept. will provide pedestrian traffic control making sure the site is safe.

Mr. Laverty contacted Morton Salt Company, who we purchase our road salt through.  The price of road salt went up $2 per ton this year.  We used just over 1,064 tons of salt this year which was down from the previous year so we will see a savings this year.  We’ve budgeted $80,000 in past 5 years.  Mr. Laverty requested approval to purchase 1,100 tons of salt which is a total purchase price of $58,773 along with two pallets of calcium chloride for use at the municipal buildings and Town Center sidewalks.  The total request to expend from the salt budget is $60,313 from $80,000 budget, leaving a $19,687 balance.  Mr. Lovejoy moved to authorize Mr. Laverty to acquire the road salt as well as calcium chloride requested for a total amount of $60,313.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Laverty would like to purchase a Rinser RA350 used oil furnace to heat all the bays in the Highway garage.  The total cost is $11,063.  We applied for and received a DES state grant in the amount of $2,500 which brings the total cost down to $8,563.  Mr. Lovejoy motioned that the Board allow Mr. Laverty to acquire the used oil burner utilizing the state grant in the amount of $8,563.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


Chief of Police John Scippa requested acceptance of a proposed donation of a $9,000 surveillance system for the Police Dept.  Mr. Deschaine read the Public Hearing notice which had been previously posted.   Mr. Lovejoy motioned to accept the anonymous donation for the Police Dept.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Mr. Deschaine asked Chief Scippa to elaborate on the need for the new system.  Chief Scippa explained that the current system uses very old technology, analog, and the new system would upgrade it to digital.  Uses for the audio/visual system would include the Interview Room and the parking lot, which is considered a “Safe Zone” for internet transactions and child custody exchanges.  Mr. Lovejoy asked if we could write a letter to the donor thanking them for such a generous donation.  Mr. Deschaine said that that would violate the RSA because it would be discoverable and therefore they would no longer be anonymous.  Chief Scippa said that he would thank them verbally.

Town Clerk Joyce Charbonneau provided Mr. Deschaine with the annual Dog Warrant.  Currently, over 1500 dogs have been registered; 165 have not registered.  Mr. Deschaine requested a warrant be signed so the Police Dept. can do their duty.  Chief Scippa wanted to remind people that this can be done online.

Mr. Deschaine shared a resident’s complaint about speeding on Union Road.  Chief Scippa responded to the complaint by attaching reports from the new radar camera.  Chief Scippa explained the equipment was purchased with a 50/50 grant and allows the Police Dept. monitor the traffic on any road 24/7 for 5-6 days at a time.  The information is used to determine how and when to deploy resources.


Pamela Hollasch of Greta’s Way requesting permission to close off Oxbow Farm Rd for a block party on Saturday, August 26th from 3:00 – 6:00 pm.  Logistics and details were discussed, including Chief Scippa’s input.  Mr. Lovejoy motioned that Ms. Hollasch be allowed to do the road closure on Oxbow Farm Road on August 26th from 3:00 – 6:00 pm.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

MEETINGS:  The Chair then reviewed the meetings scheduled for the coming week and the meetings held this past week.


Town Clerk Joyce Charbonneau provided Mr. Deschaine with a report on her collections.  The balance due as of 7/10/17 this year as compared to 7/10/16 is $52,790 more.  However the warrant was $367,416 more to be collected.  The full report is in the file.

Mr. Deschaine attended the Rockingham County Commissioners meeting on 6/28.  He reported the topics covered at the meeting was a change in fiscal year which could impact the county’s tax bill to towns, dispatch services, energy, and a new policy regarding felony arrests and arraignments. 

Mr. Deschaine reported that the Trustees of Trust Funds have an applicant to fill the open position.  The Trustees are reviewing the application.  As a result of the Dept. of Labor audit, it was discovered that Fidelity is missing paperwork from them.  Mr. Deschaine requested permission to adopt the resolution to allow him to authorize certification of the members of the Trustees of the Trust Funds.  Mr. Lovejoy moved to adopt the resolution as stated.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Content of the next BOS Newsletter was discussed.

Mr. Deschaine said that he has received resignation letters from Park Ranger Kim Woods and Recording Secretary Ashley Rodier.  Mr. Lovejoy moved to accept the resignations using the effective date in their letters of resignation.  Mr. Federico seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Deschaine described the Park Ranger position and its requirements including input received from Parks & Recreation Director Seth Hickey and Police Chief Scippa.

Mr. Deschaine said that annually the Dept. Of Revenue asks us if we plan to use the PA 28 Inventory of Taxable Property for 2018.  We have elected not to do so in the past.  The value of the form was debated.  Mr. Federico motioned against re-instating the state form.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Discussion on social media policy was continued from the previous BOS meeting.  Allison Knab was the only person to provide feedback which was incorporated into the policy.  Mr. Federico suggested they wait until Mr. Houghton’s return before adopting the policy.

Mr. Deschaine requested to go in to a non-public session to discuss a personnel issue which may affect the reputation of another.  Mr. Federico motioned to go into a non-public session at 9:20 pm.

At 9:53 pm Mr. Federico moved to come out of non-public and seal the minutes due to the nature of the conversation.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

At 9:54 pm Mr. Federico moved to adjourn.  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Richard, Recording Secretary