Conservation Commission Minutes 9/27/17

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Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Conservation Commission Public Minutes

Present: Bob Keating, Joe Lovejoy, Bill McCarthy, Pat Elwell, Ana Egana, Allison Knab, Dan McAullife
Town Administrator Paul Deschaine, Colin Laverty Director of Public Works

7:03 P.m. meeting called to order


8/23 minutes had errors to be corrected.  They were mistakenly labeled 8/28 minutes and Rob Roseen’s name was misspelled. Joe moved, Bob seconded with corrections. Motion passed

A brochure for Hazardous Waste Day was received.  The event is planned for Saturday October 21 and they are looking for volunteers in 2 hour shifts.

Utility notification application was received from Eversource for select maintenance of transmission lines. 1800+ square foot impact of wetlands.

Received a DES notice for 85 College Road application for shore land permit stating application is missing some paperwork. We do not know what the project is at this time.

New Business

Stratham Hill Park Cutting
Colin Laverty attended the meeting to address CC concerns regarding recent cutting.  Allison expressed to Colin Laverty that the cutting did not look like we anticipated. She began by asking him to explain why changes to the plan that was previously agreed upon were made. Colin felt 5 of the Elms that were designated to stay had to be removed to enhance the viewshed. The communications corridor was wider than we anticipated it would be and the logging companies that they hired handled both the view shed as well as the transmission corridor cutting. He stated that this was discussed with the Selectmen. Clearing was done in sections up the fire tower road where Norway Maples were completely taking over. Seth, Colin and foresters from the 4 logging companies worked together to review what would be cut. Seth was pleased with what was done. Bill felt they became overzealous with transmission corridor since this was supposed to be a straight line. Colin said the path issue was a flagging issue and that they did expand slightly from the area. There is no town plan to replant more native species in the cleared areas. The plan is to keep the area at the top opened and mowed as a grassy area.

A notice was received that the SELT fundraiser coming up Oct 21.

Per Joe, the 108 committee is meeting to begin discussing putting together a TIF district.

Paul spoke with Jeremy at SELT re: Barker Farm funding. LCHIP awards are due in December. SELT did receive the 1772 Grant funding. They had a tentative acceptance from NRCS for ALE application however in typical govt fashion, they have become backed up with the paperwork so things may be delayed on that funding and may have to wait until 2018.

Monday night the Selectmen completed a power purchase agreement for the Police Department for the solar panels; the rate will be approx 7.2 cents/kW

The Park Ranger position has been put on hold since the end of the season is coming and there would not be enough information to do a proper evaluation. The position will be opened again in the spring.

The Bartlett Cushman house is being remarketed this week.

Tracey Cutler resigned from her position as Land Use Assistant at the Town Office.  Denise Lemire has stepped up to this position thereby leaving a part-time position open.

Rollins Hill Development
Bob asked about the Rollins Hill development and the removal of gravel. He also noted that the permeable pavement has already been destroyed by large equipment. Paul stated that the town is aware and these issues are being addressed.  Allison has not heard back from from Rob Roseen regarding the deteriorating fence that was installed around one of the vernal pool.

The Pedestrian Cyclist Advocacy Committee (PCAC) plans to meet Friday morning.  Unless meetings are changed to the evening hours, Bill M will not be able to be the representative for the CC on the committee.

The Planning Board still has the Sullivan subdivision on Hillcrest/Whitaker on hold because they do not want another ‘lollipop’ road turnaround and the applicant has not proven the case that there are no other alternatives.

The PB will be meeting on Oct. 4th to discuss reformatting subdivision regulations.

Paul handed out a new recycling flyer that he and Casella have been working on to provide residents with answers to questions about zero-sort recycling collection.

Bill moved to adjourn at 7:51, Joe seconded. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Pat Elwell