Heritage Commission Minutes 3/11/2020

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Stratham Heritage Commission
Meeting Minutes
Land Use Conference Room
March 11, 2020


Present: David Canada, Michael Houghton, Rebecca Mitchell, Forrest Barker, Tammy Hathaway,

Absent: Nathan Merrill, Florence Wiggin

Convened: 7:00 PM

In the absence of Mr. Merrill Mr. Canada asked Ms. Barker to serve as a voting member.

Secretary’s Report: Mr. Canada distributed the minutes of the February 12, 2020 meeting. Ms. Mitchell made a motion, seconded by Ms. Barker, to approve the minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Ms. Barker reported that she submitted payment for the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance membership yearly dues.

Committee Reports

Planning Board: Mr. Canada reported that the board approved the site plan and a conditional use permit with conditions for the Chipotle Restaurant in the corner of the Staples parking lot across from Starbucks.

Technical Review Committee: Nothing to report

Demolition Review Committee: Nothing new to report. Mr. Houghton suggested that the Route 33 Legacy Highway Committee review the demolition policy on historic resources.

Select Board: Nothing new to report.

Route 33 Legacy Highway Committee:  Ms. Barker reported that although there was not a quorum at the last meeting those present discussed adding photographs of historical homes to a GIS map including the names and pertinent information.

Old Business

Old Town Hall Window Project: Mr. Canada presented the two plaque options, one in etched brass and one printed in black on a white plastic plaque. The commission agreed that the black and white version was more readable and showed the historic photograph of the building more clearly. Mr. Houghton will take the commission’s recommendation to the Select Board for consideration.

Stratham Hill Park Historical Markers (Varsity Wireless Funded): Ms. Mitchell reported that the $500 payment to Phineas Graphics has been received enabling work on the prototype to begin. She has also sent the town seal for color options to develop the preliminary design.

Report on possible Conservation Commission easement: Mr. Canada has not heard from Bill McCarthy, Conservation Commission chairman.

Town Meeting:  The commission discussed being prepared to address the warrant article to add $50,000.00 to the Heritage Preservation Fund, bringing it nearer the fund’s $250,000 goal. Mr. Houghton noted that he will be presenting the warrant article updating the Town’s application of RSA 79-E and is prepared to answer any questions.

House Bill 1104: Mr. Canada reported that the bill sponsored by Representative Abrami passed the house unanimously and will proceed to the Senate for a committee hearing.

Informational Markers: Regarding the proposed highway marker for the Lane Homestead, Ms. Mitchell reported that the Department of Historical Resources shared with her their template so she can more easily edit the text within the character and line limitations. Once that revised text is submitted, she will prepare the necessary footnotes and bibliography.

Town-Wide Survey/Area Form: Ms. Mitchell reported she is working with Town Administrator David Moore and consultant Lisa Mausolf on a professional service agreement.

Veteran’s Garden: Ms. Mitchell reported that Exeter Monument Works has measured and made a template design and quote of $246.00 to engrave “Persian Gulf War” on the blank obelisk. Ms. Barker made a motion to approve the design seconded by Ms. Mitchell; the motion passed unanimously.

New Business

 Heritage Preservation Fund: Mr. Canada reported that Mr. Merrill has drafted a document stating the purpose and goals of the Heritage Preservation Fund. Seeing no objections to the proposed text, Mr. Houghton will take it to the Select Board for approval before posting on the Heritage Commission web page.

TIF District: Mr. Canada asked whether the commission wished to take a position on the warrant article setting up a TIF district. After a brief discussion Ms. Mitchell made a motion to support the TIF District, seconded by Ms. Barker. The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 8.00

Respectfully submitted,

Tammy Hathaway