November 22nd Select Board Newsletter


November 22, 2019

Dear Stratham Residents,

Please read below for news and notes from the Town of Stratham. 

In this edition:
Curbside Collection Advisory Committee Interim Report;
Update on senior gathering space
Staff trainings and development
A note from the Town Clerk/Tax Collector

Please remind your neighbors about this resource for keeping on top of information from the Town.  To sign-up for these updates and other notifications, please visit:

The Select Board
Michael Houghton, Chairman             Joe Lovejoy, Vice Chair         Allison Knab

The Curbside Collection Advisory Committee has submitted an interim report to the Select Board and presented it at the Board's Nov. 18th meeting.  You can find the two-page letter report along with other meetings materials of the Advisory Committee here.

The Committee makes several findings as a result of its deliberations over its five meetings.  Specifically, the Committee found that our culture as a whole is becoming more aware of the effects of human impacts on the environment including relying on landfills and consumer habits that generate the need for disposal and related costs.  As a result, the Committee is encouraging a broader conversation about how we manage and think of what we dispose of prior to committing to any particular mode of collection (automation, the existing program, or some other approach). 

The Committee also proposed some specific next steps.  These include:

Hit “pause” on preparations for the proposed Automation Program;

Perform additional outreach to the Community to learn more about preferences and attitudes about preferences for curbside collection of trash and recycling in general;

Assess the community’s feedback from the survey and interest in other models and - using that information - define the level of service desired by the Committee for the purposes of soliciting new competitive bids for the model and types of services desired.

Move forward with a new contract for the desired level of service defined through the process.

The Board expressed appreciation for the Committee’s work and is in agreement with the interim recommendations.  Meanwhile, there will be no interruption in current curbside collection services and the Committee will be moving forward with a survey product to learn more about the Community’s desires with regard to curbside collection in general.  More updates will follow as the Committee continues its work.

Stay tuned for an announcment about a "Launch Date" in December for the Senior Gathering Space at the Municipal Center.  Furniture is arriving, carpeting is being installed and otehr preparations are being made.  Soon seniors will be gathering in this inviting room to catch up with neighbors over coffee, work on a puzzle with friends, gather a group for a card game or relax with a book or a newspaper. 

Senior program note: Stratham Striders is a walking group that meets at the Exeter Area YMCA each Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. for a 30 minute walk on the indoor track.  No YMCA membership needed!  Move your feet, socialize, and energize both your mind and your body during the approaching colder months. 

Over the past several weeks, many Town employees have accessed important training and conference opportunities in the pursuit of personal professional development and enhanced services to the residents of the Town of Stratham and its employees.  Special thanks is due the taxpayers who support these efforts through tax dollars as well as patience of residents and co-workers who cover the absences from regular duties.  These are worthwhile investments in our employees and our Town, thank you!

Examples of the most recent conferences and trainings include:
New England Library Association Conference: Challenging Expectations Together: Librarians leading the way to foster innovation and change.
State of NH DES Water Certification Class
International City/County City Managers Association Conference
Annual New Hampshire City & Town Clerk Association (NHCTCA) Conference
New Hampshire Tax Collectors' Association (NHTCA) 81st Annual Education Conference

The 2019 tax rate has been set for the Town of Stratham.  The new tax rate dropped $2.37 from $21.00 per thousand to $18.63 per thousand.  For more information about the Town-wide revaluation and results please visit:

Tax bills were mailed on 11/7/19.  The due date is 12/12/19.

If you did not receive your tax bill , please contact the Tax Collector’s office at 603-772-4741, ext. 140.