Board of Trustees Minutes (10/18/2021)

Meeting date: 
Monday, October 18, 2021

Wiggin Memorial Library
Stratham, NH
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 18, 2021, 6:30pm
Meeting Held @ Wiggin Memorial Library

I. Call to Order - Kate Kim called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.
Attendees - Library Director Lesley Kimball, Library Trustee and Chair Kate Kim, Library Trustee Michael
Hunter, Library Trustee and Treasurer Steve Simons, Library Trustee and Secretary Susan Wilbur, Library
Trustee Dree Sherry, Library Alternate Trustee Mike Deutsch, Library Alternate Trustee Kathy Bower

II. Welcome / Guests -

III. Review / Adoption of Minutes - Steve made a motion to adopt both the September 20 and October 5,
2021 meeting minutes. Michael H. seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

IV. Executive Session (Non-public session if necessary) RSA 91-A:3 - None needed.

V. Director’s Report -
a. News from Assistant Director -
b. Town Updates -
Lesley distributed the report via email and in person. One highlight is that the library was awarded the NH Humanities SHARP grant for $12,000. She also shared that Courtney will be moving into the Head of Youth Services position with a Youth Services Assistant position filled by Mary-Ellen and a Youth Services Librarian/Teen Specialist position to be filled. All 3 positions will work with all ages of children.

VI. Old Business -
a. 2022 Budget - Lesley distributed two spreadsheets showing projected 2022 budgets - one with selective increases for payroll and one with a set 2.5% increase for payroll. These were created with Michael H’s help. They do not show weighted averages. Discussion followed on whether we should look at the budget with weighted averages or not and how that would affect the budget tracking going forward. Discussion also followed on the two salary options. Lesley’s preference is for selective increases. The consensus of the BOT is in agreement of selective increases. The proposed Page/Shelver position would be a high school student. It would not be a customer service position, strictly shelving.
The Select Board is discussing the timeline for budget submissions in their meeting tonight.
Lesley will update the spreadsheet to reflect the new plan for the Youth Services department.
The longevity bonuses are included in the total payroll budget when looking at the % increase from last year as they were included in last year’s total.
b. Policy Review:
Personnel Policy - Lesley distributed the policy. She was thinking a BOT sub-committee would be helpful to review this policy. Some parts are boilerplate/copied from the town’s policy. Mary-Ellen compared the town and library policies and marked the differences. (Lesley emailed BOT this version.) Should the library be more aligned with the town’s policy? Once it’s updated, Lesley feels it should be run by the Town Counsel because of the HR related information in the policy. Michael H., Dree and Michael D. offered to review. They will review Mary-Ellen’s notes and email each other to discuss.
Public Health Crisis Policy - Lesley is looking at broadening the policy to be less COVID specific. She distributed the policy with proposed changes. It doesn’t have to be changed now but was on the schedule to be reviewed. With regards to staff duties if the library is closed, Kathy suggested looking at how much work is available / who should do it / how many people does it take. Kate thought no promises should be in the policy about being compensated for regularly scheduled hours. Closure and compensation will be circumstance-driven with an assessment made in accordance with town, state and national policies. Kate shared that at her work, there is a white board where staff can log remote project ideas in case work shuts down again. Kathy will work on wording for this policy.
COVID Illness Policy - Lesley distributed this policy as it stands now. It was created as support for the Public Health Crisis Policy. Depending on the wording of that policy, COVID could come out of this one and it could just be a policy for any employee illness. Susan suggested taking out the parts that don’t match the current CDC guidelines. Lesley will work on making the policy more generic.
c. Alternate Trustee - Lesley shared that Dree spoke to someone who has filled out an application to be an Alternate Trustee. With the BOT’s approval, Lesley will submit her information to the Select Board to make the appointment. Lesley passed around the application and the BOT is in approval.
d. Sweet Grass Farm Fundraising - Lesley shared that Susan updated the order form and it’s now up on the website. Spread the word! People can send in payment by PayPal. The library is collecting the order forms and will give to Susan to collate for Sweet Grass Farm.
VII. New Business -
Dree shared that she had lunch with Judy Ringer, a Conflict Resolution Expert who she has worked with in the past through NEA and educational conferences. Dree was looking for direction and recommendations. Judy is semi-retired and uses an Aikido based approach to conflict resolution. She also suggested Amanda Price of Catalyst Thread. Dree passed around Amanda’s flyer. Among other strategies, Amanda Price teaches expression skills and listening with empathy. Judy could reach out to see if Amanda would be willing to come in and have a conversation with the staff at the library or with the BOT. Lesley thinks the staff would be open to this. Judy mentioned the staff could decide what they are looking for and help to design the experience. Kate suggested the BOT organize this so Dree will email Judy to find out what the next step would be, ask about fees and whether there could first be a presentation to the BOT.

VIII. Treasurer’s Report -
a. Monthly Report - Lesley distributed the Treasurer’s Report. 80% of year is complete, 20% left to spend so the library budget is on target. Steve made a motion to accept $425 in Operating Gifts. Susan seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

IX. Next Meeting - Scheduled for November 15, 2021, 6:30pm

X. Adjournment - Steve made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Susan seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:03 pm.