Board of Trustees Minutes (10/19/2020)

Meeting date: 
Monday, October 19, 2020

Wiggin Memorial Library
Stratham, NH
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 19, 2020, 6:30pm
Virtual Meeting Via Zoom

I. Call to Order - Kate Kim called the meeting to order at 6:37 pm.
Attendees - Library Director Lesley Kimball, Library Trustee and Chair Kate Kim, Library Trustee Michael Hunter, Library Trustee and Treasurer Steve Simons, Library Trustee and Secretary Susan Wilbur, Library Trustee Joanne Ward, Library Alternate Trustee Mike Deutsch, Library Alternate Trustee Beth Rohloff, Library Alternate Trustee Kathy Bower
II. Welcome / Guests -
III. Review / Adoption of Minutes - Joanne moved to adopt the September 21, 2020 meeting
minutes. Steve seconded the motion. Via roll call vote, all voted in favor.
IV. Director’s Report - Lesley emailed her report to the BOT before the meeting. The primary issue is staffing levels as a result of a lot of moving parts - for ex., Marcia’s retirement and reallocation of her duties, some staff still at 75% or less, some back full time. It can be confusing to keep track of how many hours each staff is working. Hours worked in the building are down from normal for both hourly and salary staff. Total hours worked are higher than budgeted for hourly, lower than budgeted for salary. Lesley wants to get a handle on it in regards to the 2021 budget. Pre-COVID, the library was open 55 hours/week with staff hours slightly higher. Currently, the library is open 45.5 hours - including time spent answering phones, getting pickup ready, appointments. Looking
ahead, she wants to expand those open hours into evenings and Saturday. The increase in coverage has to come through salary employees as hourly are already working more.
Appointments are still going well. She is in communication with all the seacoast libraries - there are a lot of different customer service models in use.
Update to the report - there have now been 45 teen drive-by book boxes requested, a big success!
Mike D. asked if the reduced hours will impact the budget request for next year? Lesley said that is a good question. The request has been put in for a level-funded budget. She anticipates returning to full service so hopefully there wouldn’t be an impact.
6:49pm Zoom was hacked so the meeting ended abruptly. Lesley emailed a new Zoom link that all BOT joined. Discussion of security options for future meetings and discussion of what to do so the public is still able to join this meeting.
7:09pm Resumed meeting on original Zoom link. Lesley added waiting room feature and disabled share screen and chat ability.
V. Old Business -
a. Discuss BOT Work Calendar Updates - Lesley shared that the state library sent out a different format to use for a work calendar - Lesley will send it to the BOT to see if it’s a format we would like to use. Currently, October/November has the book sale (N/A this year), appraisal process and Sweet Grass Farm fundraiser.
b Director’s Appraisal - Kate asked for someone else to take it over for her this year. Kathy asked if an Alternate can participate and can 2 people work on it? Kate feels it can be a group effort. Lesley doesn’t know why an alternate couldn’t participate as the appraisal is submitted to the Select Board by the entire BOT. Kathy is willing to be a lead. Michael Hunter also volunteered to help. All BOT members will need to submit their thoughts on the appraisal.
Lesley said when the town switched to this appraisal format, there was training but that was before this BOT’s time. Lesley has the materials from the training and can meet w/Kathy and Michael to discuss. She will also fill out her own appraisal and goals and will send that to the BOT along w/any extra
documentation about her year. Kathy asked about the timeframe. The Select Board doesn’t look at any of them until the beginning of the year (and it is a courtesy to submit Lesley’s). So it should be finished by the end of year/holidays.
c. Review Updated “Schedule for Policy Review” - Lesley emailed this before the meeting. At the request of the BOT last month, she reordered the schedule for 2021, 2022 and 2023. For review in 2021, Lesley suggests the Circulation Policy, Credit Card Policy, Equipment Loan Policy, Inter-Library Cooperation Policy, Mission Statement and Strategic Plan (bridge plan). Depending on how COVID affects future library operations, the Meeting/Display Policy could also be reviewed. Steve asked about the Public Health Policy and Illness Policy. Lesley said those could also be reviewed in 2021.
d. 2021 Budget: Salary Recommendations (current and 2021) - Lesley has submitted the draft budget with 0% increase. Lesley spoke to Dawna Duhamel who responded to Lesley's question regarding the Town's approach to the 2021 budget, that submitting an increase to the salary line in general would likely be aligned with some other departments' requests. 2% of the the salary budget line ($407,599) is $8152 so that would bring the request to $415,751. Susan suggested 2.5% ($10,190). Joanne thought that with COVID and reduced services, 2% may be a better choice. Susan asked about the option to use any extra for COLA yet making sure to act in line with the town. Lesley said that the town may not do COLA but may do merit bonuses. There are some variables for library staff salaries next year. Lesley will lay out the salary changes to see how it plays out and let the BOT know what sort of increase makes sense to request.
e. Planning - At last month’s meeting, Lesley brought up the idea of the BOT working on a bridge plan. Before the meeting, she emailed a one page planning guiding document to see if the BOT is interested in doing something like this. Lesley will send out one page samples that other libraries have used. Overall the library’s values may not have changed but COVID has changed the service values and goals for the library. Lesley envisions that the BOT looks at the library’s priorities as well as looks ahead to services provided so as things change, there are guidelines for what aligns with the strategic plan. This could also be helpful in communicating with residents to clearly articulate what the library is doing and prioritizing.
Is it too much work to create a one year plan? If so, the BOT could have a discussion based on the questions at the bottom of Lesley’s guiding document. Kate asked if other libraries are making an effort to redefine their goals. Lesley said many feel like their goals are being defined for them and they are having to be reactive. She would prefer to be proactive and steer our own destiny without going through a really formal planning process, thinking a one page document that the staff and public could see would be useful. She understands it’s hard to plan but as stewards of library, this is a way to move forward and have something to measure against.
The BOT feels this is worthwhile so Lesley will put the discussion on the November BOT meeting agenda.
VI. New Business -
a. Director’s Appraisal - discussed above under V a.
b. Fundraising - Joanne contacted Sweet Grass Farm and they are willing to work with the library on the fundraiser again. Do we do it around mother’s day rather than the holidays? Joanne thinks with people at home and shopping online, now may be a good time to do it. In promoting it, Steve suggested pointing out that our book sale has gone away but understanding it’s also a tough time for all. Lesley said the library has space for pickup or the BOT could deliver the orders. How can we spread the word and share the information?
Susan suggested we promote the home delivery. Steve asked if the donation request letter could include information on Sweet Grass Farm? Lesley said that letter usually goes out after this holiday fundraiser. Beth asked if the library can send the letter electronically? Lesley said the library doesn’t have email for a lot of patrons. Kate asked if we could put something out on election day. Lesley doesn’t think so but info could be put out with curbside pickup items. Joanne asked if we could put flyers near the town clerk’s desk. Lesley will check. Kathy suggested adding info to the email newsletter. Susan suggested doing an email specifically about Sweet Grass. Lesley says a mailing to all active patrons (approx. 1500-2000) would be pretty expensive.
Lesley shared opportunities for 2021 targeted asks - book mobile, AV equipment for more hybrid programming.
Kate suggested the idea of offering fun whimsical signs in your yard for a donation. Can reuse the same materials. Kate will do some research on that idea.
The BOT decided on a Sweet Grass Farm deadline of 11/13 for orders before Thanksgiving/Hanukkah, 12/11 for orders before Christmas. Lesley will update the publicity, create social media postings and look over the order form to see if there need to be changes.
VII. Treasurer’s Report - Steve reported that overall the library has 32% left to spend and there is 28% of the year left. We are in good shape. The technology line is over budget, usually we take $2000 out of fundraising to cover any overages. This year, we may not need to take that full $2000. The other line over budget is Equipment - it is over budget but not as much as expected.
Steve moved to accept the donations of $350 (operating gifts/grants and annual appeal). Joanne seconded the motion. Via roll call vote, all voted in favor.
VIII. Executive Session - None needed
IX. Next Meeting - Scheduled for November 16, 2020, 6:30pm
X. Adjournment - Steve moved to adjourn the meeting; Susan seconded the motion. Via roll call vote, all voted in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 8:27pm.