Board of Trustees Minutes (12/17/2018)

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Meeting date: 
Monday, December 17, 2018

Wiggin Memorial Library
Stratham, NH

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting

Monday, December 17, 2018

Present: Library Director Lesley Kimball, Library Trustee and Chair Kate Kim, Library Trustee and Treasurer Steve Simons, Library Trustee Joanne Ward, Library Trustee Alternate Susan Wilbur, Library Trustee Alternate Kathy Bower.

I. Non-public meeting with Kate, Lesley, Selectman Mike Houghton, Selectman Joe Lovejoy, Town Administrator Paul Deschaine, and Incoming Town Administrator David Moore to discuss a personnel matter as allowed in RSA 91-A:3.

II. Call to Order - Kate Kim called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 pm. In a joint meeting with the Select Board, Kate and Lesley presented information about the library’s budget proposal. At 7:30 p.m., the Board of Trustees members present returned to the library to conduct the remainder of the Trustee meeting.

Kathy Bower and Susan Wilbur were appointed by Kate Kim as official voting members for Geri Denton and Nate Clinard.

Observations about the budget discussion during the joint meeting.

II. Review/Adoption of Minutes

Minutes: Steve moved to accept the minutes. Kathy seconded the motion. Minutes were approved unanimously.

III. Old Business

Review BOT Work Calendar –

January: Regular meeting; Budget Presentation. February: Fundraising Event – Library Lovers Month. Determined that it is likely there is not enough time to plan an event in 2019 but should be considered for 2020 with planning to start in late 2019.

Confirm date for April book sale. After review of Trustee availability (present members: Kate, Kathy, Joanne, Steve, Susan all can be available for at least part of the time), dates for book sale will be April 4-6 using same schedule as in October 2018. Trustee Alternate Susan Wilbur volunteered to be the coordinator. Lesley and Tricia will provide her with the checklist.

Director’s appraisal. Kate and Lesley met on November 30 to discuss. The appraisal document was presented for Trustee review/signatures. Library staff appraisals were also reviewed and signed by the present Board members.

IV. New Business

Establish “roles” for Board of Trustees. Kate reiterated the need for active participation by all Board members and alternates. Discussion about current and potential roles resulted in the following needs: Officers (chair, secretary, treasurer), book sale(s) coordinator, staff appreciation event coordinator, fundraising coordinator and committee.

Officer positions are filled by Kate (chair), Geri (secretary), and Steve (treasurer). Susan volunteered to coordinate the Spring book sale. Kathy agreed to work with Lesley to lay the groundwork for a fundraising committee. Joanne will continue to organize the Sweet Grass Farm fundraiser and will help on other roles/projects. Staff appreciation event coordinator is open but will be suggested to alternate John Dozet and/or others after elections in March 2019. Annual calendar will reflect these roles.

Brief discussion of needed information for fundraising: history, development of goals, identification of people who can help. Kathy reported a guiding principle presented at a recent conference she attended: The [Library] Trustees should be in charge of imagination.

Discussion of current membership of the Board. Seats open for March 2019 elections. Potential of incumbents to seek re-election and/or re-appointment. Kate will contact incumbents in early January to inquire about their plans in this regard. Anticipate that 2 elected seats will be open and 3 appointments for alternates.

V. Reports

A. Treasurer’s report. Steve reviewed notes on spending.

Donations to Accept: Steve made a motion to accept fundraising donations as well as operating gifts. Susan seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.

Sweet Grass Farm fundraiser netted $398.72.

Receipt of final disbursement from town will cover current billed expenses as well as what is due before 12/31/2018.

B. Lesley presented the Director’s report that included updates on some annual statistics (as of 12/14) as well as preparations for budget presentation.

VI. Guests. Paul Deschaine, Town Administrator, thanked the Library Board of Trustees for their work serving the community as well as their support for the town and for his position and work.

VII. The Next Meeting is scheduled for January 21, 2019 which is a holiday and the library will be closed. Discussion of the number of times this will happen (holidays on 3rd Mondays) and whether the Board should consider other days. Conclusion: determination of date for January meeting delayed until the schedule for presentation of the budget is known.

Special meeting of the Board of Trustees will be scheduled to occur before 12/31/2018, and duly posted, to accept any large gifts.  

VII. Adjournment  - Steve moved to adjourn. Joanne seconded the motion. Approved unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 8:36 pm.