Board of Trustees Minutes (4/15/2019)

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Meeting date: 
Monday, April 15, 2019

Wiggin Memorial Library
Stratham, NH
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 15, 2019

Present: Library Director Lesley Kimball, Library Trustee and Chair Kate Kim, Library Trustee
and Treasurer Steve Simons, Library Trustee Joanne Ward, Library Trustee Michael Hunter,
Library Alternate Trustee Susan Wilbur, Library Alternate Trustee John Dozet

I. Call to Order / II. Welcome - Kate called the meeting to order at 6:34pm and appointed
John and Susan as voting members of the BOT.

II. Review/Adoption of Minutes - Susan pointed out a change of wording on the 3/18/19
minutes. Under section II, minutes should read “…newly elected Trustee.” Under section V. B.
2., minutes should read “… be appointed…” Steve moved to accept the minutes as amended and
Michael seconded the motion. Minutes were approved unanimously.

III. Old Business -
A. Review BOT Work Calendar - At the May meeting, the BOT will set dates for the
fall book sale. If any BOT will not be at the May meeting, Kate asked that they forward
any dates in October that they aren’t available.
Joanne Ward arrived at 6:45pm. John stepped down as a voting member for this
B. Social Media & Internet Use Policies - Lesley passed out final versions for
Internet Use Policy - Michael pointed out, in Section C, Children’s Internet Access,
that the word “responsibility” had been removed from the sentence “library does not
have the authority to act…” After brief discussion, Joanne moved to add the word back in
and Susan seconded the motion. The amendment was approved unanimously.
Social Media Policy - Joanne pointed out some confusion in the wording of the
Purpose section. After brief discussion, Steve moved to amend the Purpose to read “… we
offer ways for residents…” and “The library uses…” and Susan seconded the motion. The
amendments were approved unanimously.
Policies will be signed at next BOT meeting.
C. Book Sale Report - Sales totaled $1562. This is consistent as the Fall 2018 sale
took in $1553. The Friends of the Library took in approximately $400. At the end of the
sale, about 80 remaining boxes were sold for $1/box. An additional 40 boxes were picked
up, free of charge, by Discover Books. Six dealers came during the 9-10am hour.
Ideas for future book sales -
Going forward, at the end of the sale, leftover boxes of books will be sold for $2/box.
After the sale, no boxes will be stored at the library.
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After the fall book sale dates have been set, Susan will contact Discover Books to see if
pickup can be reserved for the fall and to see how many boxes they can take.
Could the donations be boxed spine up when they are first processed in the library? This
would help save time on the setup day of the sale.
We should have a display of upcoming library programs.
We should put out a donation jar. This would also help us to learn how much is actually
made from the sale of books.
We should have an official price for educators that we promote ahead of time.
In an effort to limit the amount of books left over after the sale, should we be more
discerning in the donations we keep?
D. Review Board Roles & Responsibilities - Michael moved to accept the slate of
officers as nominated in the last BOT meeting and Joanne seconded the motion.
Nominations of Kate as Chair, Steve as Treasurer, and Susan as Secretary were approved
E. Appointment Requests/Finish Term/Alternates - The Stratham Select Board
received the nomination for Susan to take over Nate Clinard’s term ending in 2021. They
are voting on it during their 4/15/19 meeting. With regards to alternates, Lesley put out a
request on facebook and has had at least one response. They are going to discuss further
in person this week.

IV. New Business -
A. Policies for Review - By-laws, Library Accessibility, Equipment Loans -
Existing documents were distributed for review.
Trustee By-laws - Lesley reordered the document, arranging the by-laws in the order
of the corresponding RSA. The section on Board Procedures/Commitments is specific to
our board. She emphasized the importance of reviewing this document with regards to
the work the Board does.
Michael asked if Lesley works under a contract? No, she is an “at-will” employee
employed by the BOT.
Michael suggested we add the BOT quorum rule of 3 to our by-laws. A suggestion was
made to put it under D. Board Procedures, 1a.
Library and Material Accessibility Policy - Lesley did not change this policy much.
The ADA did change the definition of service animals so that was updated.
Equipment Loan Policy - Lesley made many changes to this document because the
library doesn’t own some of the equipment listed in the old policy. The new draft of the
policy is written in more general terms to apply to any and all equipment the library
Lesley noted that the library has a few policies that are on the fence of policy and
procedure. As the BOT reviews them, she suggested trying to separate the two where it’s
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V. Strategic Planning -
A. Board Development - Based on the unprecedented position of a newer BOT,
Lesley is recommending we first do some Board development before we work on a new
Strategic Plan for the library. The Board is at a point of reset and has an opportunity to
work on defining itself. She suggested bringing someone in to help if we didn’t want to
work on it on our own. The BOT is open to that suggestion so Lesley will send out some
information. The strategic planning project will be put on hold.

VI. Reports -
A. Treasurer’s Report - Steve distributed the report. As of last Friday, we are at 27%
of the annual budget.
In our next meeting, Lesley will address what we have in the equipment budget line and
the one-time project budget line so we can decide whether trail cameras should be
moved to the one-time project line so the equipment line doesn’t get overspent.
With regards to adding the new Trustees to the bank accounts, Steve will bring the bank
paperwork to our next meeting or will leave at the library for all the trustees to sign.
Discussion of library accounts - checking account (stores the money from the town
budget), savings account (for trustee fundraising money - does this need to be a checking
account for easier processing of payments?)
Do we set up a trust account/endowment for larger donations? We need to find someone
who can advise on this.
Library does receive an annual disbursement from a trust managed by the Trustees of
the Trust Funds Committee - 1/4 goes to the Stratham Historical Society for
maintenance of the building, the rest of the money is used for direct patron impact
services (like museum passes).
B. Director’s Report - Lesley distributed the report. She explained the report is a
progress report, an opportunity to look at goals in the strategic plan and to look at
statistics showing where we are with those goals.

VII. No Executive Session needed.

VIII. Next Meeting - Monday, May 20, 2019, 6:30pm at the library.

IX. Adjournment - Steve moved to adjourn and Michael seconded the motion. Approved
unanimously and meeting was adjourned at 8:38pm.