Board of Trustees Minutes (7/15/2019)

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Meeting date: 
Monday, July 15, 2019

Wiggin Memorial Library
Stratham, NH
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 15, 2019

Present: Library Director Lesley Kimball, Library Trustee and Chair Kate Kim, Library Trustee
and Treasurer Steve Simons, Library Trustee and Secretary Susan Wilbur, Library Trustee
Michael Hunter, Library Alternate Trustee Kathy Bower

I. Call to Order

II. Welcome - Kate called the meeting to order at 6:33pm.

III. Review/Adoption of Minutes - Michael moved to accept the June 17, 2019 meeting
minutes as amended and Susan seconded the motion. Minutes were approved unanimously.

IV. Old Business -
A. Potential Space Study Info - At the last meeting, we discussed whether there is
potential for better library / community spaces? (ex, quiet study spaces, space for adult/
child to read together, flexible people space to suit different needs at different times)
Lesley spoke to two consultants who do internal space studies.
The first is Stibler Associates - they have worked with several libraries in NH and were
recommended by the Dover library. Stibler is coming August 7 at 10am for a tour and to
get more information before preparing their proposal.
The second is Patience Jackson (a former librarian and now building consultant).
Patience will send a proposal in early September and then come for a tour. Based on
Patience’s experience, she thought it would cost $5-6000 for the study.
Lesley is hoping to have some idea of the study cost before the town’s October 1 budget
proposal due date. The space study would be paid for by CIP (Capital Improvements
Program) money which would be voted on in March.
B. Book Sale Dates - October 3, 5pm, is confirmed for setup. October 4 and 5 are
confirmed for the sale. Michael will manage the book sale with Susan as backup.

V. New Business -
A. Review BOT Work Calendar -
i. Draft Budget Proposal - Lesley distributed her draft budget for 2020. The
final budget proposal is due to the town on October 1. Items in red are changes
from 2019 based on anticipatory changes in spending. Salary proposals are based
on a 2.5% increase for everybody as a place holder for what the town determines
to use for a cost of living increase.
Discussion ensued regarding the budget line vs the actual money spent for 2018.
There is a discrepancy for various reasons like employees on disability or sick
leave and the total budget being based on a January-December fiscal year but the
salary increases go into effect in April of each year. Also the total money spent for
non-salary expenses is higher because library income helped to pay for those
expenses (on top of the town appropriated budget).
[Kathy Bower arrived at 7:04pm and Kate appointed her as voting member.]
Lesley and the BOT will continue to review the budget until the October 1 town
B. Trustee 101: Advocacy - Susan reviewed and distributed notes on the topic. We
discussed the idea of library stories… how has the library helped the community and how
community need has impacted the library’s offerings. Examples include voter
information night, the new Busy Bees toddler discovery time and the trail camera and
telescope offerings. Lesley will think on other stories we could use. Kathy suggested tying
them into a fundraising request.

VI. Reports -
A. Treasurer’s Report (Operating and Fundraising Gifts) - Steve distributed the
report. We have made it through 54% of the year and are in good shape.
i. Deposited CIP (Capital Improvements Program) money to pay for
computer upgrades - The technology line of the report shows $5180 deposited
from CIP (income outside of town appropriation).
Steve motioned to accept $690 in fundraising gifts and $1904.74 in operating gifts
and Kathy seconded the motion. The gifts were accepted unanimously.
B. Director’s Report - Lesley distributed her report. Highlights include:
- The first demonstration of the film scanner happened and the scanner is now
available for use.
- Lesley has a list of maker space equipment available in her office.
- Another example of a project in response to community need is the Stratham
Historical Society digitization project (a partnership with the library and the
historical society). Lesley has created the website and a small amount of data has
been entered. The next step is to work out what digitization can happen outside
of the historical society building. Another challenge to the project is being able to
isolate particular types of photos (ex. one-room schoolhouses) or particular
documents (ex. deeds) as those are stored by family name.
- At the last Thursdays at the Park, Sam signed up 9 new families for the summer
reading program. Lesley will be there on 7/25. She will bring a bubble machine,
may give away books and will introduce families to the story walk.
- Lesley will attend the Stratham police department’s first national night out 8/6.
- The new Busy Bees program happens every other Friday in the morning and has
been a fabulous program.
- No statistics in the report this month. Michael is helping Lesley to organize and
format them for future ease in reporting.
- For the next meeting, Lesley will put together the cost for finishing the slanted
shelf project as well as the quantities of shelves needed. Could we offer up a a
opportunity where you “adopt a shelf” to raise the money to pay for the shelves?

VIII. No Executive Session needed.

IX. Next Meeting - Monday, August 19, 2019, 6:30pm at the library. (Michael and Kathy will
be absent..)

X. Adjournment - Kathy moved to adjourn and Steve seconded the motion. Approved