Board of Trustees Minutes (7/19/2021)

Meeting date: 
Monday, July 19, 2021

Wiggin Memorial Library Stratham, NH
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 19, 2021, 6:30pm

Meeting Held @ Wiggin Memorial Library

I. Call to Order - Kate Kim called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm.
Attendees - Library Director Lesley Kimball, Library Trustee and Chair Kate Kim, Library Trustee Michael Hunter, Library Trustee and Treasurer Steve Simons, Library Trustee and Secretary Susan Wilbur, Library Trustee Dree Sherry, Library Alternate Trustee Mike Deutsch

II. Welcome / Guests -

III. Review / Adoption of Minutes - Steve moved to adopt the June 21, 2021 meeting minutes. Michael seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

IV. Director’s Report - Lesley shared via email and in person.
One thing Lesley wanted to share that wasn’t part of the report - Sam has been accepted to be a part of the New England Library Association Emerging Leaders Virtual Cohort. There were 80 applicants for 30 spots - an honor to be chosen.
The plexiglass at the front desk makes it hard to hear patrons so guidance on that may change in the future. For now, it will remain.
The staff have been talking about how and when to expand library service hours. Some libraries are reporting evening hours (post-COVID) have been quieter. This could also be a result of summer time and needs may change with fall and start of school. The library is in a wait and see mode with a slower roll out for nighttime hours. Opening at 9:30 instead of 10 might be a place to start with expanding hours.
Pop-up libraries - the one at SHP was quiet, the Turnberry location was more popular. Lesley doesn’t think popups can be successful without some notice so the idea of them being true pop-ups might be limiting. Library could go to neighborhoods that request it. Vero suggested in front of Stratham Historical Society. Lesley will ask Sam how long the whole process takes to be aware for future planning.
The new computer system - Koha Aspen - does more than the current system. It groups different formats together and searching is more intuitive. 2 Library Directors in NH organized a group of Koha libraries to split costs for training. The library should be able to launch the system in September.
Michael H. is going to help Lesley with statistics. He was able to get into the system and run statistics on circulation from 2014 - pre-COVID. He will present more information next month.
After discussion, the BOT is in agreement that Lesley can make the mask policy optional for both patrons and staff anywhere in the library. Lesley will let staff know that this policy will be starting Monday, 7/26.

V. Town Updates -
a. Roof - The Select Board will be discussing more information regarding roof repair at their meeting tonight. Lesley thinks the town asked for bids from 2 companies. She also thinks they are shooting for the fall for any repairs. Michael H. asked if the library has insurance. Lesley said the building does and it includes contents. She has left a message for David Moore to get more information on who arranges that insurance. The damage from the last leak was only 3 books so it was not enough to put in a claim.
b. Sexual Harassment Training - Primex is doing this for town and library staff. They recommend the training happen every five years. It’s scheduled for August 18.

VI. Old Business -
a. Policy Review: Circulation - We looked at a draft last month. The biggest question is how old do you have to be to get a library card, how old to check out digital items, patron privacy (the privacy law does not address minor library patrons). Lesley and staff have started discussions on this. But no changes as of now. New system (Koha Aspen) will allow library to link parent and child accounts. If child wants to cut off that link, they can change their password in the system. Currently, there is the option to add a parent name to the child’s card. Do we switch the default to opt out to having a parent agree that they will be responsible for the child’s card? Default is opt-in right now. The law is mentioned in the policy under A2. Final decision tabled until next month.
b. Space Study - Scott reached out to the previous firm (Stibler) as well as Demco Interiors (they helped with Children’s Room design). He is asking for new proposals with costs. Once costs are nailed down, they can go to Select Board to ask for the CIP funding. Lesley did have a conversation with David Moore regarding the use of the library’s outdoor space and the effect of the space study on the whole building.
c. Staff Appreciation - Lesley did not get a lot of ideas from the staff. One person did suggest having lunch brought in for a couple of days. Wednesdays are the day with the most staff here during the middle of the day. Lesley will get more feedback and we will make a final decision next month.

VII. New Business -
a. 2022 Budget - Lesley would like someone to help her get the draft budget together. Operational budget is simple and doesn’t usually change. The salary line is quite challenging. This year, we have spent 42.4% of our salary line which means at the end of the year, we will have spent approximately 80% of our salary line. Lesley distributed spreadsheet details about the salary and asked for help to get us on a solid foundation. We always underspend our salary line because our request is for increases for Jan-Dec but the new rates don’t go into effect until April and they aren’t retroactive. Because of this, the budget salary line can ask for less but still allow the library to give out increases. The Select Board is no longer looking at individual salary amounts but want us to give a bottom line percentage increase. Last year, we did bonuses for staff because of extra money in the salary line. Michael D. will sit down with Lesley next week to make sense of the increase request to give the Select Board that will hopefully line up with their plan for town staff compensation.
b. Space Study - See above
c. Fundraising -
i. Sweet Grass Farm - We had discussed doing this earlier in the year. October? Lesley will touch base with Susan by email.
ii. Local Business “Grants” - If anyone has a connection with a Stratham business that they think might want to give a small $500 grant, let Lesley know. The library would like to do a program memorializing the 9/11 anniversary - purchasing 25-30 books (The Day the World Came to Town) to loan to people to read. After the program, the books could be loaned to other libraries. Steve suggested talking to the Friends of the Library for recommendations.

VIII. Treasurer’s Report - Lesley shared via email and in person.
a. Monthly Report - Steve shared that 54% of year has gone by and overall, we are in good shape.
b. Square Payment - Lesley shared that the library now has Square payment set up so we can take credit card payments for things like replacing lost/damaged books, applying for non-resident cards, etc. Lesley will find out the answer to the legal question of who should pay the Square fees for a municipality.
c. New Funding Request - Lesley has spoken to two different executive coaches. One plans on a 3-month session ($5000) and the other sets up a consultation and goes from there with a monthly fee of $1500/month for one in person meeting and 1 phone call/Zoom call. Both have experience with libraries and non profits. Lesley is asking if the library could invest in this or in some of this. The BOT agrees it is a good investment. Kate suggested it come out of the extra salary money. Lesley would like to meet with each person to assess which one is a better fit and compare what they are offering. Steve made a motion allowing Lesley to spend up to $5000 for professional development with the executive coach who best fits her needs. Michael seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

IX. Executive Session (Non-public session if necessary) RSA 91-A:3 - Lesley requested an executive session. Steve made a motion to go into a nonpublic session based on reasons A and C listed in RSA 91-A:3; Susan seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Executive session began at 8:24 pm.
The public session resumed at 9:39 pm. Steve made a motion to seal the minutes of the executive session. Michael seconded. All voted in favor.

X. Next Meeting - Scheduled for August 16, 2021, 6:30pm

XI. Adjournment - Steve moved to adjourn the meeting; Susan seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm.