Board of Trustees Minutes (8/19/2019)

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Meeting date: 
Monday, August 19, 2019

Wiggin Memorial Library
Stratham, NH
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 19, 2019

Present: Library Director Lesley Kimball, Library Trustee and Chair Kate Kim, Library Trustee
and Treasurer Steve Simons, Library Trustee and Secretary Susan Wilbur, Library Alternate
Trustee Kathy Bower, Library Alternate Beth Rohloff

I. Call to Order
II. Welcome - Kate called the meeting to order at 6:38pm. Kate appointed
Kathy as a voting member of the BOT.
III. Review/Adoption of Minutes - Steve moved to accept the July 15, 2019 meeting
minutes and Kathy seconded the motion. Minutes were accepted unanimously.
IV. Trustee 101: Budget Process (Presentation from Steve) - The Select Board sets a
date of October 1 to submit the library draft budget. The BOT and Lesley establish goals for the
library and set the line item budget. Lesley fleshes it out and the BOT gives the final approval.
Kate, as Chair, and Lesley (with the remainder of BOT as support) present the budget to the
Select Board (3rd-4th week in January) and to the Budget Advisory Committee. The Select
board determines the final budget that will get voted on at Stratham’s town meeting. The BOT
and Lesley have the autonomy to move the line amounts around and spend budget as needed.
There are state laws governing Trustees are put in charge of library budgets. Also the Capital
Improvements Program submission is at same time - usually the library asks for technology
upgrades each year. This is a separate request that is submitted to the town.
Kathy asked what makes a successful budget presentation. Steve thought including rational
explanations/details for any of the increases requested. Kate said it’s helpful to have the premeeting
to be able to explain the budget before the Budget Advisory Committee meeting night.
V. Old Business -
A. Budget Proposal - Lesley distributed the new draft budget. There aren’t many
changes since the meeting last month. Lesley said that Michael had asked about putting
up security cameras at the library entrances. Lesley spoke to the Stratham police chief
who said it could be helpful. Lesley asked other libraries for a cost reference. New
London put up 3 outdoor night vision cameras and paid about $2000 for install and
equipment. Hampstead put up 4 cameras and paid about $2550 plus $419 for annual
maintenance including remote access to the system. Beth asked about lockdown drills.
Lesley said that about 6 years ago there was training on lockdown drills and a procedure
was created at that time. The BOT thinks this idea is worth exploring further. Lesley will
talk to David Moore about potential surveillance for the whole building.
Lesley is in the process of asking library staff for suggestions of purchases they would
like for next year. So far, small suggestions have been given like a hand clicker for
programs and certain types of paper. Kathy suggested that Lesley tell the staff to dream
big in their requests and could the BOT fundraise for one of those dreams?
Joanne asked Lesley what she would like to purchase for next year. She would like quite
a few more chrome books (10 would be great, library has 2) to be used in the teen room
as well as for additional computer stations. She is interested in getting a second telescope
and plans to ask the Friends of the Library for that by the end of the year, specifically one
that comes with a computer and GPS in it (approximately $1200). She also has some
ideas for other equipment that could be loaned out like a power washer. Kate said she
has heard positive responses to that idea. What can the BOT fundraise for? Lesley will
put together a list.
i. Space Planning Cost Update (introductory presentation on concept at
Select Board meeting) - At David Moore’s suggestion, Lesley is going to the Select
Board meeting after the BOT meeting to give them a heads up that for this year’s CIP, the
library will be requesting money to use for a space planning consultation (see document
she distributed for further information). Lesley is meeting with a second consultant next
week to get their proposal and will then let the BOT know what the proposal choices are.
B. Book Sale Dates - October 3, 5pm, is confirmed for setup. October 4 and 5 are
confirmed for the sale. Michael will manage the book sale with Susan as backup. Lesley
mentioned that Michael has been working on the sale with Tricia.
C. Advocacy: Library Impact Stories - Tricia and Lesley are putting together some
stories. If anyone has anything else to add, let Lesley know. This is a placeholder on
agenda so the item isn’t forgotten.
VI. New Business -
A. Review BOT Work Calendar -
i. Staff Appreciation Party - Lesley said that John is not able to take on the planning
of this event at this time. Last year, the party was held at Stratham Hill Park, catered by
Leslie Blaney. There are usually 30-40 people including staff, BOT, Select Board, State
Reps and families. Lesley will send out invitations. Joanne will be the point person with
Lesley Blaney. Kate will help with set up. Lesley will ask Karen tomorrow about
September 29, 22 or 15 availability at the park and email the BOT. Joanne checked with
Leslie Blaney during the meeting and she is available September 29 if the park is
available then. Last year, BOT contributed the drinks. A sign up list will be passed
around at the next meeting, September 16. Kathy will provide decorations.
ii. Library Lovers Month (February) - Lesley said it could be an open house or
could be some type of fundraiser. The Children’s Room would like to rent another
character costume - could this be incorporated into an event? Lesley suggested a
committee with Sam, Lucia, Tricia and someone from the BOT. Beth offered to help with
this. Kate suggested the idea of purchasing a heart at the event and then people could
walk around and post it on the shelf of their choice (referring back to the idea of
fundraising to purchase new lower angled shelves.)
iii. Sweet Grass Farm Fundraiser - What are some ideas to boost this fundraiser?
Joanne suggested offering a chance to win a basket of products with every order placed.
Lesley suggested promoting it more with BOT/staff sharing it on Facebook and starting
earlier with the promotion. Could something go in the Stratham Magazine? Joanne will
take charge of this again and all the BOT will help with marketing. Susan and Kathy can
help with distribution.
VII. Reports -
A. Treasurer’s Report - Steve distributed the report. The library is good shape and is
meeting the budget for the year.
Operating and Fundraising Gifts - The library has received money from the TD
Bank Affinity program. TD Bank gives a percentage of the total average balance of all the
accounts in the Affinity program to the library, similar to the Amazon Smile program. TD
Bank is willing to come set up a table at any event the library has.
Steve made a motion to accept $1614.95 in operating and fundraising gifts and Joanne
seconded the motion. Gifts were unanimously accepted.
B. Director’s Report - Lesley distributed her report. It’s been an amazing summer.
Highlights include:
• Lesley is on track with the monthly check-in meetings with all staff - 8-9 hours/
month to meet with everyone.
• Sam was at the NE library Leadership Symposium - she had a great week and will be
presenting information to the staff. Next week, she goes to Indianapolis to a
conference sponsored by Children’s Librarians of NH.
• Lesley has been reelected to the NE Library Association Executive Board.
• Four library staff went on a NHLA field trip to the Boston Public Library which was
fun and successful. They took the library services tour so Lesley was able to get some
information in regards to space planning. They also took an art and architecture tour.
• Michael and Lesley are still working on putting library statistics into a more readable
format. In the meantime, anyone is welcome to come into the library to see them.
• Interesting statistics like the teen summer programing attendance was down but teen
collection use was up. Also there were a couple combined children/teen programs
this summer that were very successful.
VIII. No Executive Session needed.
IX. Next Meeting - Monday, September 16, 2019, 6:30pm at the library.
X. Adjournment - Joanne moved to adjourn and Steve seconded the motion. Motion
approved unanimously and meeting was adjourned at 8:08pm.