Board of Trustees Minutes (9/16/2019)

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Meeting date: 
Monday, September 16, 2019

Wiggin Memorial Library
Stratham, NH
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 16, 2019

Present: Library Director Lesley Kimball, Library Trustee and Chair Kate Kim, Library Trustee
and Treasurer Steve Simons, Library Trustee and Secretary Susan Wilbur, Library Trustee
Michael Hunter, Library Alternate Trustee Kathy Bower, Library Alternate John Dozet, Library
Alternate Beth Rohloff

I. Call to Order 

II. Welcome - Kate called the meeting to order at 6:37pm. Kate appointed Kathy as a voting member of the BOT.

III. Review/Adoption of Minutes - Kathy moved to accept the August 19, 2019 meeting minutes and Steve seconded. Minutes were accepted unanimously.

IV. Trustee 101: Right to Know Laws (Michael) Michael distributed a handout with highlights from the NHLTA Trustee manual and the NH DOJ Right to Know Memorandum
showing the conditions to follow for a meeting of a public body. He also included a checklist available for determining if a non-public session is needed and also included a flowchart of “do
these communications constitute a meeting?”

V. Old Business -
A. Budget Proposal -
i. Changes? Due 10/1 - Lesley did not have any changes or suggestions from the BOT since the last meeting. She also did not make any changes. Steve asked about the cost increase for craft programs mentioned on the director’s report - was that included in the new budget? Lesley stated that the library doesn’t always charge for materials - only when there is a special program - and the library
will waive the cost for anyone who asks. The amount put on the new budget did not increase, it is just a matter of reallocating that line item. In the past, the Friends of the Library have given money towards programming so that may happen again and help to offset increasing costs.
ii. CIP Update: Carpet replacement, space study, technology - The library will put in the normal CIP request for $5000 for ongoing computer upgrades. The space study (based on the Stibler Associates proposal) will also go in as a CIP request for $20,000. Carpet replacement for the library (David is handling the proposal for that) is back on the table and will be the third piece to go in the CIP request.
Steve moved to approve the 8/16/19 budget proposal (distributed at September meeting) plus the CIP requests of $20,000 for space study proposal and technology $5000. Susan seconded and proposal was approved unanimously.
iii. What should the library buy? Lesley reported on the wish list from staff - low ergonomic chair for shelving in kids room / laptop for 3rd work station at youth circulation desk / 2-3 iPads to use as catalog stations (one for kids room, two for the adult room) / food demonstration equipment for the large meeting room / portable dishwasher for large meeting room / money for “lucky day” book collection (extra
copies best sellers that can’t be put on hold so if it’s on the shelf for check out, it’s your “lucky day” / play kitchen for kids room / tall stand up fans to distribute air / new storytime carpet.
Lesley’s wish list includes - another telescope / another full-time person or ability to hire enough part-time people to make a full-time position / update some of the AV in the meeting rooms (dependent on the space study) / laptop (if there can be good remote access) / setup for recording and live streaming meetings and programs / hire somebody to work on digital archive project / a smaller desk / wall video screens throughout the library offering different information / full size cut outs of the librarians / new paint on the walls / angled bottom shelves / chromebooks / new meeting room chairs (The existing chairs are extremely comfortable but they are almost 10 years old with many stained cushions that aren’t able to be cleaned, are heavy, are difficult to stack and take up a lot of space. To purchase new ones would
cost $223/chair or $109 to just replace the cushion. Steve took one apart to see if they could be reupholstered. Lesley will find out the cost of fabric and John will explore whether they can be easily reupholstered.) Kathy suggested choosing one or two things to fundraise for or to request from local businesses sooner rather than later. Beth asked if some items should go into the budget rather than fundraise. Lesley will ask the Friends of the Library for the telescope. Maybe the “lucky day” book purchases could be absorbed in budget. (This could also be a good fundraiser idea.) New fans could come out of the budget (would just need to check building code first to find out if they are allowed.) AV equipment could come out of budget but after the space study is complete. The meeting recording system ($3500/year) live streams meetings and archives them online and is one of the priorities. Lesley will put together a priority list with costs and indicate what could go in the budget for future years (not 2020 budget).
B. Book Sale - Michael distributed a checklist and timeline for book sale. Sign up sheets were distributed to trustees. There was a discussion of whether there are enough books for sale - Michael counted
about 75 boxes. In the spring, there were at least double that number of boxes. BOT determined the pricing would be the same as the spring sale. Special books will not be separated out. There will be a discounted time during the last couple hours of the sale. Teachers/educators will be asked to make a donation instead of being charged a set fee. Books will be given away at the end to Discover Books.
Boxes of books will be $10/box after the sale is over. Friends of the Library are meeting 9/17 to confirm but Steve thinks they are doing a bake sale.
If the number of books dwindles, does it make sense to eventually try a one day sale? After a couple more book sales, the BOT can determine how the library’s online consignment sales are affecting the public book sale. Lesley clarified that book sale profits go into the BOT fundraising line and the profits from consignments and in-house sales go under another line.

VI. New Business -
A. Review BOT Work Calendar -
i. Staff Appreciation - Quite a few staff have said they aren’t available on Sundays for a staff appreciation party. Having a lunch during the work week is also challenging. The BOT determined that breakfast would be provided at the next staff meeting. Lesley will confirm date of the meeting and Kate will send out a signup genius for food selection. Steve will check on getting cash gift cards for all staff from the bank to avoid fees. There are 12 staff (including Lesley).
ii. Library Lovers Month (Feb) - Beth and Lesley are working on this. More to come in next meeting.
iii. Sweet Grass Farm Fundraiser - Lesley will touch base with Joanne.
B. Outreach: Presence at March 13 town meeting? Other opportunities? - Lesley had the idea to set up a library table at the March town meeting - potentially displaying some non-mainstream library items like the telescope, trail camera, 3D printer. Another idea is to do a library card drive. These ideas need to be run by the town moderator.
C. Meeting “Action Sheet” - The Select Board creates an action sheet available right after their meetings in lieu of having minutes ready within five days. Lesley likes having the actions listed without having to read all the minutes and is suggesting it to the BOT.
D. 3-D Printer Policy and Procedure - Lesley distributed a draft for reviewing and discussing at the next BOT meeting. Two procedure changes discussed were adjusting the price to $0.10/gram with a $2.00 minimum charge.

VII. Reports -
A. Treasurer’s Report (Operating and Fundraising Gifts) - Steve distributed the report. 37% of the budget remains to be spent and there is only 27% left of the year. Supplies, equipment and maintenance lines are going to be over so Lesley and Steve will discuss how to reallocate money. Steve made a motion to accept $625.00 in fundraising and operating gifts and Michael seconded. Gifts were unanimously accepted. Lesley also asked for $2390.25 to be transferred from the trustee fundraising account into the operating account. Steve made a motion to approve this transfer and Susan seconded. Transfer was approved unanimously.
B. Director’s Report - Lesley distributed her report. She distributed Sam Lucius’ report on her participation at NELLS (New England Library Leadership Symposium). This report will also go to the Select Board.
Lesley found out that, for 2020, IMLS are not giving out medals. Instead they are celebrating their 25th anniversary. they aren’t giving out medals. She distributed information on their celebration.
The meeting room policy workshop Lesley attended was very helpful and she will be making additional changes to the policy.
The film scanner will remain at the library for patron use but the VHS to DVD converter will be circulated for time and space constraints. The other two media converters may also be circulated.
Appraisals are coming up. One staff asked that the BOT consider using the staff as part of Lesley’s appraisal process and ask all staff if anyone would like to contribute either via email or in person. Kate will use Tricia as a liaison between the BOT and staff. Deadline for appraisals is November 30. Self appraisal forms will go to staff at the end of September. The appraisal process for Lesley is determined by the BOT.

VIII. New Business - Kate is moving at the end of school year and will not be running for a new term in March 2020.

VIII. No Executive Session needed.

IX. Next Meeting - Monday, October 21, 2019, 6:30pm at the library.X. Adjournment - Steve moved to adjourn and Susan seconded. Motion approved unanimously and meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.