Select Board Minutes 8/17/20

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Meeting date: 
Monday, August 17, 2020


MEMBERS PARTICIPATING:  Board Members Chair Mike Houghton, Vice Chair Joe Lovejoy, Board Member Allison Knab along with Town Administrator David Moore and Parks & Recreation Director Seth Hickey.

The Board Chair opened the meeting at 7:01 p.m.

Mr. Lovejoy made a motion to approve the August 3, 2020 minutes.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Parks & Recreation Director Seth Hickey presented his department report.  Mr. Hickey has been updating the policies and procedures regarding the Rec Revolving Fund.  He will present it to the Recreation Commission for their review and input.  Mr. Moore explained that the purpose was to establish consistency and transparency in the use of the Revolving Fund dollars.  The discussion focused on the need to add additional specificity regarding eligible expenses.  They discussed the types of expenses that have traditional been funded.  In general, they talked about the various groups that have an interest in the fund and the approval process for expenditures.  Mr. Hickey will incorporate the feedback and work with the Recreation Commission and Mr. Moore in follow-up.

Next, Mr. Hickey referred to the Town Parks & Facilities policies and procedures document.  He is consolidating existing policies and procedures.  There was discussion regarding which towns are eligible to rent pavilions at SHP.  Pavilion rental fees were briefly discussed.  Mr. Hickey is attempting to clarify how the Town’s facility rentals operate and whom should be responsible.  He reviewed requirements for events open to the public.  They discussed the alcohol consumption policy as it relates to various park events.  Mr. Hickey feels that events that charge fees should be required to obtain Select Board approval.  He will create a form for reservation requests.

Mr. Hickey met with Mr. Moore and Director of Public Works Nate Mears to discuss the preparation of the Smyk Property in preparation for formally inviting the public to use for passive use.  The group noted it would be good to ensure the public can access and that ideas for how to utilize the Park will evolve as the public has familiarity.  During the site walk, several improvements to promote safety were identified and DPW is set to work on those in the fall, namely to address the area of the previous building foundations.  The Board encouraged Mr. Hickey to solicit the Recreation Commission for ideas about the potential use in keeping with the terms of acceptance of the gift. Mr. Moore advised all of the work to be done will be in accordance with the terms of the gift.

Mr. Hickey reviewed the Trail Assessment submitted by Snowhawk LLC.  He is working with the Snowhawk on an initial draft that will be forthcoming in a matter of weeks.  He reminded the Board the Park Association, Recreation Commission and Conservation Commission have agreed to jointly fund the Assessment.  They discussed next steps in the trail assessment and Mr. Hickey advised the recommendations are being formulated and address trails, use policies, and care and maintenance.

Mr. Hickey reported soccer registration was down, as expected.  They are offering a reduced fall baseball program.  He was happy to report that seniors will be getting together at the pavilion.  Mr. Hickey has been researching after school programs that his department may offer.  He talked about facility requests and access to fields.  He presented revised information about the flag football program and their revised request which included more detailed COVID-related safety procedures and the Board agreed to approve of the field rental request for 2020.   

Mr. Hickey let the Skate Park Committee know he would be there to support them once they decide how they would like to proceed.

Mr. Hickey reported that the PCAC has decided to not meet for the remainder of the summer.  Mr. Houghton commended the group’s efforts thus far saying they were a catalyst for positive change in the community.   Ms. Knab agreed, noting they have community support.  The Board was cognizant that working with the DOT could be challenging and was likely causing frustration and stripping the group of its motivation.  Mr. Moore indicated the staff recently met to discuss the work of the PCAC and advised that he had offered to provide some guidance on project ideas and prioritization.  He pointed to the expiration of the Committee’s charge in November and that that was a good time to revisit the charge. 

Mr. Hickey is drafting a new process for Eagle Scout projects.

Mr. Moore referred to two pieces of correspondence:  one was a letter from a resident thanking Lt. Pierce for his assistance and the other was a resident requesting an exception to the ordinance regarding Transfer Station stickers.  The Board talked about the procedure in general.  Mr. Moore read the ordinance.  The Board decided to adhere to the Ordinance. 

Mr. Moore looked for approval of a letter created in coordination with the Town of Greenland regarding safety of Route 33.  The Board approved of sending the letter provided it was on Stratham letterhead.

Mr. Moore noted the ten year transportation plan has been discussed with the Planning Board and referred to the memo in the Board’s packet about submits for the 2020 update to the plan. The Board agreed to submit the current roster of projects and add Marin Way intersection with Route 111.

Mr. Moore reported that the proposals for curbside collection had been received and analysis was done.  The CCAC has a meeting tomorrow.

Mr. Moore gave an elections planning update.  Meetings have been ongoing for the primary and general election.  They are working on a circulation plan.  PPE has been delivered.  They further discussed logistics of the primary and general election. 

Mr. Moore explained that we are having capacity issues with the lockbox outside so we have ordered two more to accommodate the Town Clerk and other town business.

Mr. Houghton solicited the other board members opinions regarding the frequency of the Board’s meetings.  Because of the upcoming Labor Day holiday, they decided to hold their next meeting on Monday, August 31st. 

Mr. Moore explained that the Rockingham Sheriff is proposing installation of a propane generator to service the communication building.  Mr. Moore would like to confirm that this is in alignment with the agreement we already have in place.  Town staff will review and Mr. Moore will return to the Board with the information. 

Mr. Lovejoy designate the Town Administrator to execute the grant agreement with the State for the COVID-related election funds.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion.  All voted in favor.

Mr. Moore updated the board on the open positions within the Town and that interviews were scheduled for the Police Admin Assistant position on a rolling basis.

Next, Mr. Moore stated that the cable TV license agreement is expiring.  Comcast has offered another one year extension.  There was discussion about internet connectivity Comcast.  Mr. Moore will distribute the agreement and inquire of Mr. Somers of Comcast about his ability to participate at the Board meeting on the 31st. 

Mr. Moore referred to a memo from Town Planner Tavis Austin regarding the Marin Way traffic improvements.  He summarized the proposed approach to improving the intersection’s function and following-up on the commitments received from the properties who received recent land use approvals.

Mr. Moore said that he agrees with Town Clerk/Tax Collector Joyce Charbonneau recommendation to close the town departments to business on September 8th while voting is taking place.  The Board concurred.

Ms. Knab accepted the resignation from Stacey Grella.  Mr. Houghton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Mr. Moore reported a 10% increase in tonnage for trash, which is likely due to more people being home because of the pandemic.  We are assigning it appropriately to ensure reimbursement from COVID funds.

Mr. Moore noted that the insurance and the title for the Ladies Auxiliary trailer (Big Red) have been effectuated.

Finance Administrator Dawna Duhamel received a request from schools to move forward with electronic payments.  Mr. Moore reviewed the controls that would be in place and the Board agreed to allow the electronic payments.

At 8:55pm Ms. Knab motioned to go into a non-public session to discuss personnel matters (RSA 91-A:3 II (a)).  Mr. Lovejoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  Following the non-public session, the public session resumed at 9:45 p.m.  Mr. Lovejoy moved to seal the minutes noting that failure to do so would render a proposed action ineffective.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion and all voted in favor.

Mr. Houghton made a motion to appoint Richard Goulet to the Cemetery Trustees.  Ms. Knab seconded the motion.  All voted in favor. 

Mr. Houghton motioned to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Richard
Recording Secretary